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The Ramble Rouser
Thursday, 27 July 2006
I live again!
Mood:  lucky
Topic: One Ramblin' Ranter!
I would like to say thanks to all my supporters and well wishers during my time of need. The computer less world was filled with sorrow and many tears.... I was not sure if I would make it but I did. I would also like to thank my dad for donating his computer to get me back on the internet at home.... my computer and I are an integral part of the American dream! Hallelujah!

Well the world keeps spinning and I keep spending a lot of money on gas to go to interviews with staffing agencies. These are truly a waste of time. I go in there after they call me and I go through a lengthy interrogation that includes torture techniques and I walk out of there unemployed. What happened to that perfect position for me? Do I talk myself out of them? I know I do fairly well in other interviews but I never do well in staffing agency interviews. Everytime I give an answer they just continue to silently sit and stare until I nervously blurt out something else just to get them to talk... They are evil! I was really upset about the electrical shocks they applied as I hung suspended from the ceiling withy water dripping down me. It was awful! I decided that tomorrow will be the last time I waste gas on an interview with a staffing agency. I already agreed to go so I will follow through but after that the answer is no more! I have a few interviews I have done including a few phone interviews that seemed positive and I have a few more to do this week. I am really anxious to get in to a company and working soon.... I know that I filled the gas tank up for the last time until I do get a new job....

Anyway wish me luck or write me hate mail but either way drop a line:

Posted by Michael Williams at 12:13 AM PDT
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Monday, 24 July 2006
My Computer Died
Mood:  blue
Topic: One Ramblin' Ranter!
The unthinkable happened. My computer died Saturday night. One minute I am about to play an online game of Neverwinter Nights and the next minute the screen is saying it is in backup mode and the computer is off. It won't power back on. My best bet is that it is the power supply that went down. Either way it is a problem that has no immediate fix when there is no income.

My mom told me it was probably a good thing because it would make my only way of applying be in person. You can tell she has not applied in a long time. Most places go out of there way to avoid face to face occurances. A lot of jobs make you fill out an application on a computer at there locations and you get the same response you did applying for jobs at home. Which is nothing. You never hear from them.

At the moment I will probably not be spending much time writing in the library to you guys. Sorry but I need to spend the time applying and responding to emails.

I hate my dead computer!

Posted by Michael Williams at 4:59 PM PDT
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Saturday, 22 July 2006
It's Hot!!
Mood:  on fire
Topic: One Ramblin' Ranter!
It's 84 degrees as I right this..... It's 8:45 AM.... It is going to be a hot day. I am trying to figure out what to do. I was thinking I should go someplace I can kill hours at. I can't stay at home yesterday it was over a 100 degrees, 104 to be exact, outside and it was pretty darn close in my apartment. I can't drink enough water! It never really did cool down enough in my apartment last night. My room is still quite a noticeable degree hotter then the living room and the living room is uncomfortable. The fans are working overtime but it is just too hot. This is getting rediculous.... I mean where the heck are the AC units??? What is this crap! I am cranky and exhausted (I don't sleep well when it's hot). My mom found out I was cranky yesterday when she called. All I can think of at the moment are the negatives. I have no job, I am hot, I am broke, I have no AC, I am hot, I am hot, I am hot, I am hot and I want to smack that random guy over there. This sucks.

Anyways yesterday I went to the movies and saw Clerks II at 1:30 pm. I don't feel like reviewing it right now.... ask me again when it isn't so dang hot! Then I went to the local mall and read inside Barnes and Noble until 7:30 pm. Then I wandered around Walmart until 9:30 pm and then I came home to a burning hot home. I drank iced water and had an ice cream bar but it was still too hot.

Today I am trying to figure out where to go that will have more options nearby. I have been thinking about going downtown. I figure they have bookstores, coffee shops, movies and libraries all pretty close together. I just hate to pay for parking.... and I have no desire to ride the bus.... I am cranky and waiting around in the heat probably will make me more so. All I know is I need to decide what to do soon... It is getting hotter.

Posted by Michael Williams at 8:52 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 22 July 2006 9:00 AM PDT
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Friday, 21 July 2006
The Heat and Late Night Commercials
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: One Ramblin' Ranter!
It's 4 AM. It's 4 AM and I have been up since 2:30.

