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Roster of Coppens' Zouaves

       This roster is contained for your information, and is the result of the efforts of many people.  It appears as the original names do on the original muster roles, during the first year of the Battalion's existence.  There are misspellings, and portions that are not able to be read due to degradation through time.  If you have additional information regarding these rolls, or are related to one of the soldiers listed, we invite you to contact us.


Company A La Zouaves from the State of Louisiana in the service of the Confederate States of America in the war with the United States, from the 27 March 1861. All from New Orleans for a period of 1 year.

1.Lerngu, Leopold, Capt.,
2.Fabra, Francis, 1st Lt.
3.Bouminev, Eli???, 2nd Lt.
4.George, Micheal, 3rd Lt.

1.Durfsey, Jules, 1st Sgt.
2.McCarthy, Stephen, 2nd Sgt., Sick at hospital???
3.Brooks, David, 3rd Sgt., Detached to the Provost Marshal, Yorktown
4.Hughes, Robert, 4th Sgt.
5.Conran, Naydorff, 5th Sgt.
6.Goldstein, David, 6th Sgt., (Goldstein Lewis)

1.Meafs, David, 1st Cpl.
2.William, Wallace, 2nd Cpl., Detached to Provost Marshal, Yorktown
3.Harvey, Charles,3rd Cpl., Detached to Provost Marshal, Yorktown
4.?Brun, Richard, 4th Cpl., Detached to Provost Marshal, Yorktown
5.Fitzgerals, William, 5th Cpl,.
6.Rodgers, Robert, 6th Cpl., (Robert Rogers)
7.Hebrun, Fred, 7th Cpl.
8.Bruce, Edward, 8th Cpl.

1.Fisher, Henry, (Mushvaire)
2.Payoh, Claudon, (Mussvaere), Discharged at Williamsburg VA Oct 6/61
1.Allance, Armeduer???, Pvt.
2.Altwill, John, Pvt.
3.Buaruex, Edmond, Pvt., Transfer to 6th Calvary LA
Blumer, Peter, Pvt.
Blumer, Joseph, Pvt.
Bumarau, Joseph, Pvt.
Becktel, William Pvt., Detached to Provost Marshal, Yorktown
Brady, John, Pvt.
Conrig, John, Pvt., Deserted in Richmond, June 61
Crogman, Pvt., Deserted in Richmond, June 61
Cavanaugh, D., Pvt., Deserted in Richmond, June 61
Charles, Darves, Pvt., Deserted in Newport News, July 61
Cohen, John, Pvt.
Cardello, D. John, Pvt., Discharged in Yorktown, Sept. 23/61
Carnevois, Daniel, Pvt., Detached artilleryman, in 5th Company
Dennis, John, Pvt., Died in Hospital at Yorktown
Dooling, Frank, Pvt., Died in hospital at Bigter?? Mills
Driscoll, Daniel, Pvt.
Donald, Alexander, Pvt., Discharded at Yourktown, Sept. 22/61
David, August, Pvt., Absent sick at Williamsburg
Durker, henry, Pvt.
Doyle, F., Pvt.
Forenesis, John, Pvt., Detached to the 5th Company, Capt. DeGuarney
Federte, Fred, Pvt., (Fred Felester)
Frederick, Gastafo, Pvt.
Flynn, Thomas, Pvt., Remains in Washington in Hospital
Gorstof, Patrick, Pvt., Detached to the 5th Company, Capt. Deguarney
Gunsker, henty, Pvt.
Griffin, John, Pvt.
Heusing, B., Pvt.
Hering, George, Pvt., Died from injuries via the Caus
Herr, Julius, Pvt., (Jules Harr)
Jack, Charles, Pvt., Discharged
Kelly, Timothy, Pvt.
Kerold, Leopold, Pvt.
Kahan, Lewis, Pvt., Discharged at Williamsburg, Sept, 25/61
Kulligan, John, Pvt., Detached as Hosptial Steward
Kulpf, John, Pvt.
Lathe, Peter, Pvt., In confinement at Williamsburg
Lindsey, Samuel, Pvt.
Lensig, William, Pvt.
Ludwig, Joseph, Pvt., (Joseph Ludwick), Deserted near Newport News, July/61
Mortori, William, Pvt., Deserted, in Richmond, July/61
Martins, Pvt., Left sick at Warrington Florida
McDonald, C., Pvt.
Magerald, C, Pvt.
Miller, Charles, Pvt., Detached in the telegraph office, Yorktown
Mooney, Frank, Pvt., Absent sick
Marafkie, F, Pvt.
McCormick, William, Pvt., Detached as nurse in hosptial Dec 30/61
MontBlanche, Henry, Pvt.
Montile, George,Pvt., (George Harley)
McLaughlin, C., Pvt.
Morrento, B., Pvt.
Maukasbecker, C, Pvt., Absent sick in Richmond
McGarn, Edmond, Pvt.
Muldens, Charles, Pvt.
Otto, Couran, Pvt.
Preston, John, Pvt., Deserted near Newport News in July/61
Peterson, Charles, Pvt.
Poner, John, Pvt.
Rich, Henry, Pvt.
Rosenaur, Adolph, Pvt.
Sauer, Frank, Pvt.
Stewart, Charles, Pvt., Discharged in Yorktown, Nov 14/61
Smith, Robert, Pvt.
Stoops, Martin, Pvt., Detached in the QuarterMaster Depot in Yorktown
Simsley, Henry, Pvt.
Trash, B, Pvt.
Thomas, William, Pvt. (William C. Thomas)
Vincent, Francis, Pvt.
Vaughan, Charles, Pvt., Discharged on August 23/61
Warn, William, Pvt., Detached to the 5th Company LA Zouaves
Straser, John, Pvt., (John Stracer), Detached to the 5th Company LA Zouaves
Windler, L, Pvt. (WorrestulerP)
Waife, Adolph, Pvt., (Adolph Wilke), in confinement in Williamsburg
Willcoirs, David, Pvt.
Wilkie, Adolph, Pvt., Sick in Richmond
Zirjernberg, Pvt., Deserted in Richmond June/61
Wall, John, Pvt., Appointed Hospital Steward
Wagner, Pvt.

