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The Star Wars Girls Webring

This webring is created to unite the female fans of the classic Star Wars trilogy.

The requirements are as follows:
  • you must be a female
  • your Star Wars page must be devoted mainly to the classic trilogy
  • your page must be family-friendly

    If your page meets these requiremetns, and you'd like to join The Star Wars Girls Webring, fill out the following form.

    Submit site to The Star Wars Girls Webring

    Site Title:
    Site URL:

    Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
    Description: Enter a short description of your site.

    Once I receive your submission, and okay it, your will receive the HTML code fragment to place on your page, as well as further instructions.

    . [ M a i n   P a g e ] .
    . [ Humor ] . [ Journal ] . [ Pictures ] .
    . [ Star Wars Page Sets ] . [ Link-back Banners ] .
    . [ Links ] . [ Webrings ] .
    . [ The Star Wars Girls Webring ] .

    The lovely theme set is courtesy of Laurie Farese.