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The Cast

Who is That

What is That

The Story So Far

The Occult and You

Campaign Background

Demonology 101

Ghost and Spirits

Rumors 'n Stuff

What is Magic





Phillip Tarrin: President of Jacksonville University. 35, 6’1”, was a nice dresser, well educated, black hair and eyes. Was a member of Jacksonville high society. Believed to have been an infernalist. Employed Carlos Montoya. (deceased)

Carlos Montoya: Smuggler, Brujha, Cuban, 6’3”. Colorful dresser. Sociopath.

Julio Bolivar:  Hermetic mage. 40ish, 5'-4", Spanish (maybe), Eccentric. Famous for finger poking rote. Owns the Heretical Bookworm.

B(yron) P(atrick) Gruny: Owned the Rum Casket.  (deceased)

Deirdre O’Leary: 30, 5’10” slim, wears a lot of leather, intelligent, good at business. Owns the Danse Macabre, a night club.

WW2 (World Wide) Lenny: 22, 6’-3”,  Hacker and Phreaker who frequents the Danse Macabre.

Sanyn Bertrand: Prince of Jacksonville, Toreador, 5'-11". A bit foppish.

Ann Fortani: Tremere, 5'-8", wears a lot of white leather, short white hair, Has an unnatural interest in a certain Son of Either.

Bain Mathis:  Ventrue, 5’-10”, bleached white hair, wears stylish clothing, owns a chain of record stores.

Evylin: Toreador, 5'-11"red hair, fancy dresser, ex of Bain Mathis, owns a bunch of restaurants. Evylin is recruiting allies for Wallace Rack.

Wallace Rack: Ventrue, 6'-1", wealthy hotel owner, dark hair, light complexion, southern accent . Struggling for control of the city with Bain Mathis and Sanyn Bertrand

Mr. Winter: 6'-1". Wears a black suit and dark shades, blonde hair, Winter is a believed to be a Technocracy agent. 

Elias Critel: High ranking Hermetic mage. Seems to not get along with Julio Bolivar

Ashera: A Lasombra and Saabbat agent, maybe.

Dr Troesseus: Malkavian. 6'-3", dark hair, pale skin, has a “funny smell”. Eminent psychiatrist, works at the State Asylum.

John Defoe: Parapsychologist and host of the popular TV show "Paranormal Extreme".

Hezekiah E. Burns: Malkavian. 6', dark hair, pale skin, Prince of Orlando and one of the three Malkavians that reside there. Currently rather fond of a youg ventrue that came to visit him (well, his plant is fond, close enough).