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Site History


Okay, the site history is the one page that I can be detailed about.

      It all started on May 6, 1998 on my 10th birthday. I received my very first Harvest Moon game, I thought it would be one of the most boring games that I've ever played because that main character which is name Jack was holding a fork... Well I started playing it and I started to fall in love with that game. I started to tell my friends, I went online to see what info I can use on the game. I came across lots of fan sites and thought that I'd be pretty cool to start a site of my own.

      My first site was called The City of Harvest Moon and I used Net Objects Fusion. Since it was my first site it wasn't as nifty as it should've been, for example if I were to turn this in my computer class, it would probably be an F -. Well I learned and learned and found out that columns would be pretty cool.

      A few months after my 6th grade I still used Net Objects Fusion but instead I changed the name to Flowerbud Village. This name only lasted for about 4 months when HM 64 started to get boring

      I was searching around for a layout when I visited Harvest Moon Playground (which I think isn't up anymore) and I found a pretty good layout. Then I stopped using Net Objects because its upload time was ridiculously long. I used J-builder instead which is where you use pure html to build your site with. 

      Not long after that (maybe about 8 months) I changed the color but gave up after that because just to update one little thing for example adding an affiliate, required me to update EVERY page. About 6 months after, the merging of my site, HM Ranch, and HM Ultima's site came out, it was called Harvest Moon Nation.

      Harvest Moon Nation caused my site building experience to be a great deal easier. I installed frontpage and my site got a more advanced look and contained more information (this site was made with this program). After I made my site I got hosted by HM Place!

Last updated: February 25, 2003




::Beethoven's Virus.mid

::Bumble Bee.mid




::Angel Feather
::HM Ultima
::HM Nature
::HM City
::HM Place


::HM World
::HM Awards

::HM Roleplay

::HM Mania

::HM Headquarters
::Harvest Heaven

::Ushi No Tane

::Sacred Forest Meadow

::HM Field

::HM Fusion

::HM Forever

::Harvest Honey

::RPG Plaza

::Blue Moon


::Ann's Farm 


::Night Fire

::Wild Fire



Copyright to All About Harvest Moon 2003-2004