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  :: welcome to the Risk hq::

Type By: Cyclone
   Welcome to the RISK Clan's HQ. This is a Clan for TEN-ARC. See "About Clan" for info. RISK stands for the Remarkable IndividualS Klan.

   {Members: Cyclone, Chodeson, SlaYeR, Tman, Apoc, C0mManDo, CaRtMaN, Schmurf}

   /Forbidden left. - July 27 Forbidden has quit the clan....He left us for "lil_". So good luck to Forbidden in his future endeveres. @Cyclone

   /Awesome new structure - July 27 Hey I've got a new squad based structure...check out the About page and Roster for changes. @Cyclone

  /FiyaX has ben cut.he was on only one day and has ben FiyaX is gone. @SlaYeR


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About Me
Name: Josh "SlaYeR"
AIM: SlaYeR8766
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Links broken? Need a contact with Webmaster? Here it is:
Clan Offically brought into being on July 21, 2003 Website Created on July 20, 2003 by Co-Captain, =RISK.Cyclone Website maintained and updated by SlaYeR. Email (me) Cyclone at: Last updated: July 25, 2003

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