Company B La Zouaves from the State of Louisiana in the service of the Confederate States of America in the war with the United States, from the 4 April 1861. All from New Orleans for a period of 12 months??

1.DeBordenauev, F, Capt., age- 36 years
2.Leopold Larige, 1st Lt., 26y
3.Bonnenner CL, 2nd Lt, 24y
4.Rudolph Driconas, 3rd Lt., 22y

1.Auronex Louis, 1st Sgt., 27y
2.Saurboney A, 2nd Sgt., 24y
3.Bourauex Autoib, 3rd Sgt.,28y
4.Marquis, Henry, Sgt., 26y
5.Gardolph, Jules, 4th Sgt., 24y
6.Waterman, Paul, 5th Sgt., 24y

1.Hersog, August, Cpl., 34y
2.Thomas, Louis, 2nd Cpl.,21y
3.Dugas, Joseph, 3rd Cpl.,38y
4.Schraurn, Lewis, 4th Cpl., 31y
5. Grover, ET, 5th Cpl., 24y
6.Harmanso, Conran, 6th Cpl.,33y
7.Midodo, Conran,7th Cpl., 26y
8.Howard, Thomas, 8th Cpl., 25y

1.Vigus, Jules, Drummer, 23y
2.Burk, Dan, Drummer, 23y, Promoted to 1st Sgt

1.Allison CE, Pvt., 28y
2.Adam, Alex, Pvt., 20y
3.Bash, Charles, Pvt., 26y
Baker, William, Pvt., 30y
Bellmer, Harrison, Pvt., 39y
Baurer, Lewis, Pvt., 22y
Battie, Joseiph, Pvt. 20y
Comby, Orliver, Pvt, 27y
Commyser, John, Pvt., 35y
Castmiorger, Pvt. 20y
Cottens, William, A, Pvt., 25y
Clemont, Jean, Pvt, 23y
Chastini, Mosis, Pvt, 20y
Clark, Marcher, Pvt, 25y
Charvier, John, Pvt, 32y
Candeb, Earnest, Pvt, 26y
Dryer, Caspar, Pvt, 26y
Dugan, Dan??Darren, Pvt, 26y Deserter in Richmond Jun 11/61
Donelesto, Earnest, Pvt, 23y Discharge order Dan McGruder
Burisea, Antoine, Pvt, 25y
Dean, William Pvt, 26y
Key, Martin, Pvt, 24y
Fleshman, E, Pvt. 25y
Fouler, William, Pvt. 29y
Fadler, Charles, Pvt., 20y
Frank, Geo,F, Pvt., 35y
Ferrelou, IB, Pvt., 22y
Galagher, Pat, Pvt., 34y
Gardner Augustus, Pvt., 28y
Garrick, Richard, Pvt., 28y
Griffin, Geor W., Pvt., 22y
Herger, IQ, Pvt., 26y
Hourgust, David, Pvt., 28y
Houch, D, Pvt., 20y
Hard, August, Pvt., 21y
Henrey, Edmond, Pvt., 33y
Higgins, Henry, Pvt., 35y
Klensark, Jacob, Pvt., 35y
Kirchart, KS, Pvt., 30y
Kelley, Edmond, Pvt., 32y
Lorig, John, Pvt., 27y
Lindburger Charles, Pvt., 28y
Maas, David, Pvt., 27y
Murich, Charles, Pvt., 18y
McGinnis, HE, Pvt., 21y
Miles, Henry, Pvt., 25y
Llager, John, Pvt., 20y
De’ Heandeau, H, Pvt., 17y
Power, Philips, Pvt., 28y
Potauow, Joseph, Pvt., 26y
Porner, Charles, Pvt., 30y
Polkie, John, Pvt., 26y
Sterling, SH, Pvt., 34y
Shurenger, H, Pvt., 34y
Chirusis, Dawn?????, Pvt., 44y
Stelsner, August, Pvt., 36y
Shollmen, Fred, Pvt., 24y
Soncy, Fabins, Pvt., 23y
Solnoskey, Lewis, Pvt., 25y Deserted in Richmond Jun11/61
Schellog, Fred, Pvt., 24y