I laid down at about midnight.... and it was hot in the house. It had gotten up to about 94 degrees today and will break a 100 the next few days. I know half of my readers are thinking... "So? It's been over a 100 degrees since January in Phoenix." Yeah well you have air conditioning. Yeah..... air conditioning would be nice. So how will I be able to beat the heat? I plan on hanging out in the frozen food section of the grocery store. I saw a nice lawn chair in the "Seasonal" section. I figure I will grab that and drag it over..... maybe a few beers. They also have a barbeque. I think I will grab that too. I mean heck they have everything I need there. Charcoal, lighter fluid, all kinds of meat, corn, potato salad and chips. Think they will mind? Is it a good idea to bbq indoors?

Anyways so I haven't slept tonight. I laid down about 12:30 and I woke up about 2 AM. I woke up thinking I was going to get sick. This happens everytime it gets this hot here. I can't sleep and when I finally do I end up all most spewing. But hey it doesn't get that hot here. You know I think that is just the apartment complexes way of avoiding putting in ac units. They make you feel like a luxury.....

I find myself watching late night Comedy Central shows... is it really late night? Wouldn't it be uber-early morning shows? So the shows all seem to have one thing in common.... they are majorly censored and every break is a girls gone wild ad.... It was driving me crazy because there are a lot of commercial breaks in a half hour show where you only hear every third word and the rest is a series of beeps. Anyways so about the 30th ad I broke and I called the number. Yeah I did it.... I called the number and a woman answered and was thanking me for calling about the exciting girls gone wild video and I said "If I buy this video will you stop showing the commercials?" She was not amused.... It seemed so dang funny when I grabbed the phone. So I ended up getting the deluxe edition where the girls read classic literature while flashing for beads..... hehe

Ok so I didn't call.

Posted by Michael Williams at 4:18 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 21 July 2006 4:26 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 19 July 2006
100th Entry!!!
Mood:  vegas lucky
Topic: Site News
I am happy to announce that this is the 100th blog entry! Woohoo! Please picture streamers falling from the sky and champagne cascading down a fountain of glasses!

Are you a CEO with your hand in more then one cookie jar? DO you stay up at nights worrying about being audited? Do you have trouble trusting your employees with the knowledge of your blatant thievery? Did you fund your kids braces with the employee retirement fund? Is that sports car your investors money redirected? If you answered yes to any of these questions then we are the company for you. At NINJA SHREDZ we don't judge, in fact we don't even speak! With our ancient ninja training we just know what has to be done. We guarantee you will never get caught red handed. You won't become the next Martha Stewart! We look down on knitted grey panchos! Ninja Shredz will get the sensitive material destroy it and kill would be informants. We are here for you. A lot of people ask why we would do this.... and when they do we laugh and say because you are rich!

Ninja Shredz clothing is now available!

Posted by Michael Williams at 9:34 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 July 2006 10:22 AM PDT
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The other shoe finally dropped
Mood:  not sure
Topic: One Ramblin' Ranter!
There was an old Geto Boyz song that had a chorus that went like this: "Dam* it feels good to be a gangsta". Boy do I wish I was a gangsta! Slanging rock from my coat pocket. Hustling for some "paper".

The thing is I am not. I am one busted, broke, down on his luck writer that has recently become jobless. Yeah I said it, I am unemployed. My position with the employment agency ended and I am back on the street scrambling to figure out where the next check will come. I have some resumes out there and even have a good lead on a job from a friend. I am not too worried but I am still worried. The thing is I was worried with the job. I was not making enough money to make ends meet anyway. Maybe that is why I am not that worried. I may have lost 300 dollars this month by not working the next 2 weeks and that is probably estimating on the high side. Young kids in Cambodia make more money then that in a day! Of course they don't get it paid to them in dollars... and it is a much longer work day... and they are only 6 days old.... but you get the point. The loss of the job although very annoying isn't as catastrophic as it would be if I wasn't already looking.

The thing is I wanted to leave them.... I wanted to walk in and say "Here is my badge and headset now kiss my lily white buttocks!" Unfortunately they were able to say "Kiss my unintellgible English speaking pinkie finger you dumb swine your job is now awarded to someone who has no teeth. Be gone from our presence" Well I am sure it was something like that I could barely understand her.... maybe she was the lady with no teeth.

