The songs written by me are dedicated to the members of The AFML. Thanks for encouraging me to write some funny filk! Some songs are written by fellow AFML members.

Fowley Sing along! - By Scully

Spooky Girl Sing along! - By Scully

Scully And Me Sing along! - By Scully

It's a Spooky Life Sing along! - By Ali

AFML Go! - By Alli

I Don't Know How To Hate Him - By Scully

If Fowley Had A Brain - By Scully

Diana - By Scully

Tomorrow - By Scully

I Don't Trust Anyone But You - By Susan

The Bitch Is Done - By Fee

One Week (Fowley Version) - By Erika

Kill Me - By Bee Slayer

Unrequited Melody - By Jolene & Adrienne

Bureau Lovin'

We Wanna Kill Diana - By Adrienne

I Want It That Way - By Allison (Susan's sister)

Die Away - By Ashley

C'est La Spam - By Adrienne

Got a song you want to see up here? Send me your funny filks!

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