Shaw, Daniel, pvt., 21y
Serbibville, L, Pvt., 20y
Stresser, Nicolis, Pvt., 20y
Smith, Charles, Pvt., 25y
Stinebrown, E., Pvt., 26y
Shriver, John, Pvt., 34y
Savage, John, Pvt., 30y
Sulivan, John, Pvt, 25y enlisted April 18th
Taperman, W., Pvt, 26y enlisted April 4th
Taylor John, Pvt, 34y enlisted April 4th
Narroclaus, John, Pvt, 24y enlisted April 4th
Wolf, Samuel, Pvt, 22y enlisted April 4th
Wisntiss, David, Pvt, 28y enlisted April 4th
Wickner, A, Pvt, 22y enlisted April 4th
Wolf, Chester, Pvt, 24y enlisted April 4th
Worlig, Charles, Pvt, 25y enlisted April 4th
Walet, Frank, Drummer, 48y enlisted May 2nd
Sirmainneman, Pvt., enlisted May 8/61,
Poul, John, Pvt, enlisted May 18/61
Romare, Jarvis, Pvt, enlisted May 18/61
Clarcke, C, Pvt., enlisted April 4th/61
Tritman, William, Pvt, enlisted April 4th/61

Transferred and dropped from last rolls
Lange, Leopold, 1st Sgt., Transferred as Capt. of the 1st company
Bonemer, Charles, 2Sgt., Transferred as 2nd Lt. of the 1st company
Arnoinet, Lewis, 1st Sgt., Transferred in 6th company
Sainbrory, A, 1st Sgt, Transferred in 4th company
Granadolf, D, 1st Sgt., Reduced to ranks and transferred to 6th Company
Gover, ET, Cpl, Reduced to ranks and transferred to 5th Company
Medock, Cpl, Reduced to ranks and transferred to 6th Company
Howard, Thomas, Cpl, Reduced to ranks and transferred to 5th Company
Bush, Charles, Pvt, Deserter in Richmond Jun/61
Batter, Joseph, Pvt, Transferred to 5th Company
Collins, Alexander, Pvt., Transferred to 5th Company
Clark, Morris, Pvt., Deserter at Richmond Jun/61
McCormer, SN, Pvt., Transferred to 5th Company
Doogan, James, Pvt., Deserter at Richmond Jun/61
Gilgier, ANV, Transfered to 5th Comapny
Kelly, Edmond, transfered to 5th Comapny
Maas, David, Pvt., transferred to 1st company and promoted to Cpl.
McGuire, HE, Pvt., transfered to 5th Comnay
Sterling, HH, Pvt., transferred to 5th company
Slowkis, Lewis, Pvt., Deserter
Smitt, Rufis, Pvt., transferred to 5th company
Smith, Charles, Pvt., Transferred to 5th company
Trilman, William, Pvt., Deserter
Monba, Charles, Sgt, Died at Mortatown, Aug 22/61 April8/61,
Herzigeoger, August, Sgt., Reduce to ranks, transfer to 1st company April 8/61
Nelisth, Frank, Drummer, , Discharged Disability May 2/61

Company C La Zouaves (muster roll only) from the State of Louisiana in the service of the Confederate States of America in the war with the United States, from the 8 April 1861. All from New Orleans for a period of 12 months??.

