The past stays in the past
Monday, October 31

I really did post something here just the other day, but for reasons I don't have time to explain right now, I promptly took it back down. In lieu of that, I'd like to say that the story I was reading last night about the memorial for Rosa Parks at the Capitol Rotunda choked me up as I was editing, and also that right now I'm obsessed with the song "Little Round Mirrors" by Harvey Danger, which has these horn parts that turn all my organs to mush when I hear them, and which I am able to listen to right now because you can download the whole new album for free on the band's site.

Thank you so, Harvey Danger.

I don't mind the weather; I've got scarves and caps and sweaters
Wednesday, October 12

Fall is my favorite season, hands down. Right now it's chilly and glowery and rainy outside, and there are leaves flying in the wind, and in here I'm cozy and about to make some mind-blowingly awesome chocolate cookies and pasta with squash, bacon and goat cheese sauce, and for some reason all this just makes me inordinately happy.

Death Cab for Cutie, "Blacking Out the Friction"

Tuesday, October 11

While making no commentary on their music, I was going to respectfully suggest that perhaps Clap Your Hands Say Yeah should have more fully considered the implications of selecting that moniker for themselves. Namely, the fact that lazy people who don't feel like dealing with a band name that long will invariably shorten it as much as possible, which in this case probably means "The Clap." I suppose there's a certain titillation factor, and possibly even a marketing scheme, in that for a rock band, especially if your popularity is spreading rapidly. But it seems like it would eventually just lead to a lot of unfortunate puns, snickering journalists and irritating questions about your sex life, and how can you really preserve your dignity in that situation?

Anyway, I was going to suggest all this, and then I discovered that there's an Irish band that decided to fully exploit the titillation factor by calling themselves simply The Clap, so I guess the point is moot.


Off the shelf

On repeat

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