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Game Reviews

All games are reviewed on a one-to-ten system, one being horrible, ten being next to perfect. To see when more game reviews are going to be finished, check the event list. You may now download reviews in a .txt format, with an average size of 4k (Note that there are no images, sound files, or other media, as .txt files do not support them). These can be downloaded from our files section, here.


PC Games:

Age of Empires II (Orcman)

The Sims  (Lt_Blue_Eyes)

The Sims: House Party (Lt_Blue_Eyes)

Roller Coaster Tycoon (Lt_Blue_Eyes)

Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption  (Orcman)

Black & White (Orcman)

Shogun: Total War (AirChameleon)

WarCraft II - Edition (AirChameleon)

Diablo 2 (Orcman)

Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine (AirChameleon)

No One Lives Forever  (Orcman)

Tropico (AirChameleon)

Incoming (Kat)

Red Faction (Orcman)

Men in Black (Kat)

Airline Tycoon (Kat)

Shogun Total War: Warlord Edition (AirChameleon) (Power Point Required)

Xbox Games:

Halo: Combat Evolved (AirChameleon)

Fuzion Frenzy (AirChameleon)

WWF: RAW (AirChameleon)

Playstation Games: 

Smackdown!™ 2 (AirChameleon)

Grand Theft Auto 2 (AirChameleon)

Playstation 2 Games:

Crazy Taxi (Orcman)

Dynasty Warriors 2 (Orcman)

Grand Theft Auto 3 (Orcman)

State of Emergency (Orcman)

N64 Games:

WWF: No Mercy (AirChameleon)

Space Station: Silicon Valley (AirChameleon)

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (AirChameleon)

Massive Multiplayer/Free Online Games:

Furcadia (taekwondogirl)

Miscellaneous Stuff:

Faygo (Lt_Blue_Eyes)

Orc's Story Time: Air and the Moth (Orcman)

Orc's Story Time: Grand Theft Auto 3 Edition (Orcman)

Orc's Story Time: Elves (Orcman)

Orc's Story Time: Max Payne Edition (Orcman)

Orc's Story Time: Zombies (Orcman)

Air's Image Gallery (AirChameleon)

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