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Download section partially finished (June 21, 2003)


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::Flash Movies




::M/L Midis






Flash Movies

Well here are the flash movies I've made by myself. Every time I make a new one, it shall be placed here.
Harvest Moon Zelda
Info: Song used: Temple OC Remix
  Pictures from what game: AWL
  Length: 50 Seconds
  Size: 821 KB

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Harvest Moon 64
  Song used: Opening of Harvest Moon 64
  Pictures from what game: SNES, HM 64, STH
  Length: 1.11 MB
  Size: 52 seconds

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Harvest Moon Nation
  Song used: Beethoven's Virus
  Pictures from what game: None
  Length: 1 minute (Exact!)
  Size: 164 KB

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Harvest Moon Nation 2
  Song used: Ecstasy
  Pictures from what game: HM 64, AWL
  Length: 31 seconds
  Size: 275 KB

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3rd Anniversary
  Song used: Beethoven's Virus
  Pictures from what game: AWL
  Length: 1.47 Seconds
  Size: 857 KB

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Version 3
  Song used: Beethoven's Virus
  Pictures from what game: SNES and FoMT
  Length: 1.47 Seconds
  Size: 2.53 MB

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  Song used: Farewell4
  Pictures from what game: FoMT
  Length: 1.15 Seconds
  Size: 510 KB

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::Beethoven's Virus.mid

::Bumble Bee.mid




::Angel Feather
::HM Ultima
::HM Nature
::HM City
::HM Place


::HM World
::HM Awards

::HM Roleplay

::HM Mania

::HM Headquarters
::Harvest Heaven

::Ushi No Tane

::Sacred Forest Meadow

::HM Field

::HM Fusion

::HM Forever

::Harvest Honey

::RPG Plaza

::Blue Moon


::Ann's Farm 


::Night Fire

::Wild Fire



Copyright to All About Harvest Moon 2003-2004