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~ P e r s p e c t i v e ~


Our Hearts Cracked Open

On September 11, 2001, our lives were irrevocably changed.... Since then, I have been deluged by phone calls at all hours of the day and night, plus countless emails asking, and some demanding, an explanation. I have been sent lists of numbers which add up to eleven: the flight number of the first plane, the total passengers on it, the letters in the president's name, the shape of the World Trade Towers themselves, etc. The implication has been that this catastrophic event has something to do with the 11:11.

Up until now, I have been unable to put my thoughts and feelings into words. I have simply been experiencing the shock and intense grief shared by many throughout the world. I have needed to be quiet and absorb the blow to our planetary psyche. To sit in my own feelings before I tried to articulate them to others.

This much I can share...

Nothing will ever be the same for us, especially for those living in the United States. Our sense of security, comfort and complacency has been severely damaged. Each time we hear an airplane passing overhead, we wonder if it's also been hijacked and on its way to a new target. It will take a long time before we feel truly safe again. Each of us is feeling a sense of great vulnerability and loss of innocence.

This heightened sense of vulnerability will probably become a strong part of our beings. Although it can be extremely uncomfortable to feel so vulnerable, vulnerability has many positive qualities. It can make us more open and compassionate. It can bring us deeper in touch with our true feelings. It can also unite us stronger into One Being.

We now have to learn to live with our vulnerability and avoid the natural defensive response to shut down our feelings and armor ourselves. Being raw and vulnerable makes us more real. It rearranges our priorities. What was important to us before September 11th has fallen away. It has shrunk in the light of something much more real: life, death, transformation, sorrow and love. And this has happened to many. We realize that it's important to express our love to all beings. To show how we feel; to be honest and true.

It's interesting how many of the people in the World Trade Center who died were given the opportunity to call those closest to them and tell them that they loved them. Even some of the people who initially survived the collapse of the buildings were able to call out on their cell phones. The same is true of many of the people on the hijacked airplanes. How often are we given the opportunity to make one last phone call to express our love before we die?

Perhaps, we should now consider every interaction we have with any being as our last phone call. Let's express our love and honor the inherent divinity and the sometimes challenging, but always touching humanness which we all share.

We have all been through a massive shock. A hole has been ripped in our planetary psyche. Our hearts have been cracked open. We have all been wounded. A veil of illusion has been violently stripped away, like ripping off a bandage and exposing our most tender places. It has hurt us all. The unexpected shock was a necessary part of the process. Some people have emailed me asking why this wasn't mentioned in September's Surf Report? It's because we were all meant to be profoundly stunned by the Unexpected, myself included.

When shock happens, it makes a deep opening in our beings. It dissolves our layers of defensive armor and cracks open our hearts. Now, it is our choice what we are going to do with the newly created openings. We can stay in the discomfort of vulnerability and go deeper into love and Oneness or we can fall into the trap of duality. Duality wants us to hate. It wants to fuel the fires of our anger and seek revenge. It wants us to believe in outer enemies, in a battle between "Good" and "Evil". This is all yet another illusion and hopefully, many of us will not get drawn into it.

Although there is a huge surge of nationalistic pride in our country, cheering shouts of "USA", and American flags being displayed everywhere, many, many Americans do not want our government to go out and kill more innocent people in order to "avenge" the deaths of our innocent people. As my mother used to tell me, "Two wrongs do not make a right."

Perhaps, this is the time to find new ways of communicating with each other, of honoring our diversity and merging it into a greater Oneness. Let's use this opportunity to open new dialogues and address some of the divisive issues splitting up humanity into warring factions. Why don't we take a good look at some of the conditions and issues which have created such an intense hatred of our country amongst some factions and put our efforts into finding lasting remedies?

We are a planet of the walking wounded and long have been. How can we heal this? Will war solve any of these problems? What can we do within ourselves to heal our own wounds? How can we personally foster and nourish Oneness?

Now, as to the connection with the 11:11....

Yes, as the lists I've been sent attest, there were many Elevens in these events. There were also number Nines. Eleven is the number of anchoring the New and Nine is the number of completion. September 11 is also 911 which is the emergency phone number used throughout the United States. The shape and height of the World Trade Center buildings did resemble an 11. They also resembled the two pillars at the far edge of this dimensional universe. Usually, these two pillars are crossed forming an X and barring entry beyond that point. When they are upright, they may be passed through and other dimensional universes may be entered.

At this point, everything which happens in this world can be seen in the context of the 11:11. They are not caused by the 11:11, but they have relevance to it. Where we are in the map of the 11:11 is approaching the Fifth Gate whose keynote is Personal Freedom. So the shocking events occurring in America can be seen on a much larger scale as dealing with Personal Freedom.

From watching television nonstop for much of the week, I have seen the photographs of the missing and dead. I have heard many of their stories. They were such bright and innocent people. The courage and dedication of the heroic firefighters, the heroism of those on the flight which crashed in Pennsylvania who grappled with the hijackers and gave up their own lives that others might live. Who will forget the strength and resilience of those living in New York City, the dedication of New York's Mayor Giuliani and the news anchors who have put in long hours, the suffering of the families of those still missing, the heartbreaking work being done by the rescue workers searching through the debris in arduous conditions. We can be proud of these fellow beings. This tragedy has stretched many far beyond what they thought they could bear and given them an opportunity to express their inherent greatness.

If we look at these events from a much vaster scale, perhaps we will see that everyone involved chose their role in this great tragedy. Those who died willingly chose to leave the planet at this time. Their soul's agreement to participate was probably made before they incarnated. It is somewhat similar, although on a much greater scale, to the time when Princess Diana and Mother Theresa chose to leave the planet within days of each other, thus opening our hearts and deepening our compassion.

We can see this as a collective act; an action of tremendous heroism by all those involved. Even the extremely misguided hijackers were part of the vaster plan. Although their beliefs may be far different from ours and difficult for us to understand or condone, they willingly gave their lives for something they believed in. It was simply a role which they chose to play out.

The purpose of all this sacrifice was to shock us into what's real. To shock us into our hearts, and hopefully, our deepest compassion. To bring us together into greater Love and Oneness. To cut us free from many illusions. To further jolt us into being alive and true.

Going out into the streets, there is a new, more somber mood. People are quiet and serious. When they talk, they are talking about the events of this week. People are actually looking at each other, deeply, as we share the collective trauma we have experienced. There's not much to say, but there is much to feel. People are coming together all over the world to hold candlelight vigils, to share their collective grief and support each other. Our planetary psyche is coming together not in a defensive stance, but in love. It is a beautiful thing.

Now it is our choice as to whether we step deeper into Oneness or get drawn into the battles of duality. Many people have joined together and made the ultimate sacrifice to jolt us awake. Let us honor them by honoring each other. By living our Love. By finding forgiveness for ourselves and all others. By honoring all of humanity. By honoring the gift of life itself.

This article is copyright 2001 by Solara, and
used here with Solara's kind permission

The NVisible ~ Solara & the 11:11

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