
Bibliography Chronology

Farsi poetry Hindi poetry
Keh mukarni

Your feedback
Guest book

Comments from some of the visitors

For feedback you can either email me or use the guestbook.

(The following are unedited and unsorted comments about the site received via email and guestbook. Also they are placed in no particular order (alphabetical or chronological). If any one wishes me to remove her/his email address or comment from this page, please let me know. Yousuf)

"amurtuza" <amurtuza@ev1.net>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 23:26:14 -0500

Yousuf sahib, salaam. I visit this site (amir khusrow) often and read the poems. Thanks for putting this together. I was curious where to find ghazals or qawwali's of his work. I have a couple of them but I think there are several more. Anyway thanks. Masood. Houston, Tx (m-murtuza@ti.com)


From: Sairandhree.Neralkar@iflexsolutions.com
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 14:58:15 +0530

I always Liked Amir Khusro's work, but could not get to read and understand much. Then I found ur website, Its simply a great site ,especially people like me who are intrested in Poetry ,but need some helping to understand it first. Today I am feeling as if some key to treasury is found. And all Thanks to u for that.

Can u refer me some books and and sites on similar subjects ( ie. Hindi and Urdu Poetry)?

(Assosiate Consultant)

From: "Sweet 4ever" <afghani4ever@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 22:38:00 +0200

Salam Doste Aziz!
I have visited ur website & it is a very nice one. I am working on my website these days & I am very much interested in having some of the words of our great farsi poets.I am impressed by the way you have displayed them in your website.I would be very grateful if you would help me get some of such kind in my page.
Looking forward to your cooperation,
Yours Sincerely
Nissar Ahmad


From: "Rohan J D'Souza" <Rohanj@kcsl.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 15:36:21 +0530

Hi Mr.Saeed,

I went through your website on Amir Khusro and found it to be exceptionally good. I enjoyed reading the qawwalis and understanding the lyrics properly. So far I have only been able to enjoy the music and the vocals in the qawwalis not so much the lyrics.But thanks to you now I can appreciate the lyrics even better. I also agree with the points brought out in your essay, specifically, the point, "but inevitable to have a 'plural' cultural identity in order to understand and live with your fellow citizens in a multi-cultural country like India - or for that matter anywhere in the world today." We talk about unity in diversity, but all this remains in talk only, not in action! In these troubled times in India, where seperatist intentions flare up at the smallest pretext, the understanding of the work of enlightened humans like Khusro, will go a long way in helping us live with and more importantly celebrate this diversity. Looking forward to your book on Khusro's work.


Sign Time: August 07 2001 at 12:57:56


From: "Shahidi
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 21:26:29 +0800

yousuf sahab

You are doing great job.Keep it up.



Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 18:46:23 EDT
Subject: Salam Yusuf sahib

Salam Yusuf Sahib,
I accidentally stumbled upon your site and was impressed by it's scholarly and a very humanistic approach. We can become what we want to become by how we view ourselves and our history. Unfortunately, some of us want to interpret history in a narrow sense and become monsters in the process. I was raised in Pakistan and was appalled by how history is distorted in order to feed the ongoing hatred and people's insecurities.

I hope to God that the Humane voices like yours carry on and are heard everywhere and, hopefully, in the process make South Asia a little more livable, a little more humane. God bless.


Tue, 12 Jun 2001 05:10:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Guruguha <gurukool108@yahoo.com>

Hi !

First of all let me congratulate you for a neat and well informed site on Amir Khusro. I am a Project Leader in an IT firm in Bangalore.I listen to a lot of Sufi qawwalis and was looking for lyrics. Do you have lyrics for Bulle Shah's qawwalis. If not could please inform me about any links on the internet where they have the lyrics!

Hope to get your help....

Thanks in advance!

(Get curious... visit www.Sahajayoga.org)


Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 18:39:47 EDT

The review of the Khurau Festival is extremely well-done. It is well
informed, with perception and taste. It is also a contribution by
itself to Khusrau studies. I congratulate you and hope and wish we will hear more from you. I am particularly interested in the Urdu-Farsi type script you have used. It is excellent. I would like to use it for publishing some Urdu books in the near future. Please send me information about. More specifically, please let me know if there is a good publisher in Delhi who has this font (type) .I shall be very grateful. My e-mail address is: Lalazaar @aol.com .
Asad ur Rahman


Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 11:01:19 -0400

Saeed sahib,

aadaab. Everytime I wander across this site I always want to commend
you on conceiving and implementing this extraordinary site. Finally I
thought I'd pen this letter to rid my heart of the guilt for withholding genuinely
deserved praise.

