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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer/Philosopher's Stone Quiz

So you think you know a lot about the Harry Potter books? We'll see! This quiz was designed to be extra challenging. Try your best and don't cheat, you know, like don't pull out the book to take a peek! Click "Finished" when you're done to check your answers. Good luck!

  1. Where was the boa constrictor's native land?
  2. In what vault number in Gringotts did Hagrid get the package for Dumbledore?
  3. What year was the breeding of dragons outlawed?
  4. What did Dumbledore use to turn out off the streetlights at Privet Drive?
  5. How many sandwiches did Mrs. Weasley pack for Ron on his first trip to Hogwarts?
  6. What was the very first monster Harry came into contact with at Hogwarts?
  7. What was Harry dreaming about the night of Dudley's birthday?
  8. What house is Mandy Brocklehurst in?
  9. What time did Harry had to wake up to get the mail before Uncle Vernon could?
10. What were the color of the wings on the key that Harry caught?
Time to see how well you did! The unchecked ones are incorrect.


  • 90%-100% You're a regular Hermoine!
  • 70%-80% Great Job!!
  • 50%-60% Give the book another look.
  • 30%-40% Neville???
  • 10%-20% What book are you reading?