1.HH Zachari, Cpt., age 28y,
2.Victor Minot, 1st Lt., 28y
3.William Frebnet, 2nd Lt., 21y, Sick New Orleans
4.Joseph McNeal, 3rd Lt., 22y

1.Samuel Angasla, 1st Sgt., 28y, Absent on Special duty
2.Mabin, Charles, 2nd Sgt., 37y
3.Andy Hays, 3rd Sgt, 19y, Dischared Cort??Dis/
4.Garmer, Charles, 4th Sgt., 24y
5.Gelly, H , 5th Sgt., 20y, Discharded on Corb??Dis
6.Beausemot, I, 6th Sgt., 34y

1.Peiffer, Charles, 1st Cpl., 33y, Promoted to Sgt
2.Williams Adolph, 2nd Cpl., 31y
3.Znasabankfer, 3rd Cpl., 32y
4.Wyazor, John, 4th Cpl., 26y

1.Angelo Saegor, Pvt., 36y
2.Anerson Daniel, Pvt., 29y
Allen, TO, Pvt., 29y
Amiauchola, A, Pvt., 28
Zirigarnow, A, Pvt., 28y
Buseov, Joseph, Pvt., 50
Baivire, George, pvt., 27
Barker, Tran, Pvt., 20
Bauconi, Martin, Pvt., 29y
Baspar, Lewis, Pvt., 30
Borgoiss, Robh, Pvt., 34
Borease, Molcerab, Pvt., 22
Byner, Malcomm, Pvt., 18
Inisersedo, John, Pvt, 20
Brady, John, Pvt., 17y
Cross, Alford, Pvt., 21
Cornelle, Joseph, Pvt., 21
Cornart, George, Pvt., 21
Casonet, Moses, Pvt., 30
Christian, Hank, Pvt., 26
Dacon, Adward, Pvt., 22
Delou, Francis, Pvt., 37
Davis, William, Pvt., 26
Dauney, Jakes, Pvt., 29
Davis, John, Pvt., 29
Dissie, Disire, Pvt., 27
Fallow, John, Pvt., 18
Ford, Daniel, Pvt., 28
Foster, George, Pvt., 33
Hictor, Tho, Pvt,. 21
Foster, Randolph, Pvt,. 29
Ferback C, Pvt., 29
Cross Francis, Pvt., 27
Gounnel, Icor, Pvt., 32
Harmon, charles, Pvt, 20
Hubbarta, William, Pvt., 27
Howard, Charles, Pvt., 29, Absent in Richmond
Gluerler, George, Pvt.,22
Hinckman, A, Pvt., 28
Johns, William, Pvt., 22
Kelly, James Pvt., 26
Kern, James, Pvt., 23
Kierstair, Jame, Pvt., 29
Keiser, Jack, Pvt., 27
King, John, Pvt., 23
Loserier, Chas, Pvt.,21
Lesour, Chadrick, Pvt. 20
Lewles, James, Pvt., 26
Laffillo, A, Pvt., 60
Lewis, Charles, Pvt., 29
Lomis, Francis, Pvt., 20
McAzar, Charles, Pvt., 20
McWorth, Chas, Pvt., 20
Martin, John, Pvt., 29
Miller, Jacob, Pvt., 30, Discharged on corb??? Day Sept. /61
Milduck, Jake, Pvt., 20
Major, Francis, Pvt., 22
Martin, Francis, Pvt., 26, Discharged on Carb, Die??
Motour, Stirvs, Pvt., 49
Markam, Charles, Pvt, 20
Magor, Bower, Pvt., 26
Sartesk, William, Pvt, 21
Srout, John, Pvt, 20
Saier, Adam, Pvt, 29
Dualdur, Joseph, Pvt., 22
Ragua, T, Pvt, 23
Rigar, John, Pvt, 22
Sirus, John, Pvt, 30
Robert Salvic, Pvt., 29
Robert Johnson, Pvt. 21
Semner, John, Pvt., 46
Shouran, Peter, Pvt., 33
Saldos, Augtre, Pvt., 32
Sibel, Augustus, Pvt., 36
Seilgh, William, Pvt., 26
Stign, William, Pvt., 28
Salter, Joseph, Pvt., 39
Thomas, Harry, Pvt., 23
Tyle, Joseph, Pvt., 20
William, Th, Pvt., 23
Wilson, Jack, Pvt. 24
Walsh, Peter, Pvt., 20
Winder, Harvey, Pvt., 19
Zeigar, William, Pvt., 21
Gaseau, Jules, Pvt., 25, Detached FMSigh
Johns, Robert, Pvt., 22, Detached Service
Montilier, S, Pvt., Promoted Sgt, 1st Company May 1/61
Handy, Henry, Pvt., Detached Cont, Dis
Wynas, W, Pvt., Detached Cont Dis
Thomas, Wilber, Pvt., Detached Cont Dis

Company D La Zouaves (muster roll) from the State of Louisiana in the service of the Confederate States of America in the war with the United States, from the 18 April 1861. All from New Orleans for a period of 1 year.