I do have a couple of questions for you:

1) Will you add more of Hazrats Farsi works to your site in the future?

2) I have tried at length to get Hazrat Khusro's Farsi kulliyaat but to
no avail. What I do find are compilations( e.g.. the one by Gopi Chand Narang etc). Would you happen to know where I could obtain a copy of Hazrat Amir Khusro's kulliyaat?

in awe of your exquisite site,

Umang ----------

"Joanna and Patrick" <c.e.r.e.s@xtra.co.nz>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 15:55:06 +1200

Hello Yousuf,
Thankyou for creating the Amir Khusro website. It was very well presented and I learned much from it.

Best regards,


Sun, 08 Apr 2001 00:39:25 -0400
From: Munir Pervaiz <mmunir@mail.visionol.net>

My dear Saeed Sahib,

I visited your Amir Khusro site through Britannica website.Actually I
had just attended a musical concert in Toronto, where I acquired a book on Indian Music. I was surprised to find that the book refuted Amir Khusro' scontribution to Hindavi music.

That led me to my search and your site.

It is truly a site of highest standard. I have already directly recommended it to several hundred people.

My message has also gone to Dr. Gopi Chand Narang, whom you might know. He is well known in Canada.

Thanks and best regards.
Secretary and Director
Writers Forum Canada


Mon, 02 Apr 2001 21:55:35 +0800
From: "S.Gautham" <gauthams@vsnl.com>

Dear saeedbhai,

aadabs - from a stranger who strayed on to your home page - It was most
interesting. I was particularly touched by your use of the phrase

I am trying to help some friends arrange a qawwali performance at a
private gathering - and was wondering if you could help me with a few
contacts of young and talented performers in delhi who may be
interested. I know a couple of performers myself - but they are
( and very talented!!) and so, very expensive.

i hope this is not a bother.

khuda hafeez



Wed, 28 Mar 2001 14:15:39 -0600
From: Nora Qudus <nmqudus@earthlink.net>

I printed the riddles for my students and lost the answer sheet and now
The riddle site is missing! Help.
Nora Qudus


Mon, 26 Mar 2001 07:21:48 +0530
From: Ravinder Behl <rbehl@bol.net.in>

dear yousof, i am also based in delhi and after saturdays abida praveen
concert in humayuns tomb wanted to know more about amir khusro. your
site has really helped me regards ravinder behl


PakistaniMusic.com" <info@PakistaniMusic.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 17:33:35 -0600

As-salam-wa-alaikum from PakistaniMusic.com.

First of all, we would like to take this opportunity to commend you on the great work you have done at the Amir Khusro website. Your site makes for great listening pleasure.

We would like to use some of the content provided at the Amir Khusro website for our visitors at PakistaniMusic.com. So as not to "step on your toes" and conserve your site's bandwidth, we will store the files on our own servers. [Credit will be provided to you and your website at PakistaniMusic.com.]

We look forward to hearing from you, and would like to commend you once again on a wonderful site.

With Regards,



Robert Ardito <RArdito@completeinsurance.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 14:13:37 -0800

Dear Yousef,

Assalam O Alaikum,

Your web site is wonderful. I have traveled to Ajmir and attended many
Urs celebrations in Karachi with my Dear friend and Pir Mr. Ghulam Rabbani
over the past 20 years.

I am very interested is viewing any films or videos you have made.

Your site has touched my heart. Thank you for the wonderful service you
have provided and may Allah continue to shower his blessings on you.

My American name is Robert Ardito. I converted to Islam in 1982 here in
Orange County California.

Allah Hafiz

Yusuf Moinuddin Chishti


"Bart & Rick" <hiawatha@village.uunet.be>
To: <ysaeed7@yahoo.com>
Subject: Bart only
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 14:19:24 +0100

Hi there,

I absolutely love your website !
I'm totally hooked on the poems by Amir Kushro !!! Can you provide me with more or do you know where I can find more of them ? I'm desperately looking for poems like this in Farsi along with a translation in English.

Thanks !


