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"Ah well, sir,' said Sam, `you said my master had an elvish air and that was good and true. But I can say this: you have an air too, sir, that reminds me of, of - well, Gandalf, of wizards."
[Sam to Faramir, in: The Two Towers; Window on the West]



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If you'd like to write, but need something to get you started, you can always check here for inspiration. Email addresses of challengers / plot bunny writers are provided if you need more information.
Please make sure that you refer to the original challenge / bunny when you post your work!
If you'd like to submit a challenge to go on this page, please get in touch.

Aragorn/Faramir from Minx
A pre-war Aragorn Faramir meeting where Aragorn in his travels has for a short while become a captain in the Khandrim/or any other land's army. He comes across Faramir who has just had an unpleasant encounter with orcs and resultant injuries include a head injury that has given him amnesia. The Khandrim think he's a spy and therefore capture him for questioning, unwilling to buy that he might have amnesia. Aragorn also notices the resemblance to Denethor and is at first suspicious, thinking F is a high-ranking Gondorian nobleman. However, that doesn't stop him from allowing his prisoner access to healing herbs, fresh clothes, etc. Aragorn, then, slowly realises, Faramir does not indeed remember who he is, but is nevertheless scared (and scarred!).
Followed by blossoming A/F relationship... F somehow recovers his memory, but does not forget his time with A however. It's time for A to leave too and F must of course return to Gondor. They treat it as a tryst. Neither knows the other's true identity, even when they separate.
Epilogue where they meet after the war.
Now, extra points for the following:
Scenes where F has to wear strange Khandrim garments which involve tedious wrapping around, etc. and ultimately needs Aragorn's help to do so.
Scenes where Faramir tries to take care of himself but is unable to do so due to injury and again, needs Aragorn's help.

Sauron/Faramir and Aragorn/Faramir from Minx
Faramir is captured by Sauron's armies during the defence of the Pelennor and taken to Sauron and subjected to heavy duty angst, torture, etc. Sauron and co. try to get him to reveal military tactics, news about the fellowship, everything. Sauron must also offer Faramir the prospect of being loved and receiving recognition for his efforts either from Denethor and others or from Sauron himself. Preferably something along the lines of Sauron ruling M-E with Faramir by his side. Faramir must of course refuse all temptation and be forced to pay for it. (However, you could also as twist, allow him to slip and demand a little lovin' from Sauron and then feel ashamed for it)
Faramir is then rescued once the ring is destroyed by which time he's been reduced to a rather pitiful state, recognizable only by Gandalf and Imrahil.
And then we need recovery time (not just for his injuries; lots of guilt to overcome too) which is where the Aragorn/Faramir part comes in.

Aragorn/Faramir from Iris
Aragorn is forced to punishing Faramir for breaking a law. Nothing too serious, something silly like falling asleep while on duty. Aragorn doesn't want to punish him (they might be lovers already, they might not be, that’s up to you - but at least they’re close), but other people know about the incident, and A can't be seen administering selective justice. Faramir is still a soldier, and there is a standard punishment for sleeping on the job: so many lashes, to be doled out by one’s superior officer, which in the steward’s case obviously would be the king.
A’s more worried about it than F: it’s all his fault, he should have noticed F was too tired to stand guard (this could be a ceremonial duty so no one was ever in any danger: old tradition of the steward standing watch by the door to the king’s bedchamber on his wedding night to ensure he’s not disturbed - after F has already had little sleep planning the wedding), and he’s not sure he would even be able to purposefully hurt F at all. Very distressed, needs comforting.
F of course convinced he fully deserves it, didn’t fulfil his duty and the rules shouldn’t be any different for him. Besides, he has taken worse punishment before, he can take this. But he’ll surely need comforting afterwards just the same, they both will: think of it as a comfort/hurt/comfort format.