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This website is geared to promote the Brutus heavy metal band from Guyana, South America.

In a country of Soca, Calypso and Reggae, the Brutus band has built a reputation as the ONLY long standing heavy metal band in the land.

The Band is eight years old and has to date realeased 2 albums: "Poisoned" and "Trippin at the Side" ; and a single: "Far Removed from the Scene" soon to be released.

The Band also made their first international appearance in Boa Vista, Brazil in 2005, to their largest crowd of over 6,000 (give or take a few).

Although opportunities are few and far for a Rock Band in Guyana, ettu Brutus has managed to fight their way through almost everything you can think about. Click on links to see more information on the band history and struggle in Guyana, photos of many events over the years, and up coming events.

We hope that this website will stimulate some interest, especially from the international music industry.

"ettu Brutus" will never stop believeing in what we do and hope that one day we will be recognized internationally as THE HEAVY METAL band from Guyana, South America.




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