Fri, 23 Feb 2001 01:25:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Kathleen Ann Roczkowskyj <roczka@interchange.ubc.ca>
Subject: Re: Amir Khusro Dehlavi poetry used in Russian composition
Dear Mr. Saeed
I am sorry that I was unclear in my message to you. The choir sang
in Russian, but an English translation of the composition was provided
for the audience. It is possible that the composer used a Russian
translation of the original Persian, which was then translated again
from the Russian into English
Russian into English for their North American tour programme. All this
translating may have left the poem unrecognizable.

Kathy Roczkowskyj


Subject: Amir Khusro Dehlavi poetry used in Russian composition
From: Kathleen Ann Roczkowskyj <roczka@interchange.ubc.ca>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 00:20:38 -0800

Dear Webmaster,

I just thought you might like to know that a poem, or piece of a
poem, written by Khusro was used in a modern Russian choral
composition, "Living Constellations" by Anton Viskov. The piece was composed in
March 2000 for the Russian male choir "Chorovaya Akademia."
I heard the song cycle performed this evening, and from the
programme for the concert:

" It is a poem about love for God, for life, nature and mankind, and
the all-conquering power of love."

Song #7, The River of Life, puts the following text of Khusro to music:

No one who passes through this world remains;
all leave. And we honour the memory of those who lived

We pass on, this isn't the point. It's how we go, and to
where that decides
If they'll remember our grave, or forget about it.

Hope this was of interest to you. Best wishes on your web project.

Kathy Roczkowskyj
Vancouver, Canada


Nandakumar Balwally" <nbalwally@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Khusro & tabla
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 12:27:14 -0500

Did Khusro invent/improve the sound of or compose taals for the Tabla?
Also did he compose or play any instruments as sitar or tabla?
I couldn't get any answers or mentions on your website. Thank you for

Nandakumar Balwally

Yousuf's answer to the above mail:

I am still in the middle of writing an article on Amir Khusro's contribution to Indian music. But as far as I have researched it is clear that Amir Khusro may not have invented the table as it is popularly believed. What one gets to know from his own authentic writings is the fact that he was passionate about music and musical instruments, he mentions many central Asian and Indian instruments that were prevalent in his times, describing details like how to fine-tune or repair some of them. But that he invented any
instrument, he never mentions anywhere. Among the instruments that he talks about are Nay, Chung, Rubaab, Duff, Duhul etc. "Duhul" in fact can be interpreted as "Dhol" or dholak. Similar is a word Tabl, or tabal which is a small central asian percussion. There is a posibility that Khusro may have fiddled around with some of these instruments, and may have even evolved a new version of these which his pupils too played. But the present day Tabla is very much a later development. Some taals (rhythms) such as
Asool Fakhta, teental, etc. are also ascribed to Khusro. Again, there is no authentic proof of this - traditional musicians believe these are his inventions - may be he innovated the rhythms, but whether the present day taals are the same as that or not, is difficult to say.


Mon, 25 Dec 2000 06:51:18 +1100
From: Suraj Parkash <panditji@mail.smartchat.net.au>

Your contributions are invaluable to readers


"shahvar khan" <shahvarkhan@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 19:00:32

Janab Yousuf Saeed Sahib,
Salam. Aap kaisay hain? Mein Lahore ka rehnay wala hoon aur aaj kaal Amreeka
mein college mein parhta hoon. Aap joaw ye kaam kar rahay hain, bahut acha hai. Donaon mumalik kay loag amen chahtay hain. Mein dua karta hoon kay jald Bharat aur Pakistan kay darmiyan kasheedgee khatam ho jay. Agar meray laik koi khidmat hoaw toa mein hazir hoon.
Faqt Aapka,
Shahvar Ali Khan


From: SHaider2@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 14:36:32 EST
Thank you for this site. Please get more information on how to get these books buy or loan . Keep this site current this genius deserve our attention. Imagine if this was a western literary person there would countless volumes of work on him.


"Vishal Mehra" <vmehra@df.ufscar.br>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 15:13:06 -0200

Dear Mr Saeed,

You have made a wonderful site. Congrats. But I have a query. Didnt Khusro wrote an account of his travels through India?. I found this information in Hobson-Jobson which gives some excepts. It would be very useful if you could add a section about Khusro's travels and this book.

