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Lessons & Glossary

Highlights of Teachings & Techniques
Revealed in the Graded ONB Lessons.

Apprentice 1 degree to 3 degree (6 months lesson)
Teachings on:

  • Hong Sau meditation which enables the practitioner to open his "Third Eye," prepares his body in the awakening of the force of Kundalini, and lets him commune with God.

  • A powerful mantra which thwarts undue psychic influences and repels untoward accidents.

  • The awakening of the consciousness within every cell of the body which quickens one's spiritual evolution, energizes the body, and develops the power of astral projection.

Artisan 1 degree to 3 degree (2 years lesson)
  • The Secret or Divine Name of God that opens the key to the Triune Mysteries.

  • The Pentagram technique which attract powerful cosmic vibrations by aligning the practitioner's body with the stellar constellation where the Divine energy is most focused.

  • Holistic healing that combines the effective use of positive and negative breathing, the points along the spine which is the conduit of energy, and power of thought.

  • The technique of attaining a Rainbow Body" which transfigures man's physical body into a being of light.

Naga 1 degree to 3 degree (3 years lesson)
  • The Secret Name of Jesus the Christ
  • The force of Kundalini is awakened by the combined use of

     mantra, breathing, mudra, and physical exercises.

  • The technique of Mahamudra, literally "The Great Seal" enable the full comprehension and experience of Samadhi, Self - Realization of Godhood.

(MORE teachings and techniques are revealed in the latter grade.  Should you feel interested, just contact the ONB in the address indicated.)

Glossary of Sanskrit Words

Adi Narayana - concept denoting lord of the universe; equivalent  to "Adonai" in Hebraic Kabbalah
atma - soul
Buddha - refers to the divine nature in all humans; same as Christ Principle which everyone has; often referring to Siddhartha Gautama (5000 B.C.) who attained illumination or "Buddhahood" through maditation; Jesus the Christ, is known in the East as the Buddha Maitreya or the Buddha of Limitless Compassion.
chakra - energy points in the body; there are at least seven chakras in the body the physical counterpart of which are the glands  (e.g. pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, adrenal, etc.)
chela - student/practitioner of the mystical arts; one who meditates
dhyana - meditation
dharana - concentration
karma - destiny; the consequences of one's act and thought whether good or bad
kundalini - divine force, coiled like a serpent on the muladhara chakra (coccyx), which is present in all humans either in latent or awakened state; the awakening of this force lets a person attain samadhi and develops such powers as clairvoyance, telekenesis, astral projection, and mastery over the elements of fire, water, earth, and air
mantra - power words which have efficacy not because of the meaning but because of the sound vibrations inherent and produced thereby; divine names of God (e.g. "Aum," "Amen," "Eheieh," "Adonai," etc.)
Naga - a mystic; initiate of the ancient mysteries
Naga Brahma - an illuminated mystic
nirguna - impersonal aspect of the Absolute God
nirvana - heaven; literally, "annihilation of desire."  According to the Buddha, desire is ultimately the cause of suffering, hence, to attain nirvana or samadhi one must meditate and forsake all cravings and attachment
Om - one of the highly esteemed mantra known in India,
Equivalent to the YHVH [Tetragrammaton] of the Kabbalists, which is the primordial sound in the creation of the universe.
prakriti - conscious divine energy
prana - ultra molecular Life - force that pervades the entire universe and is present in all matter
sadhana - meditation/spiritual practice
saguna - personal aspect of God
samadhi - a state of supreme ecstacy; full realization of reality and comprehension of God attained through meditation
samsara - mental impressions or tendencies embedded in one's subconscious accumulated through countless numbers of birth and rebirth
Siddha - a highly-evolved, Self-realized being
yoga - system of meditation aimed at attaining samadhi or
illumination; literally, "union with God"
yogi - practitioner of yoga



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