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The Hidden World of the Fae
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Changeling : The Dreaming
The Seelie Court
The Unseelie Court

C:tD Character Creation
Getting Started
1. Character Concept
2. Traits
3. Advantages
4. Tempers
5. Birthright and Frailties
6. Freebie Points
7. Merits and Flaws
8. Specialties
9. Musing / Ravaging Threshold
10. Spark of Life

Vampire: The Dark Ages
Drinking Faerie Blood

Role Playing Systems

World of Darkness
Step Nine: Musing / Ravaging Threshold

        Most changelings have a preferred method of gathering Glamour, called a Threshold (Ravaging for Unseelie and Musing for Seelie). Does your character like to find Glamour by watching children play, or does she prefer to rip it from someone being frightened by a horror movie?

The above information was taken from the Changeling : The Dreaming Second Edition book. All of this information here has been copyrighted to White Wolf Publishing.