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Sri Ragavashram – Jayanthi 2002 Photos



Thiruvannamalai is a sacred place situated in the southern part of the holy land Bharat Varsha. This place is regarded as a shrine devoted to Agni, one of the five elements – Pancha Bhootha. Large number of spiritual savants known as Siddhas have been here from the distant past. Coming in that tradition is a great Siddha, His Holiness Bhagwan Shri Yogi Ramsuratkumar, who in our own times has taken his abode here and the Bhaktha Samaj was founded with His blessings in 1998 and has been rendering spiritual service since then. The first and primary task of this Samaj is to spread the glory of  “Ram Nam”– OM SRI  RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM – among as many people as possible. It is the considered opinion of many who are born in this land that singing God’s praise or Nama Sankeerthan, is the best means to concentrate the minds of those who, in this Kali Yuga struggle endlessly, being caught in the ocean of mundane existence samsara sagara.

 Sri Bhagwan YogiRamsuratkumar is one among those great men who are born in this land with this confirmed faith. In today’s context let’s accept Bhagwan’s advice which enables us to cross the ‘samsara sagara’ by using Ram Nam  as the boat and let us sing the praise of the Lord all through the day; let us have it as the ultimate aim i.e., to dedicate that prayer to the sacred feet of the Guru. Let us take pledge in the name of His Holiness Shri Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar that we shall perform Nama Sankeerthan with earnestness and devotion, which help us move towards a higher level of existence.

Notebooks are published and distributed by the Samaj so that devotees can write the Ram Nam, OM SRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM, everyday as many times as possible; this will generate sacred thoughts in the minds of the devotees. After completing the writing of the Ram Nam these notebooks may be returned to the Samaj within ten days.

Starting from the Chitra Poornima Day 1999, poor feeding service is regularly carried out on the Pournima Day of every month. ‘Manolayam’, a monthly journal in tamil, containing spiritual and religious matters, is published by the Samaj. This journal contains spiritual ideas, extracts from sacred texts, sayings of great thinkers and teachers from all over the world. Besides this, ‘Gaana Sudha’, a collection of Bhajan songs, ‘Guru Sthudhi’, ‘Aarathi’, books on Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar are also published.         



To perform many more such sacred and charitable activities by the Samaj we pray for the blessings of Guru Maharaj.


Contact Address


Sri Raghavashram

South Mada Street,

Kolathur Village,

, Chennai 600 048

Phone: 04114 479389