I really have nothing more to say or add. I have no plans for revolutionizing the world... So this is it. This is my entry. Deal.

Posted by Michael Williams at 8:38 PM PDT
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Monday, 17 July 2006
The further adventures of my mom, auntie and me!
Mood:  special
Topic: One Ramblin' Ranter!
Hey all! I just put together a small album of my mom and auntie's trip to Portland. I took the best of what my mom and I took. Auntie's took pictures but I never got them in my posession. I do not have any pictures of us running about Powell's or downtown Portland but I have quite a few of Multnomah falls, nature and roses...

I left you guys dangling after a quick update last Monday. Here is the next 2 days.

I got up and went to work on Tuesday before Dawn and was sent home 2 hours early.... not good for the pocket book but great for the tour guide side. MY mom was rearing to go to a local vegetable stand and I knew of none but I had a little paper that told that there was one nearby. Auntie was waiting for a replacement phone for her phone that saw the bad side of a public restroom toilet.... Not sure she would want that in the blog entry but I always promise to be true for my readers.... ANyway my mom went out to get some things for lunch and I of course took us galavanting throught the place where I went hiking and had the fun with the mud and the hobos.... We saw an awesome snake and I got a great picture of a black winged bug with a red head. We found the fruit stand finally and it was some guys house.... drove past it twice. We also got free bread from a place called Bob's Red Mill which produces a lot of the fancy milled wheats, grains and granola you see in stores..... They gave us free bread for having seen a movie at the movie theater near me... we didn't even have to buy anything even though my mom did. Then we headed back to my apartment where auntie was already munching since we were an hour late from our promised time. Her phone had arrived and we were ready to go. We decided to go to the zoo and headed out the door. The zoo was a bust because the lot was full a sign that promised more parking ended up taking us back on the freeway and before I knew it we were back down town. I decided to revamp the plan and take them to a museum. We parked near Powells and ended up using it as a potty break where auntie decided she really would prefer to be. She loved the store and had only gotten a mere taste the day before... she was aching for round 2. We left her there and heade to the free tram stop. It was 20 minutes away so my mom and I walked. We got to walk through a nice area of downton to find out we only had 45 minutes left before the museum closed. With a 10 dollar entrance fee we decided it would be better to explore another time. So we headed back, stopping at a trimet station where we inquired about a monthly bus pass... which was a lot for something that was a 1/3 of the month left and decided my bus pass could wait until half price day.... In the middle of the month it becomes half priced. From there we stopped at a coffee shop so I could rejuvenate. Then we headed back to Powells and stayed for a while before grabbing auntie and heading to Widmer to eat. The food was excellent at Widmer's as was the beer.... in case you were wondering my auntie had a diet coke.

Wednesday.... I went to work again and this time was sent home an hour early. We had some food and then headed to the zoo.... it was raining.... When we got to the zoo it picked up the pace and the zoo was forgotten for the second day in a row. I decided to take them through Washington Park and to stop at the International Rose Test Garden. Thanks to the wonderful signs I found myself back on the freeway instead of going where I meant to so I had to double back. When we finally got to the park my passengers were enjoying the view. The Rose Garden was just icing on the cake. I decided to go a different way out and ended up showing them a scenic view of Portland. I missed it because I was trying to figure out where to go to get out and navigate the turns at the same time. After that fun jaunt we ended up back at Pizza Schmezza having a slice before heading to my ill fated choice of a movie.... The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Once again I liked it and they did not... We ended up viewing "Oh Brother Where Art Though" to rid their memories of the movie a bit. Then I watched auntie's copy of Eight Below as they fell asleep around me. I liked Eight Below.

The next day we had breakfast before they hit the road.

To see the pictures click here!!

Posted by Michael Williams at 11:48 PM PDT
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Sunday, 16 July 2006
Superman Returns
Mood:  surprised
Topic: A Rambling Review
I have already written a little about this movie but this is my actual review of it. This was another movie I wnet and saw with my mom and auntie. This was a movie they liked. My mom even cheered and raised her hands up when the title flashed across the screen during the opening credits, it was shocking. The topic as we left the conversation was me and my cousin Jeremiah in the capes my auntie made for us and underroos running around all over the place as Superman and Batman. Without further delay the rambling review of Superman Returns.

