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SuperSite II: Bloginator
Wednesday, 21 June 2006
100 Entries...
Now Playing: Talk Radio
Topic: Announcements
Well, this is the final post. I have a new url...

The New SuperSite Blog

So change your bookmarks, post a comment, and check the new blog for updates!!!

Also, scroll down and check out my other acts on the web!

-Mr. Joseph Kay

PS I wanted to thank all of you who made this blog worthwile -- everyone who read this, I want to thank you. This has been so much fun, that I will continue the tradiation on the new blog. Thanks!!!

Posted by super2/super316 at 3:09 PM CDT
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Friday, 19 May 2006
99 Entries on the Wall, 99 Entries...
Topic: Announcements
Well this figures...

SuperSite II: Bloginator has officially run out of free disk space. Wow.

On the 99th entry too.

Oh well, so no more multimedia for now.

However, I have been planning for this day. My plan is to archive this blog, rename it "SuperSite I" or something and then start a new blog, link the two together and continue my updates.

This blog may be out of room, but this blogmaster has another trick up his sleeve.

Expect one more entry (for 100) and a new url for updates.

I won't buy more space because I'm cheap and lame. Anyway, I would appreciate some comments telling me your thoughts about this site.

Thanks for everything!
-Mr. Joseph

Posted by super2/super316 at 1:53 PM CDT
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98: Cleaning out my closet... er, computer
Topic: Pictures a Go-Go
OK, here are all my pictures I have been wanting to post for awhile now.

This is the last day of class for me, so I want to finish this up...

First, WWI propaganda or King Kong sequel? You decide!

Next, the largest tank in World War II...

And finally, Robocop!

That's it!
-Mr. Joseph

Posted by super2/super316 at 1:46 PM CDT
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97: End of Hate
Topic: Pictures a Go-Go
I don't know who has been reading this long enough to remember my old segment, "Stupid Conservative of the Day", but alas it was a really stupid idea of mine.

Anyway, at one point I named Nik Nelson (a kid at my school) this, simply because I didn't like an article he wrote in the school newspaper.

On this site I slammed him for his political beliefs and on my RT Journal I called him, at one point, "Nik fuckin Nelson".

These were immature and needless comments. I would like to retract both of them and any other baseless insult I have directed at him.

Why the change of heart? Well, a few days a ago, he say behind me at an all school Mass and my friend pointed at him and said "Joe, look, it's your mortal nemisis!"

Realizing that he had a point, I felt kind of bad. I don't want a mortal nemesis. So, I talked to Nelson briefly and he stated that he wasn't trying to be a journalist with his Right-Wing editorials. He then assured me that he wasn't "that much of a dick". I responded, "I like to think I'm not that much one one either".

Via email, anyone can sound evil -- however, its different in person. He didn't seem to be that bad of a guy, so I offered him my handshake and said, "Our emails have gotten kind of harsh, but I just want to say -- 'No hard feelings?'..."

He shook my hand and that was it. At that point, I stopped hating him. I immidiately decided to make this post on my blog.

So, on my behalf and behalf of this weblog, I would like to retract all my mean-spirited comments and offer my apologizes to Nik Nelson.


Posted by super2/super316 at 12:43 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 19 May 2006 1:36 PM CDT
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Thursday, 4 May 2006
Entry XCVI: Gizoogle!
Topic: Complete randomness
Oh man,

This is funny shit.



Here is my page (this site) translated by Gizoogle...

SuperSite II: Bloginizzle

Peace out, bitches.
-Mr. Joseph

Posted by super2/super316 at 10:45 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 2 May 2006
Entry Ninety-Five
Topic: Announcements
Well, plenty news today -- big news, actually.

Number One: I GOT SnakeEater III ...His Law!!!

Yee-haw! You can expect a review on it soon.

Number Two: The latest series of movies I have been watching are the Deaht Wish series starring Charles Bronson.

You can also expect a entry tribute to the entire series (after I see Death Wish III -- that is the only one I haven't seen yet).

Number Three: Who has seen American Movie?

Anyway, my mom went to see a talk by an independant filmmaker at a fundraiser for a new local film dealing with mental disorders. Part of the fundraiser included other local filmmakers showing up as well, including the two guys from American Movie. She talked with them and got the one with glasses to sign an autograph for me (because my mom new I would love it). She then talked to another filmmaker about getting me an internship over the Summer. He emailed me and said he would love to have me on as a "PA" (Production Assistant). So, this summer, I will be working on an independant film project! More news to come on that later.
Here are some pictures of the event...
First, mom and Mark from American Movie...

Here's a second picture of them...

And here is Mark signing an autograph for me...

...So yeah, good stuff. More to come on all this later.

Number Four: Did you know that al Gore is making a movie?

It is called "AN Inconvinient Truth" and it is about Global Warming. I'm looking forward to it.

Well, that is the bell -- I got to get to class!

-Mr. Joseph

Posted by super2/super316 at 8:48 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 26 April 2006
94: "I hate snakes."
Topic: Complete randomness
In a few months, you can expect a review on this...

Fucking Amazing.

-Mr. Joseph

Posted by super2/super316 at 2:54 PM CDT
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Monday, 24 April 2006
Entry 93: Pictures!
Topic: Pictures a Go-Go
Here are some more pictures from the archive of my computer...

Nice sign...

See the connection?

SPECIAL: Comic Book covers!

Vicious Propaganda, "Gay City", and the driver in the last one looks like Reagan.

-Mr. Joseph

Posted by super2/super316 at 2:43 PM CDT
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9 to the 2: World Wide Web Whatever
Topic: Lists for Fun
OK.... this is all the web activity for me right now...

1) Super Site II: The Home Page
2) Political Thunder
3) The Joseph Kay Show Blog
4) MUHS Friends of Islam -- I am the Webmaster for a club at school...
5) The Crypt of Chuck Norris -- My Rotten Tomatoes Movie Review Blog
6) My FaceBook Account -- I also have a myspace, but I'm getting rid of it...
7) The Wikipedia Page for The Joseph Kay Show

That's it for me on the web...

-Mr. Joseph

Posted by super2/super316 at 2:41 PM CDT
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Sunday, 23 April 2006
91(1) in Plane Sight
Topic: Announcements
Hi all,

Sorry it has been so quiet around here... I have been very busy...

Updates coming soon, including a complete update and explanation of my business on the Web.

Expect some news tomorrow or Tuesday.

-Mr. Joseph

Posted by super2/super316 at 6:19 PM CDT
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