Vishal Mehra


"zaidis" <zaidis@MNSi.Net>
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 09:48:21 -0400

the ghazal that you have included "shab jayee kay man budam" does not
belong to khusru//////
Urooj akhtar zaidi

Zaidis of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario


Mon, 26 Jun 2000 18:16:26 -0500
From: Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad <niz@airmail.net>
Dear Sir:

As -salam 'alaykum

Please allow me to congratulate you an a most excellent website. I have
for many years been an admirer and devotee of Amir Khusro's Persian
poetry especially in the Qawwalis of the late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. I
was very pleased to see that you had devoted space to Amir Khusro's
contribution to Hindi literature as well. I must also thastn k you for
the chronology and bibliography. I ma myself a specialist in Islamic
studies and I just finished my Phd from Princeton's NEar Eastern
Studies Dept. I was quite unhappy with the articles on Khusro in the
Encycloedia of Islam and the Encyclopedia Iranica. they fail in conveying any sense
of his literary greatness and I am very glad that your website succeeds
in this regard. It seems that you are a specialist in Khusro's life and
work. I would be most interested in reading anythin else you have
written about him. Also if you have copies of any of the original
diwan's I wonder if you would be be so kind as to make copies for which
I would of course very happily re-imburse you. Although I am originally
from Lucknow I have not ben back in 3 years and am now settled in the
US and it is hard to get books from India.

I am writing to you from this particular e-amil account but I would
prefer if you would reply to me at


thank you very much,
Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad


"chaudhar" <chaudhar@cs.millersv.edu>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 15:57:38 -0400


This is a beatiful web page you have created.
Recently, in Sufi magazine I read a beautiful article
about Bughat Kabir. There were some translations
from his poetry in English. Then I wished may be
one day I'll find his poetry written in Arabic script and
today while I was surfing the web to find farsi poetry
of Amir Khusro, I found both!

Like you, I too believe in peace.

Again, I thank you so much for creating this web page.


Wed, 3 May 2000 20:49:38 -0400
From: "Yasmine " <Sweetlady015@hotmail.com>
Subject: Amir Khusro Feedback

I was just looking around and I found yuu sight very helpful. My mom
is iranian and my dad is indian. So it was kind of cool that you had
info about both. Thank you!



Tue, 2 May 2000 02:09:00 -0400
From: "Nusrat Ali Ghansar" <naghansar@usa.net>

Congrats!! Its a good job done, I visited yr site for the 1st time &
loved to see that there is something happening to spread the knowledge on
these great saints of Islam, which other wise some mullahs are driving
people away from the real truth. I am a die hard devotee of Hz
Nizammuddin Aulia. I often come to Delhi, let me know yr address so that I can
meet you.

Allah Hafiz
Nusrat Ali


Sun, 2 Apr 2000 05:21:55 -0400
From: "tridgely@pacbell.net" <tridgely@pacbell.net>
Good Morning Yousuf,
I was wandering if you could help me in finding information in English
about Amir Khusro's contribution to music...particularly Indian music.
Please let me know how and where to find resources on this subject.
Thank you for your time and help. Have a beautiful day.
Tonya Ridgely

Wed, 29 Mar 2000 12:09:36 -0500
From: "Nazleen Awan" <nagi@compuserve.com>

Yousuf Sahib

Main nai aap ko angrezi main abhi abhi paigam baija hai lakin main
chahti hoon kai main aap ko abh Urdu main paigam baijoon. Muaff ki jiye
mereys Urdu qaidey kay mutabiq likhne ki sahoolat nahin hai is liye
angrezi qaida istamaal kar rahin hoon.

Meri tamana hai kai main Urdu kitabon ka tarjama angrezi zabaan main
karoon. Jaise kai aap ko maalum hai Urdu adab jazbati or khayali
gehrayan sai barpoor hai. Ingrezi kitabain toh duniya kay koney koney
main pari jati hain lakin Urdu kitabon say aam logon ko (Hindustan or
Pakistian kai ilawa) waqfiyat nahin hai. Main chahti hoon kain Urdu
adab ka charcha sari duniya main ho or Umrao Jaan jaise kison say duniya
bhar ko lutf ponhanchey.

Main to Urdu adab ki duniya main aankh macholi khel rahin hoon. Mujhe
aap yeh batlain ke main yeh aham kaam Wilayat main bethi kaisey kar
sakti hoon.

Khuda Hafiz.

Nazleen Awan

Tue, 28 Mar 2000 08:25:44 -0500
From: "ashok dogra" <chandni@netscape.net>

Yousuf Bhai,

Job well done.

Asal kabhi chhupta nahin aur jab bhi samne aata hai to bahut khubsurti se.

Keep it up and see if you can add more on Kabir.


