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inspiration & fun
beanie babies
facts about the platypus and his friends
creationism, evolution & the platypus
semiotics and philosophy
transitional forms

inspiration & fun

Platypus dance, ala Hamster dancing. Weird.

"The Secret World of the Platypus" tour

Make your own platypus out of a paper bag, tape and large wiggle eyes

A big collection of all sorts of platypus images

Get your own Australian native animal plush toys. Percy the Platypus)!

Australian road signs for sale, including "echidnas next 10 miles" and "no swimming, platypus in stream". Notable sign as well: "Last pub, 780 km"

Buy some platypus jewelery, and browse other Australian craft items for sale.

Aboriginal dream story detailing the creation of the Platypus, part of a pretty cool unique site

A child's platypus web-site (obviously put together with the help of a parent), with a pretty cool, very bright drawing

"The Platypus, by Joshua" very weird short platypus story by a six year old

"Concerning the Platypus" an awesome poem by a guy just known as "Columbine" || "And his demeanor can't be faulted. When his appearance is insulted He simply smiles a knowing smile - A sharp retort is not his style."

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beanie babies

Beanie Babies ate my balls

Ty, the official Beanie Babies site, the birthplace of the purple platypus. A day-glo tie dye world which talks at the reading level of a 6 year old. Very surreal.

Info about Patti the Platypus

"Patti, the platypus of many colors" goes into detail about the different versions, colors and prices

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facts about the platypus and his friends

A gallery devoted to the platypus's monotreme friend, the Echidna

"The Echidna and I": a "webpage devoted to celebrating the lives and loves, the hopes and fears, the passions and perambulations, of spiny, myrmecophagous, oviparous, mammals."

"monotreme extreme" || good basic information about the echidna, the other monotreme

"The Interactive Platypus world" this site touts itself. Not so interactive, but it does contain good basic information.

TheTech museum of innovation has a robot zoo, including a robot of a platypus. Check the entire site out. Way cool.

About the platypus, from the Melbourne Zoo website, Very well-designed

A large index of platypus links, sorted by genre and type. Good links

A highly technical and scientific paper entitled "electroreceptive mechanisms in the platypus"

"Unique Australian Mammals" web-site.

"The Tree of Life" a continually under-contruction project which maps out the interrelated branches of biodiversity.

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creationism, evolution & the platypus

All about the "duck-bill" platypus, from the "jesus-is-lord" domain. "Check out the "Hell is Real" link at the bottom.

Creation Science home page

Creation Science Movement (CSM) home page

Creationism's take on the Platypus, addresses origin, intelligent design. Goes into a discussion on whether the platypi were on Noah's Ark, and, if so, if they walked or swam to Mt. Ararat... Pretty trippy.

Transitional fossils: from the creationist point of view

All about fossils

Creationism vs. Evolution; two models of origin

From the "Talk.Origins" archive, an Evolutionist response against a particular Creationist argument

THE CHALLENGE OF THE FOSSIL RECORD: A Reply to Creationist Students

Talk origins archive: creationism and the platypus

Talk origins home page, exploring the creationism vs evolution controversy

The big problems of evolutionary theory

Transitional vertebrate fossils faq

On creation science and transitional fossils

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semiotics and philosophy

On "truth" and consequences in philosophy

Semiotics definition

What is semiotics?

Semiotics for beginners

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transitional forms


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platypus love? what IS platypus love? | his name is mushroom
essays: wild, untamed platypus tour | defending the platypus | on transitional forms
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