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on transitional forms: an essay

on transitional forms, evolution and creationism

on the spot   | imageLadies and gentlemen: the platypus is no ordinary mammal! He lays eggs! (How many other mammals do you know who lay eggs?) He has a digestive system so primitive that there is only one other mammal like it in the world. He is aquatic, like a duck, but furred, like a beaver. He has a massive instrument covering his mouth that most uneducated think is a duck bill, but is actually a soft, rubbery instrument of sensitivity and electroreception. And deep down in the depths of his genetic coding, the platypus is both reptile and mammal.

The platypus, my friends, is one of the few, if only, truly transitional animals in existence.

2. What is a transitional animal? > >
3. The creationists have their say.
4. Transitional forms exist all around us.
5. They occur in gender, sexual orientation, art,
6. the human brain
7. and identity,
8. Summary: it all makes the world go 'round.

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