Sun, 26 Mar 2000 10:23:53 -0500
From: "Susan L. Friedman" <jifdc@aol.com>

Dear Mr. Saeed,

Thank you for your wonderful website. It is one of the most professionally designed I've visited. The bibliography and resources are wonderful. I will tell my scholar friends in Delhi about your wonderful site. Maybe they already know about it!

I stay in Nizamuddin (East) when I am in Delhi, so I feel a personal connection with Amir Khusrow and Nizamuddin Auliya. I've been to the dargah several times. I also like to visit the tomb of Jahanara Begum.

I am currently working on Sarmad Shaheed's poetry (I have a doctorate in Persian from UCLA). Too bad there isn't a website for him! Hardly anyone has heard of him. Too bad.

Thanks again,
Susan L. Friedman

Sun, 9 Jan 2000 10:24:57 -0500
From: "Prem" <mickkk@aol.com>

I really enjoy your web sites on Amir Khurao and Mirza Ghalib. I am
based in Wash DC and be able to read about these legends is a pleasure.
Thanks for your efforts.


Naqvi, S. M. Habib" <naqvi@xiber.com>
Thu, 5 Oct 2000 02:34:24 +0500

Dear Mr Saeed,

first, thank you for your wonderful site.

I had a question for you; Are the Farsi (transliteration)
poems in the original language of Khosrow or are they
updated into modern Farsi?

I am a speaker of modern Farsi, but I some of the
words are unclear in transliteration (I can't read
Arabic handwritten script unfortunately)

Saba Minou Ghadr-Boland
Widener University
Wilmington, Delaware
Saba <Saba.M.Boland@law.widener.edu>
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 22:28:30 -0400

Hello Yosuf,

I really like your web site and its essence. It is the dedicated work of scattered individuals like yourself that carries our society forward and gives the mankind its only few rays of hope. That is especially true in the context of our subcontinent. May a thousand flowers, like this web site, blossom in the sub continent.

I had know Amir Khusro since my school days. But my really appreciation and love came only after I saw Rajbans Khanna's documentary on DD.I was so impressed by his work that I tracked his family down in Bombay. He had passed away by then but I went to see his wife to my tributes.

Keep this good work on.

Harminder Dhillon
Sacramento, California, USA
Harminder Dhillon" <hdhillon@calweb.com>
Wed, 28 Jun 2000 20:36:08 -0500

poetry of ameer khusru ghalib and so many other interlinked websites are really
very pleasing and surprising also for me to see on my computer.
i appreciate your hard work and devotion in this regar - carry on with best
ability performance.
it is really great fun to see your work
syed ehtesham ali
p.o box 7475
holy makkah
"syed_ehtesham_ali" <AC201311@atheer.net.sa>
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 03:44:43 -0500

I am a new uswer of the internet so you can imagine my glee to find on one my first"surfing" escapades a web page dedicated to one of my favourite writers. I am from South Afric and it is very rare for us to have access to such material.

I was introduced to the writings of Amir Khusroa by my Ustad some 20 years ago. My ustad was a ine exponant of the tabla and enjoyed playing in Quawali mehils. He was a 2nd generation South African Indian and had studies th tabla from his Ustad, Ustad Sultan Khan of Hyderabad.

I want to thank you for the time and effort put in in researching and compliling this web-site. I strongly beleive that th more people are exposed to the gems of writers like Khusroa and Kabir, the more enriched their lives will be. For example, the quotation you have chosen for this week is adequate justification of this belief.

May God grant to the energy and will to continue with this work

Rajish Lutchman
Rajish Lutchman" <rajishlutchman@mweb.co.za>
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 09:55:03 -0500

From: Debbie
Homepage URL: http://lemonde2debbie.free.fr/US/index.html
Comments: I came across this website by searching for poetry. Beautiful web! Continue your great work
Sign Time: August 07 2001 at 03:49:19


From: Pramod Kumar New Delhi, India
Homepage URL: http://ServasIndia.org
Comments: Congratulations on creating an excellent resource on Amir Khusro. Unfortunately, I can not read Pharsi or Urdu and had tried hard to find a book which gives the Lyrics of Amir Khusro's qawalis in Devnagari script, but failed. Your site was a great discovery for me because not only does it give the lyrics of Khusro's qawalis in a language I can read, but also a lot of other information about Khusro. Keep up the good work. I shall look forward to your publishing a divan of Amir Khusro.
Sign Time: July 30 2001 at 00:18:08


