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The Ramble Rouser — Profile

Name:  Michael Williams

Location:  Portland, OR
Birthday:  23 May, 1977
Bio:  I grew up in Phoenix, AZ. I loved the Mexican food, my friends and the fact that I knew the city well. I hated that it was so dang hot, that I was in a rut and that I had never planned on coming back after I graduated from Northern Arizona University. After college, I took a job as an assistant restaurant manager and that started an endless list of job hopping and complete and utter squandering of my life. So I moved to Oregon to reinvent myself. It has been one bumpy road ever since I got here but 2 years after the original move I made it to Portland (which was my goal) and I am pursuing my own career. Along the way I am reinvesting myself in my creative side. I used to be an avid writer and photographer and this blog is part of my rebirth into that world. I am a writer and a photographer again! Come along on my journey and watch me stumble, fall and then get right back up again.
Interests:  Writing, photography, drawing, reading, movie viewer, hiker, music lover
Blog Created:  Saturday, 11 March 2006
Last Updated:  Monday, 21 August 2006 - 3:42 PM PDT
Blog Entries:  136

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