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The Cast

Who is That

What is That

The Story So Far

The Occult and You

Campaign Background

Demonology 101

Ghost and Spirits

Rumors 'n Stuff

What is Magic






It is a world that most refuse to believe in. Sheer will power can change reality,  and silly childish beliefs are very real and tangible. Vampires control the cities and the fey and werewolves run the wilderness. Demon lords constantly seek to enter the world and create hell mouths along with their evil demonic henchman.

Power hungry Nepahandi seek out demon lords and offer their services in return for the power they feel they have been deprived in life. Evil kindred plot their own agendas unaware of the repercussions. Mad marauders threaten reality itself, and infernalist serve dark masters.

In response , the Technocracy seeks to enforce order at the cost of all else. They are Mages who seek to use "science" to establish structure and secret orders to create shadow organizations to control the masses. Complacency is good. The better to dominate the collective unconscious for their own good.

Into this maelstrom steps the Traditions. Ancient orders of Mages that must walk a thin line between meddling and isolationism, helping and harming.