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Faramir FanFiction Archive

"He looked at her, and being a man whom pity deeply stirred, it seemed to him that her loveliness amid her grief would pierce his heart. And she looked at him and saw the grave tenderness in his eyes, and yet knew, for she was bred among men of war, that here was one whom no Rider of the Mark would outmatch in battle."
[from: Return of the King; The Steward and the King]



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Abundance by Your Cruise Director; also with Aragorn / Arwen (NC-17)
Éowyn realizes that there is plenty of joy to go around.
Eighth in the Seasons of Wonder Arc.
Warning: four people, one bed.

Bedtime Story by Your Cruise Director; also with Aragorn (NC-17)
The Steward's wife asks him to tell her about the King.
Written with Ashinae. Ninth in the Seasons of Wonder Arc.
Warnings: Dirty talk! Intimations of cross-dressing! Explicit het! Explicit slash! Schmoop! Ecstatically happy non-monogamous behavior!

Blessings by Kris; also with Boromir (G)
Boromir's blessing...

Cloaks and Memories by Shireling (G)
Faramir and Éowyn recount their eventful journey from the Houses of Healing to their betrothal at Edoras.

Fire and Ice by Kris; also with Aragorn
Contrasts can balance a whole... another from the lotr_100 "romance" challenge.

In The Sun by Ruby Nye; also with Merry and Pippin; Aragorn (PG-13)
Faramir sits in the sunshine with hobbits on his lap.
Warning: probably excessive levels of shmoop. interspecies, slash, het, explicit nonmonogamy

Into Danger by Ruby Nye; also with Frodo (NC-17)
In Ithilien, Frodo cannot sleep. Neither can Faramir.
Other pairings: Frodo/Sam; Boromir/Merry/Pippin; Faramir/Éowyn
Warnings: Slash, interspecies, nonmonogamy, sympathetic treatment of a female character.

The Letter by Melina (PG)
On the eve of his wedding, Faramir receives an unexpected letter.

Light of Heart by Your Cruise Director (NC-17 for the series)
Éowyn comes to understand that she loves Faramir.

First in the Seasons of Wonder Arc.

Misunderstanding by Clairon (PG)
Éowyn and Faramir – a marriage made in heaven? Maybe not! I warn you this is dead depressing and I am sure not what really happened at all.

The Naming of Qualities: Wife, Brother, Lover, Friend by Faramir_Boromir; also with Boromir (NC-17)
Three lives, intertwined in love and death. Faramir remembers two loves lost. Sex and funerals, what was I thinking about? Angst, angst, angst.
Warnings: Sibling incest, Faramir/Boromir, and bisexuality. Slash and het. If this bothers you, read no further.

Nightmares and Dreams by Kelly; also with Boromir (NC-17)
After so many years of being tortured, Faramir kills Denethor. Or, does he?

Season of Wonder by Your Cruise Director; also with Aragorn (NC-17 for the series)
This, thinks Faramir, is how it feels to be the luckiest man alive.
Written with Ashinae. Fourth in the Seasons of Wonder Arc; this is a direct sequel to Cloaked By Snowfall.

The Stone in the Bed by Your Cruise Director; also with Aragorn (R)
She's married, she's in bed, she's in love. With someone else.

New Together by Athelas (R)
Faramir & Éowyn celebrate their first anniversary at Dol Amroth

Warriors of Gondor by Hel; also with Boromir, Éower, OMCs and OFCs (NC-17)
Warnings: Please note... this story is rated NC17, adults only please. It contains mostly male/male activity but also some male/female, female/female scenes. This fic also features blood-sports. Sensitive readers should consider carefully before reading this story. The primary pairing in the story is Boromir/Faramir, which means incest. Some of the participants are also considered underage (by American standards) at time they become sexually active.
More precise notes/warnings are at the beginning of each chapter. Please make certain you take a moment to read those warnings.