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Dogz Adoptions

Welcome to Kittycats Cattery v.5 Rainbow Style! Last updated 28th May 2002!

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 If you would like to adopt a dog fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Some dogz on this page contain hexed breeds! All dogz are freebies, but remember there's still rules!

*~!Rules 4 Adoption!~*

You can adopt no more than 4 dogz a week. You must use separate appys for each one you want to adopt. You must not abuse any puppies. Any dogz that you can no longer take care of please return. To show that you have read the rules write in the box that say have you read all the rules type *hello*

*All dogz are freebies! So you don't need to come up with a reason!*

There are some dogz been sent in but I'm not sure what gender and breeds they are. But they will be up very soon!

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

Your Name:Your Email:Your URL:Which Pet: Do You Have The Breedz: What Petz Program Do You Have: Have you read all the rules?