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Companies assigned and commanders

Company                                                  Commander                            

  A                                   Captain Marie Alfred Coppens (resigned 5/61)

                                                                                Captain Leopold Lange (from 1st LT. Co B)


              B                                Captain Fulgence De Bordenave (Major 09/17/62)   

                                                                                 Captain Joseph Demourelle

                                            C                                       Captain Howard H. Zacharie

                                                                                         Captain Hortaire H. Andry

                                            D                                     Captain Nemoura Lauve

                                                                                         Captain Charles P.J. Masoni

                                                                                          Captain Louis M. Ducros

                                           E                                          Captain Paul Francis DeGournay 

                                                   (detached as Orleans Independent Artillery)

                                      E(2nd)                               Captain Charles M. Rene (resigned 8/12/62)

                                                                     Captain John Peralta

                                   1st Company Louisiana Foot Rifles

                                    added from 7th Louisiana Battalion 8/62


                                           F                                            Captain Marie Alfred Coppens (Lt. Col. 9/17/62)

                                                                                            Captain Jules Dupuy    (Court Martial 9 or 10/64)

                                         G                                 Captain McGavock Goodwyn

                              Crescent City Blues Company B

                                     added from 7th Louisiana Battalion 5/31/62

                                     transferred to 15th Louisiana Regiment 8/62


                                        H                                   Captain Samuel W. Spencer

                               Catahoula Guerrillas

                                      added from 7th Louisiana Battalion 5/31/62

                                       transferred to 15th Louisiana Regiment 8/62





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Web site created by Low Private Stennett
Copyright © 2004  [1st Louisiana Coppens' Zouaves WCWA]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 07/12/04.