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Welcome to Runningwolf's Home Page

OSIYO(Hello)! My name is Runningwolf and my Native American ancestry is Cherokee. I have known this all my life, but, although interested, I never learned a lot about my ancestry until I got on-line a few years ago and a whole new world opened up for me. Last year, a dear friend gave me the name of "Runningwolf", which I am very happy with, the "wolf" part coming from my great love for these beautiful animals. I have many diverse interests, and I hope I will eventually add pages about all of them to this site. I have always loved crafts and hand work. I am trying to make a dream come true by beginning my own business. You will find that I will have pages on my site about the business I am just beginning consisting mostly of Native American style jewelry and crafts. Also, I will hope to have pages about my years as a Pediatric nurse, my favorite animals (wolves), and my life in Africa in the 80's. Photography, another of my favorite activities, will be included as I set up a page to sell the notecards I make. Called "Nature Notes", they are notecards with photos I have taken all over the country and around the world. I also can make custom cards from your pictures. Included also, will be a page dedicated to my Mom, one of the dearest people in the world. She was diagnosed with Alzhiemer's Disease two years ago. I am her caretaker and am teaching her to string beads on large-sized cords to make sort of "primitive" style necklaces. I hope I can sell a few of them for her and donate the proceeds to the Alzhiemer's Association. I hope you will enjoy my site! I would love to hear your comments and suggestions via e-mail. The Music you are listening to, is "Amazing Grace", sung in Tsa-la-gi (Cherokee), by yhe singing group, "Walela". Hope you enjoy it! Wado (Thank you), Runningwolf

My Links

My Jewelry Creations
My Jewelry Creations, page 2
My Jewelry Creations, page 3
My Jewelry Creations, page 4
My jewelry Creations, page 5
Native American Talking Sticks
Native American Talking Sticks, page 2
Native American Dreamcatchers
Native American Dreamcatchers, page 2
Notecards and Greeting Cards
Notecards and Greeting Cards, page 2
Notecards and Greeting Cards, page 3
Notecards and Greeting Cards, page 4
Notecards and Greeting Cards, page 5
Small Items of Various Types
Small Items, Various Types, page 2
Small Items, Various Types, page 3
Mom's Creations for the Alzhiemer's Association