The world is Superman free and life carries on..... sure they missed the big guy but people have to move on. That's what we humans do, we dust ourselves off and get back up and get moving. What choice do we have really? The world has gone five years without Superman and thats when he decides to come back home. He crashes in his ma's cornfield, sure hope that wasn't mortgage money. He is back and he heads to Metropolis somehow thinking he will get right back in the swing of things but Clark Kent has been gone 5 years as well. Nothing is the same. At the Daily Planet, the only person happy to see him is Jimmy Olson and that is mainly because Jimmy has always been a geek. The boss doesn't care and neither does the bustling office. Lois is off on a groundbreaking news event on a plane and Clark is discovering that Lois has a new man.... and a son!!! Holy bootknocking Batman!!! Wait.... wrong superhero. Of course the plane Lois is on goes out of control and Superman makes his reappearance saving the out of control plane just in the nick of time...... which was a little tough to swallow because I saw him reverse the earth's rotation in one of the comic books I read. Plane must have been heavier. Either way he manages to save them in the middle of a ball park during a baseball game. The crowd goes crazy and Lois faints. The thing that bothered me was he flew off leaving the plane in the field! What the heck??!!! Anyways it's all feel good touchy shiny happy feelings as Superman zooms all over the world saving everyone. Except Lois is super pissed.... what the? She does not want to interview the returning hero.... Why not? Could it be the 5 year old boy? Nah. She is just a smoker and hates that Supes blows out her lighter. SHe pretends to be over Superman, she is definately over Clark, but we know better. Clark stumbles through his words and Superman is like Supafly with his game. I mean seriously talk about having a strong pimp hand (his appeal with the ladies is great)! Anyways Lex was released from prison as Supes came back and he of course has some stupid world domination plot that will kill lots of people so he can get some paper (money). The plot is to use Supes crystals he found back in the day to grow his own land mass..... which will of course sink the US in the Sea and will leave rich people ready to buy the newly created land.... Yeah like I said, stupid. Anyways Clark is caught up in trying to figure why he and the Man of Steel are getting the cold shoulder from Lois. He is oblivious to Lex's plans. Lois however is not and ends up captured by Lex with her son in tow. We find out the kid is definately Superman's when he throws a piano on to a guy that is trying to kill his ma. Which explains why Lois is pissed and I mean who wouldn't be? You make love and the next day the man you were with flies off to find out if Krypton is still around and leaves you with a bun in the oven. Hello Superman where was the call and the roses? C'mon man! As this is happening everyone discovers that she is missing and Clark and the new man look through her personal stuff looking for clues to where she was headed before the kidnapping. As they are hacking into her computer Lex is launching a crystal surrounded by Kryptonite into the ocean because the crystals expand like crazy in water. Clark and the other guy stop looking through her things because they know where she is. The other guy heads out in a plane and Superman helps around the city a bit before taking off to the middle of the ocean. The rest you will have to see for yourself.

I liked this movie, it wasn't groundbreaking or exceptionally well done but it was entertaining. I liked the kid even though he hardly spoke, the new Superman looked the part and with a few more smiles and a little better dialogue would have pulled off the part. The story was pretty good, a bit heavy handed and a little choppy but it was not DREAMCATCHER quality (Kevin) and that was a good thing. I think a lot of the reason I liked this movie was that Lois was finally hot in a movie.... I like Kate Bosworth!

Wait!! Wrong movie that was Blue Crush... here she is in this movie...

Yeah I have superficial motives sometimes..... ANyways I thought the movie was pretty good and pretty watchable. I recommend you go see it.

Posted by Michael Williams at 8:15 PM PDT
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Saturday, 15 July 2006
The Devil Wears Prada
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: A Rambling Review

