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I am currently aboard Captain Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon...

Sigh. I had forgotten how much I hate space travel. Nonetheless, I had no choice in the matter. The Rebel Alliance was forced to leave the ice world of Hoth in a most hurried manner. In fact, I was almost left behind! Between you and me, I believe that Captain Solo would have had the audacity to abandon me there, if it hadn't been for Mistress Leia.

Normally I find space travel quite monotonous....

Not this trip. Our ship was chased by an Imperial Star Destroyer! Can you imagine? Fortunately, Captain Solo hid us in an asteroid. However, I wasn't too thrilled at the time. Especially when the asteroid's cave turned out to be a giant space slug!

Captain Solo is quite peculiar....

He actually turned the Millennium Falcon around, and attacked the Star Destroyer! But we managed to escape becuase of this, or so they tell me. I had to be shut off! I personally think that it was at Captain Solo's insistence...

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The lovely theme set is courtesy of Laurie Farese.