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Comparing and Contrasting the 50's and 60's

Comparing and Contrasting the 50's and 60's

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The Fifties, was a productive and a decade full of befits, with several advances in technology and civil rights. Despite some military action in Korea, the country continued to prosper. Everyone had a job to do, weather it was at home or in the business world, thus every thing got done. During this time people started to see new products like television and record players. On the TVs there were fimular faces like Lucy Ball and Elvis. Cars were also a popular item, with every guy wanting his own 53 Corvette. Dances and slumber parties were popular with the ladies. Movies were popular with every one, with such actors as James Dean. Music became the ever-popular thing with artist like Little Richard, Elvis, and The Drifters. The entire country was reinventing its self, and it was doing extremely well at it. With an emerging middle class product manufactures started making goods for the lawns and back yard parties. Such products as rotary lawn mowers, barbecue equipment, swimming pools, and lawn decorations. All of which complemented the electronics in the house, items such as washing machines, dryers, blenders, freezers, and dishwashers. In short the Fifties gave us all sorts of advances to make life easier and to have more fun living. The Sixties was a decade of change with women getting more rights, and the Vietnam war. The Sixties did however have some technological advances as well, most military though. For instance the invent of napalm and Agent Orange. Napalm a gasoline-based bomb that burns at extreme temperatures, was used in the Jungles of Vietnam. Hippies were a large part of the Sixties, with their great concerts and way of doing things; they inspired many people to do things never thought possible.

People gained even more civil rights during the Sixties, from acts like, the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. The country got another moral boost with the defeat of the Russians in the Cuban missile crisis. Besides the missile crisis, America had also won the space race; we put a man one the moon. TV was a popular thing during that time, color TV was just starting to come out in the early Sixties, but like everything it got better with time. During that time most people weren’t really scared of a natural disaster but of a nuclear attack from Russia, as a result many schools practiced for a nuclear disaster. The Sixties were very unique, and very different from any other decade, but we lived and we learned from those ten unprecedented years.