1.Neirour, Lowre, Capt.
2.Beleog, Fritz, 1st Lt.
3.Letervis, LC, 2nd Lt.
4.Foster, William K, ????
Chas Broosbe, QMSgt.

1. Boget, Joseph, 1st Sgt.
2.Hardy, Eugene, 2nd Sgt.
3.Poisot, Charles, 3rd Sgt.
4.Heuret, EW, 4th Sgt.
5.Winox, Emule, 5th Sgt.

1. Goslin, August, 1st Cpl.
2.Grospeau, Jules, 2nd Cpl.
3.Brinox, Ed, 3rd Cpl.
4.Bilhunst, H, 4th Cpl

1. Ash, Samuel, Pvt.
2. Allen, Ed, Pvt.
3.Aulner, John, Pvt.
Baison, A
Barow Arnio
Bonner, Ed
Battir, Chas
Benedy, Daniel
Borule, John
Blackman, H
Chasteir, Joseph
Chapitar, Louks
Conners, M
Castery, Louis,
Clancy, Samuel
Chopenare, John
Disseier, John
Dispilgair, I
Dashner, A
Daniel, Ford
Daylo, Tho
Douglas, James
Elliot, James
Erlandr, Elan
Fosmeyer, William
Faust, Antoine,
Horoyd, James
Forbs, James
Fairman, Richard
Field, James
Fisher, Charles
Flack, Worpus
Groux, Victor
Gill, Richard
Haer, William N.
Hubar, Phil
Herman, Arthur
Hennuman, M
Johnson, H
Kane, Mark
Koon, Daniel
Koler, Chastian
Kirner, John
Kirpin, D
Lareuer, A
Lepbor, Augustus
Landaman, M
Meloth, James
Jaury, James
McAnby, I
Murphy, I
Miles, Jarvis
Mott, Emule
Minitley, F
McBride, Williams
Morivole, B
Nefiolas, G
Graphix, Ivory
Onuele, Peter
Obrini, H
Partley, Patrick, age 25y
Pelton, Ernie,21
Parker, Joseph,29
Riley, Philips, 26
Reed, Edward, 24
Rapman, Henry, 27
Regan, John, 27
Riddle, Henry, 27
Sevingher, Charles, 29
Smith, Ed, 26
Sander, Frank, 26
Stewart, John, 30
Striver, M, 40
Scharik, John, 30
Smith, William, Pvt.,39y, Died in hospital Yorktown, Nov 8/61
Triggs, Richard, 20
Tripp, Charles, 24
Thirouet, CN, Pvt.,22y, Deserted in Yorktown, Jun27/61
Thompson, James, 19
Thinioly, William, 22
Vesoney, James, 25
Vust, Frank, 24
Wagner, Lewis, 27
Wiselbany, John, 28
Werre, Charles, 30
Stewart, John, Pvt., transferred from Co.C August 1/61
Bouhoimo, C, Pvt., Reduced to ranks from Sgt. Major
Olhsore, John
Liberman, A
Riber, Paul
Samuel, 1st Sgt.
Wanger, 1st Sgt., 27, promoted to Sgt. Major, transferred to Co. C

Transferred and dropped from Roll
Pjaegur, Sgt., Deserted 18 April
Hardy, E, Sgt., Discharged 18 April
Hunley, Sgt., Discharged 18 April
Erlandager, Sgt.
Koller, Daniel, Sgt.

Company E La Zouaves (muster roll) from the State of Louisiana in the service of the Confederate States of America in the war with the United States, from the 15 March 1861. All from New Orleans for a period of 1 year.

DeGouranay, Paul F, Capt., age 35y

Company F La Zouaves (muster roll) from the State of Louisiana in the service of the Confederate States of America in the war with the United States, from the 2 May 1861. All from New Orleans for a period of 1 year.

