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09-25.00- We have broken up. I'm not going to go into why because it matters to no one but us. Klint and I may be looking for new musical projects. I think James is done with music for a while. If anyone needed a rock 'n roll guitarist and singer- contact Klint, or email the band ( and he will get the message. If anyone needs an emo or hardcore bassist/vocalist email me ( Thanks- Kris

08-23.00- Well, it's been about a week since we played our show. Things went ok I guess. We didn't play great, but we didn't play awful either. The White Octave cancelled at the last minute, so that was a downer. We may end up being a four piece again. We need another guitar. More info on that later. If anyone visited this page I might update more, but since no one does, oh well. Thanks- Kris

08-14.00- What's up out there? We are finally playing our first show. It's going to be with Deep Elm Records own the White Octave! We are also going to be playing with local favorites Eight Bit and This Day Forth. It will be this Wednesday (8/16). Email me if you want to come out. I'll post more info on the show when I get it. Thanks- Kris

08-01.00- Would you check this out!? I'm updating the page and have real information. We are actually together for real. We have practiced together twice now and things are going well. We have real practice space. That is a very nice thing. We have the skeletons of maybe 6 songs right now. They are still rough, but are coming along. We are a three piece for now. We may add another guitarist if the right person comes along. Are you that right person? If so email me. We should be playing a show (our first) in late August sometime. More info on that when I get it. Thanks- Kris

06-22.00- I leave this page alone for a while hoping to have something exciting to say, but I never do. Right now we still haven't gotten off the ground. Right now I'm listing us as a four piece but at the moment I don't know what's up. I don't know who is in and who is out. Someday I will have real info. Thanks- Kris

05-24.00- No one in the world care that this band exists, but oh well. As I tend to say in these updates, I don't know whats up with this band. Here is what I know. Klint and I are doing this, and we have an idea what we want the project to sound like. Heres what I don't know, who else is in. We are talking, but we don't know who is with us. Everything is sort of up in the air. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will have real info and a real band. Thanks- Kris

03-24.00- I guess the "secret" is out. We are getting back together. I don't really know what's going on totally. Klint and I have jammed and that went well. We are probably going to have all the same members, though I'd love a second bass (if anyone is interested email The music will be similar except little to no screaming now. Check back for more info later. WE ARE BACK!! - Kris

03-15.00- Nearer, nearer - Kris

02-23.00- The discussions have begun - Kris

02-16.00- Is it safe to say goodbye? - Kris

01-24.00- It may be safe to not visit this page anymore. Thanks- Kris

01-17.00- No news isn't always good news. Acoustic guitars, side projects, and closure are all good things. Once again, beware of the slow, unseen demise. It can kill you every time. Thanks- Kris

01-07.00- Y2K come and gone, what a joke. I'm glad the hype is over. I hope to never hear the word millenium again. Anyway, we have no practice space. Who knows if we ever will? Things are completely at a stand still. More info when I get any. Thanks- Kris

12-15.99- Understatement of the day...things are going very slowly with Autumn In The Woods. We recently had to move our practice area. We got "removed" from our old space. No further comments will be made about this problem. This has caused us to be without a place to practice temporarily. Therefore, we haven't gotten to practice in a while. Things just aren't going well right now. Hopefully once the new practice space gets set up things will move better. Just beware of the slow demise. I know it is a fear of mine. Thanks- Kris

12-1-99- The updates just come so often don't they. Sorry about that to anyone who may care. I'm doubting that applys to many people. Anway, here's a short update on what's going on. First, I did some clean up work on the page. Not a ton of things changed, but some of you may have noticed the difference. The band bio on the main page was the biggest change. It needed updating quite badly and I finally did. I think the rest of the guy would say it works. As far as the band goes there really isn't too much going on right now. Schedules are so hectic. We don't get to practice too much. That sucks, but everyone is just too busy. Hopefully things will start to be a little better sometime soon, but then again I always say that. We are still happy with our every improving sound, but we are a bit rusty after little practice lately. Oh well, it should get better. Maybe we'll even get to actually play a show someday. That is yet to be seen. Thanks- Kris

11-9-99- I always say I'm going to update more often, but I don't. Oh well. The show got killed. It never happened. Still to this day no one has experienced Autumn In The Woods live. The day will come. We are still working on new songs. The writing comes and goes. We are trying to really solidify things these days. The emotion is overwhelming to us even. Prepare yourself for the live show. The addition of Zac will now blow everyone away. Thanks- Kris

10-24-99- Well, Zac is in for good now. That's exciting news. We've only really gotten to practice once with him, but he adds so much to the sound. We are finally playing our first show too. (HOORAY!) That's going to happen on Halloween night. It's not a Halloween thing though, that is just coincidence. We are playing in the area of Loveland, OH. If anyone cares and wants to come, email me ( and I'll try to hook you up with details. Please pray that God will work through us at this show and in the future. Thanks- Kris

10-10-99- Gosh I'm horrible at updating this page. No one visits it anyway. Well, we are still kickin' it. We have a decent set list together and should be (finally) playing a show coming up. We are also close to adding a second guitar. Good ole' Zac Brown, formally of Dark Jagged Blue fame, may be playing second guitar and backup vocals for us. That rocks! That will make FOUR vocalists. WOW!! The music is really coming along well though. This is as happy as I've ever been playing music and I think the other guys would agree. Everything is so intense and emotional. Well, that's all for now. HOPEFULLY, I'll actually update this thing sometimes. Thanks -Kris

7-16-99- After a 3 month hiatus Autumn In The Woods is back in full effect. We have totally reformed and started over. We now consist of Klint Ladd on vocals/guitar, James Smith on bass/vocals, and Kris Rose on vocals/drums. We are also emo now. No electronica for us. It's nice to be kicking again. This is NO LONGER A SIDE PROJECT! We are a serious band now (yippey!). I hope everyone who supported our now defunct old band will support us. Thanks- Kris.

4-19-99- We may be mak href="/ri/autumninthewoods"> Our main page
Our news page
Klint's bio page
James' bio page
Kris' bio page
Our lyrics page