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Starship Enterprise Found On Mars!

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Updated August 4, 2003

Here are some new thoughts for August 2003. Three years ago the US Navy confirmed that cold fusion is real. They recommended to the US Congress to fund more research. Please visit the following link:

We have the Internet and mass communication like no generation before us. Yet,the only information that gets disseminated is useless garbage, lies, political jabs back and forth, and mis-information. What is the speed of knowledge? We can hear instantly when celebrities do something. Do we ever pay any attention to the news that is passed off as news? The apathy that allows the situation to continue is very disheartening to the rest of us that would appreciate being informed. It's been said that the Wright brothers had flown for ten years before it was finally reported by the mass media of the time. This website has had proof of large life, animal life from all appearances, on the surface of Mars for a couple of months. Has anyone heard about it on the news anywhere? What other discoveries are not being reported that may make a difference in our lives? How about what might be coming in our future? We could very well be on the brink of an extinction level event from any number of sources. The ones that come to the surface are the ones farther away and more nebulous so as not to raise a stampede among the sheeple. For example, the story at the following link:

For those who try to make a difference and even try to give their hard earned results away for free (the US Navy spent over ten years confirming the truth about cold fusion) they run into the "knowledge filter". Actually, it is more like the Berlin wall was. Can anything be done to tear down the wall? Will we ever enjoy freedom and liberty again with regard to science and truth?

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