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~Owen James' Hompage~

site created: 2/18/00 last updated: 5/1/00


Me in action.....I like all flavors.
My Guestbook

*The Tale of the Tape*

Owen James:
Ht- 6' 2 1/2"
Wt.-  192
Shoe size-  14
Love for the game-  Immeasurable


Learn more about O.J.

The Squad

Some cool Links

My Prospective Colleges


Welcome to my homepage!!!  You'll have to bear with me as my site is in the beginning stages of construction.  Many new features will be added soon.  I attend school at Westerly High School and play basketball for the Bulldogs  Unfortunately, I was forced to the sidelines for much of the season because of an injury. Look out for us next year though...Go Bulldogs!!!

Comments or Questions?
Email me at OwenJames43@hotmail.com

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