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~ P e r s p e c t i v e ~

*A Letter From James Twyman *

Dear Friends,

Many of you will remember when I was invited to Iraq by Saddam Hussein in 1998. We were on the verge of war and I was asked to sing the Peace Concert at the national theater in Baghdad, a concert that was attended primarily by government officials. I was able to secure valuable contacts during that journey, feeling that there would come a time when I would need to use them again. That time has come.

Last year over 250,000 prayers were contributed to the Million Prayer March after Yasser Arafat said that it would take "a million strong prayers to bring peace to the Middle East." (A web site had been set up to collect the prayers.) It is safe to say that this statement applies to the whole world, for our prayers of peace are needed now more than ever.

I have arranged through a contact in Iraq to have the millions prayers of peace delivered through that country to the Taliban government in Afghanistan. Likewise, because there is evidence to suggest that Iraq was involved in the planning of these attacks, another copy of the prayers will be delivered to Baghdad, hopefully to Saddam Hussein himself.

Finally, because this prayer march originated with the conflict in the Middle East, a conflict that has increased in the last year, a computer disk containing the million prayers will be secretly inserted into the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, lending energetic support to peacemakers on both sides of that terrible war.

We need your help if we are to meet our goal of a million prayers of peace. Can you think of a simpler, more profound way for you to be personally involved in the process of healing? Please pass this on to everyone you know, and tell people you meet. Simply click onto this link or go to, then follow the instructions.

The events of September 11 were a wake up call. We need to actuallycreate a world of peace and compassion, not expect it to happen on its own. Can your one prayer make a difference? YES!!! Add a prayer everyday...ten prayers a day till we reach our mark. It is up to you.

May Peace Prevail on Earth!
James Twyman

Prayers of Peace ~ A Million Prayers of Peace to be
presented in Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel and United States.

~ Whether I add a prayer or just read others,
I find this website very peaceful

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