This movie was quite a bit of fun. I was not sure it would be when we entered the theater but I was glad to see that it was. It stars Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway. Anne's character Andy has recently moved to New York to pursue her career as a journalist. She finds it difficult and signs up with a temp agency that sends her to a fashion magazine called Runway to be the 2nd office assistant to Miranda Priestly. Miranda is an institution in the place and a holy terror to everyone, when she comes to work everyone busily scurries off to miss her rath. Including passerbys in the lobby. She can dash dreams with a glance or a pursing of her lips. Andy is not the fashionable young lady that roams the halls and everyone makes rude comments about her hideous outfit. Somehow even with her grandmother styled skirt she gets the job. Much to the annoyance of Miranda's 1st assistant Emily. Emily has no kind words for emily, not that anyone there does. Miranda decides, after a verbal dress down to end all verbal dress downs from Miranda, to step it up a notch even though she does not fit the fashionable mode. The job could open plenty of doors in the journalistic world if she could survive just one year of it. Andy decides she needs to act the part to make it and enlists Nigel (Stanley Tucci), the nicest person to her although he still launched verbal barbs, to help with her wardrobe and an hour later there is a very noticeable change. Soon she is a transformed girl, a hard working and very fast moving fashion diva. Much to the distress of her boyfriend and other friends. At a very critical moment Andy steps up and catches the positive eye of Miranda. Miranda soon chooses her to go on a coveted Paris trip over Emily, Miranda's 1st assistant, who was scheduled to go and had been surviving Miranda with that as a saving grace. Andy is given the choice to go and betray Emily who just accepted her or to refuse and watch all doors in the journalistic world closed to her. She decides to go to Paris. Along the way Andy becomes a different person and finds herself going to Paris without friends and without her boyfriend behind her. She soon realizes that she does not like this world of back stabbing and cattiness but is she to far gone?

The movie is very well done and very well acted. I absolutely loved watching Anne Hathaway. Some people would say they loved the outfits but I love Anne. This was a very fun movie and I found myself laughing heartily at the jokes and enjoying each scene. And it has Anne:

This was one of those movies that you can take your mom and auntie too...

Posted by Michael Williams at 7:34 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 15 July 2006 7:50 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 12 July 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Mood:  happy
Topic: One Ramblin' Ranter!
Sometimes movies you don't expect people to like turn out to be popular and enjoyable. I remember one barbeque Kevin and I had a few years back when we were roommates. We had my mom, Becky S, Becky K (at that time she was Becky W), my dad, Mary Jo and a few other people. I threw on 'The Original Kings of Comedy' and even though it was raunchy and full of curse words your mom always took the soap to your mouth for, it was a hit. Everybody was laughing and enjoying the show even if they deny it now. Some movies you expect to entertain your cohorts don't Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was one of the latter. I went and saw it with my mom and my auntie. I enjoyed it but they.... well lets say they felt betrayed by my pick.... Moral of that story is don't take your mom and her sister to see a movie that is action packed and fun. Or something like that. On to the movie review.

Dead Man's Chest picks up relatively soon after the first ended. Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner have an impending marriage that is interrupted by charges of aiding the pirate Captain Jack Sparrow. Lord Cutler Beckett, of the East India Company, has filed the charges to get ahold of Capt. Sparrow's magical compass. He dangles a pardon in front of Will's eyes and Will is off and looking for his friend to save his special lady friend. Elizabeth is left behind in jail while her father tries to figure out how to get her out. Meanwhile Captain Jack Sparrow has just learned that his deal with Davey Jones has been called and Davey is looking to collect. Davey Jones and his crew are horrible compilations of sea creatures. Anyway Capt. Jack tricks Will into giving himself to Davey Jones. Then he runs into Elizabeth and talks about how he is trying to save him.... which we all know was a big lie. Wouldn't you sell Orlando Bloom down the river for Keira Knightley? Seriously! They are absolutely grotesque and that is the first blow for the two ladies watching it with me. In fact it was also the death blow. They never recovered from that and I was the only person of the three enjoying the movie. I had a little problem with the fact that the movie relied on people having seen the first movie. It left my two compatriots bewildered and lost since a lot of the original pirates were back. The other problem was this 2 hour movie was like a sitcom episode and it leaves you hanging for the next movie. I liked the new villains and I enjoyed Capt. Jack immensely. I do not think ol' Cap had the same swagger as in the first movie he seemed a little more desperate and a little more drunk. It was still a lot of fun and if you had seen the first movie you will have fun seeing a lot of the old crew back. Including the guy with the fake eye, his chubby friend and the undead monkey. There are a few more surprises and it is a fun movie to see. It makes you want to watch the first again.... unless your my mom or my auntie...

The real reason to see this movie.... Keira Knightly!

Posted by Michael Williams at 8:54 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 16 July 2006 9:25 PM PDT
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