From: Denis McAuley, Ireland
Comments: This site really is packed with information! I'd read a few pieces by Amir Khusro in Persian (I don't know any Indian languages) and wanted to find out more. He sounds like an incredible character, lyric like Shakespeare and complex like Donne, mixed up in court life but also a Sufi saint - that's amazing! There was just a comment I wanted to make about the line 'to ba-khunda shukr afshaani hanuz' (under 'Farsi couplets'). Shouldn't that be 'shekar afshaani'? The poem is built on contradictions, so the contrast between sugar and salt fits in while 'shukr' doesn't really. And 'shekar' fits the metre better. For the poem 'ey chehre-ye ziba-ye to,' I've also read the line 'aalam hame yaghmaa-ye to, khalqi hame sheydaa-ye to / aan narges-e ra'naa-ye to aavurda kish-e kaaferi.' (All the world are our prey, all of creation is mad about you, o fresh narcissus which has professed the creed of unbelief.) That gives it all a more earthly spin. That edition of the poem leaves out the line 'man to shodam, to man shodi' which is the most sufistic one. I was amazed how different versions can change the meaning so much. Another extra line I've heard is the one Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan adds to the poem 'khabaram rasid imshab' as a takhallus: 'ba yak aamadan rabudi dil o din o sabr-e Khusro; che shavad agar badinsaan do se baar khaahi aamad?' (By coming just once you have stolen away the heart, faith, patience of Khusro; what will happen if you come in the same way two or three times?). Thanks for this brilliant site!
Sign Time: July 19 2001 at 14:55:17


From: mohammed Junaid Usmani, Mainpuri UP
Comments: This is a very fine service. I feel it is slow moving and I reckon will not turn stagnant. I pray for somr reseach work here.
Signed on June 26 2001 at 05:55:59

Person's Name: Seraj Ahmad
Comments: Yousuf Saeed Sahab, Assalam-o-alaikum It's really an excellent effort to bring the Khusro's creative wealth closer to netizen... Please provide some links to sites which aid in learning persian...you can possibily add one section on Sufism giving details about origin, speciality and cultural aspects of it. I really appreciate your great effort. I generated my interest in Khusro's Qalaam after listening to a Qawwali performed by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan....Chaap Tilak Sab Cheeni re Mosay Naina Milaike....I enjoyed it very much and craved for more of the similar kind...If you have have heard this Qawwali....which I am pretty sure you would have... please refer good albums of this kind....i will be highly thankful to You...Khuda Hafiz Seraj Ahmad.
Signed on April 07 2001 at 14:47:49


From: mohammad zubair, Islamabad Pakistan
Comments: Dear Yousaf Saeed, Enjoyed your site very much. We are planning to celebrate Hazrat Amir Khusro in Islamabad in August this year. The purists insist that message of love and peace of the Sufi Saint should be the strongest linkage of the celebrations. How can that be given tangible form ? Would deeply appreciate your comments. Thank you once again for developing the wonderful website. Any one else reading this is welcome to comment and advise. Zubair.
Sign Time: June 14 2001 at 12:17:05

From: mo aleem, India (now US)
Comments: Very intresting,learned a lot about Khusro.Keep up the good work.
Sign Time: June 03 2001 at 00:06:23


From: Ali Ayaz Syed, pakistan
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/drmuhammadiqbal
Comments: Wonderful tribute to the sufi poet. great efforts, keep the good work up.
Sign Time: April 10 2001 at 16:03:00


From: BIJOYASHISH SEN, kolkata, india
Comments: Probably the most wonderful web site , a window which enables usto view the diverse image of KHUSHRO , in the minds of people.
Sign Time: April 10 2001 at 11:50:31


From: Achyut Joshi, SF Bay Area, California
Comments: Very nice site, Yousuf. I especially enjoyed the essay on Khusro's Urs, "A Wedding With the Divine".
Sign Time: March 30 2001 at 15:23:30


From: QueenofSpades, Southern Darkness
Homepage URL: http://www.fireseek.com
Comments: I enjoyed reading the mysterious poetry that was in this website.
Sign Time: March 29 2001 at 12:14:55


From: naresh, montreal canada
Comments: just beautiful. thanks a lot.
Sign Time: March 27 2001 at 12:09:43

From: Jai, Kenya
Comments: Very nice website - keep it up.
Sign Time: March 26 2001 at 04:26:58

© Yousuf Saeed, 2001

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