1.Alfred Coppens, Capt., age 24y
2.Laine, Oliver, N., 1st Lt., 25
3.Foster, William K, 2nd Lt., 25
4.Halpin Aldii, 3rd Lt., 22

1.Ruir, Fausto, Sgt. Maj., 25
2.Strango, Jules, Sgt., 28
3.Farvador, Pierre, Sgt., 31
4. Schwartz, I, Sgt.,21
5.Giroro, Edwards, Sgt., 34
6.Peret, Victor, Sgt. 31

1.Beker, T, August, Cpl., 22
2.Delany, Gustove, Cpl., 22
3. Espinger, George, Cpl., 32
4.Repsouen, E, Cpl., 25
5.Bablist, IC., Cpl., 20
6.Reed, Richard, Cpl, 32
7.Wagner, Saur, Cpl, 36
8.Guildner, Saur, Cpl, 26

1.Engbret, Charles, Cpl, 30
2.Doumoulin, F, Cpl, 26
3.Meumger, Louis, Cpl., 32
4.Valet, Frank, Cpl., 36

1. Barne, Patricck, Pvt., 24
2. Binkle, John, Pvt., 32
Buckner, Theodor, Pvt., 28
Brown, Fred, Pvt., 21
Burnes, Pvt., 24
Badger, Edward, Pvt., 38
Bintrene, pvt., 20
Barker, Philips, Pvt., 38
Casral, Edward, Pvt., 20
Csrist, Henry, Pvt., 24
Collins, Petro, Pvt., 34
Cook, William, Pvt., 26
Claus, John, Pvt., 25
Carmelo, Et, Pvt, 26
Colessie, Shaw, Pvt., 24
Darviel, Pvt., 28
Dasett, Adrein, Pvt., 20
Davis, William, Pvt., 24
Devot, Sheradon, Pvt., 25, Wounded and disabled from service by the Surgeon at Washington hospital near Pensacola Florida.
Duffy, James, Pvt., 21
Dovet, Benjamin, Pvt., 31
Doherty, Pvt., 20
Elliot, Williams, Pvt., 28
Fisher, Poul, Pvt., 24
Gontrau, Pvt., 25, Deserted
Groining, Frederick., Pvt.,
Gaspard, Pvt., 32, Left in Hospital at West point???
Iris, Odason, Pvt., 23
Gayckas, A, Pvt., 21
Howard, Charles, Pvt., 24
Hansinger, John, Pvt., 24
Hazeki, Herman, Pvt., 26
McGinnsey, Philip, Pvt., 20
Harvan, I, Pvt., 21
Kaifer, Jacob, Pvt., 25
Kape, Frederick, Pvt., 24
Lents, John, Pvt., 22
Lucas, Charles, Pvt., 31
Leon. TM, Pvt., 36
Laforge, Joseph, Pvt., 31
Mundoiler, A, Pvt., 43
Maes, Charles, Pvt., 23
Moran, William, Pvt., 21
Mayer, David, Pvt., 34
Mindith, John, Pvt., 31
Murphy, Pvt., 25
Massins, Frank, Pvt., 20
Phiminger, C, Pvt., 24
Pitzinberg, M, Pvt., 29
Palzelal, Pvt., 45, Left in hospital at Richmond VA
Rim, Pvt., 36, Left in hospital at Pensacola Florida
Rick, Nathaniel, Pvt., 26
Riehart, Charles, Pvt., 31
Rice, Louis, Pvt., 30
Peter, Harvy, Pvt., 28
Schartz, John, Pvt., 21, Left in hospital at Richmond VA
Schnider, Fred, Pvt., 47
Spark, Henri, Pvt., 27
Schop, Pvt., 27, Left in hospital at Warrenton Florida
Schoten, Salmon, Pvt., 23
Schnider, David, Pvt., 28
Scot, William, Pvt., 36
Schmidth, Pvt., 31, Deserted
Schiffer, Pvt., 21
Sterling Leopold, Pvt., 26
Simon, Pvt., 25
Schmit, Jean, Pvt.,21
Straney, Patrick, Pvt., 25, Left in hospital at Warrenton Florida
Schubert, Frank, Pvt., 36
Texa, Charles, Pvt., 21
Siuepher, A, Pvt., 26
Sirumerman, Pvt., 28
Wagner, F, Pvt., 21, Missing
Suren, Frank, Pvt. 22
Shinry, Honore, Pvt., 25
Volfinson, Louis, Pvt., 22


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Web site created by Low Private Stennett
Copyright © 2004  [1st Louisiana Coppens' Zouaves WCWA]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 08/06/04.