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Officer Articles from the Rimsholt Bolt - 1998
(note: all mundane names/personal address have been removed
or replaced by the generic Bob Robertson)

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January/February 1998

Seneschal: Greetings Rimsholt

Wishing everyone had a safe and happy holiday season.

Hopefully the phone tree found you for the January meeting. Thank you Lady Kassia for taking over this month. Please extend to Lady Brighid the same courtesy in February. By February we should be meeting at the Community Center that Caitlin of Greencastle found for our Sunday meetings. The phone tree will call you with the address closer to the date. Thank you Caitlin for volunteering your time so that we may have a space. If the phone tree did not find you, please call me or e-mail me at with your name and phone number.

Apparently there was some confusion about the mailings of the Bolt. The gentles who will receive the Bolt for free are those who are members of the Canton of Rimsholt. This is due to the fact that we are a not for profit organization and do not have tons of funds. Please do not send the Chronicler addresses of friends who are not in the SCA, unless payment is also included.

I found a less expensive reproduction Elizabethan/Tudor jewelry collection. The Vatican has let someone copy some of the jewelry collection and is selling it for usually 40% off the listed price. I found this Birch Run Outlet Mall north of Flint at the Designer Accessories shop near the Woolrich store. It is in the same mall as Spiegel. If you are out that way, give the collection a gander.

The Baroness has set up more demos during the week in the following months. Please come out if you are able, they are a lot of fun.

Close events in January and February are:
Twelfth Night in Traverse City January 3
Kingdom 12th Night in Northwoods (Lansing) January 10th
Winter Revel at Bertha Brock Park on January 17th
St Valentines Day Massacre at Kalamazoo Fair Grounds on February 7th

Simone is organizing the trip to Gulf Wars. If you want to go, please contact her. I have copies of the application as well.

Gilbert is still looking for volunteers to help at Winter Revel. Please call him to help.

Please remember that if you want to host an event, you will need to submit a proposal to the officers of the Canton. The guidelines for autocratting will be in the next issue of the Bolt.

For those of you who recently turned in heraldic submissions to Isabelle, they were lost in the mail. Aaron, her new deputy, has gotten copies of some of them from Isabelle and will be resubmitting. Please contact him if you haven't already been contacted by him.

Wishing all a good start to the new year.

Alaina Blackram

Herald: Greetings to all of you in Rimsholt

This is Khalil MacDowell, deputy Herald to Lady Isabelle of Leith. Hope the Holidays have found you all well and in good health. This is just a line to let you know that I have tried to make it to most Tuesday night fencing practices at Roger's Mall and each monthly meeting, and try to bring along the supplies and information for heraldic submissions and documentation. If you have any questions or need to get a hold of me or Lady Isabelle feel free to e-mail me at .

Lady Isabelle of Leith

In service
Khalil MacDowell

Exchequer: From the Exchequer

A few notes on event budgets

Many groups require budgets (I'm not making that up) from the Autocrat and Feastocrat before approving an event. The purpose is to let everyone know that money will be spent, for what items and how much income is expected.

Rimsholt currently does not require a budget, but I would recommend that anyone interested in autocratting or feastocrating. an event talk to me about the expected costs. I can show you the event reports and help you plan for expenses you may not be aware of.

I also recommend speaking to Lady Kassia about the feast budget because of her many years of experience as feastocrat and background as exchequer.

Event Report

What in Sam Hain, held in October 18, 1997

The final Troll count was 69 and the net income for the Canton was $43.57.

In Service,


Minister of A&S:  Recommending People for Awards

To:    The populace of Rimsholt
From:    Lady Hana Lore, a concerned gentle

Many of the gentles in our populace have, in the last several months, shown themselves to be well worthy of awards from the Barony or Kingdom. It is our *responsibility* to recommend these gentles for awards, as Their Majesties and Their Excellencies are not able to witness the great service or proficiency these gentles display. Therefore, I am disseminating information on recommending people for awards, both Kingdom-level and Baronial.

These recommendation letters should be no more than a paragraph or two explaining why you believe someone deserves an award. You can recommend more than one person in the same letter. However, be concise and to the point, so that our King and Queen, or our Baron and Baroness, can easily and quickly understand the reason for your missive. It is not inappropriate to email your recommendation letter.

To recommend someone for a Kingdom-level award, send your letter to Their Majesties Palymar and Aislinn, and send a copy of your letter to Their Excellencies, Benedict and Emma. A copy of the kingdom-level awards is attached.

HRM Palymar and Aislinn
(address information removed - Benedict)

Their Excellencies, the Baron and Baroness of Andelcrag, Benedict and Emma
(address information removed - Benedict)

To recommend someone for a Baronial-level award, send your letter to Their Excellencies, Benedict and Emma. The baronial awards are: (1) the Guardant Ram: for service to the Barony; (2) the Salient Hart: for excellence in the arts and sciences.

Our Baron and Baroness hold court regularly (quarterly, I think, in different cantons). Our Majesties hold court quite frequently but normally do bestow awards on members of the populace where they hold court. We will probably have a royal court at Val Day on February 7th, Anno Societatis XXXII (1998) in Three Hills (mka Kalamazoo, Michigan).

Please think seriously about recommending people for awards and write your letters to Their Majesties and Their Excellencies before the end of the year. Thank you very much for considering this.

Chatelaine: Greetings to the populace of Rimsholt from your Chatelaine, Emma de Winter;

Thank you to all those who participated in the demonstration at Caledonia Middle School. I appreciate it every time someone rearranges their schedule to go to a daytime demonstration. Because of the deadline I'm writing this before the demonstration, but I'm sure it was a success.

We have two daytime demonstrations coming up in February. They are at Woodcliff Arts Center in East Grand Rapids, at 8:30 in the morning, February 18th and 20th. If you can rearrange your schedule, please try to get time off to go to these. I'll have a flyer for these demos in the beginning of January. This teacher sounds very enthused about this, it should be a great demo.

Remember, I have all kinds of handouts of interest to newcomers. I have some available at meetings, but just ask if you want some any other time.

Emma de Winter
Rimsholt Chatelaine

Archery Marshal: Archery Practices

Archery Practices will be at Archery Unlimited this year. Archery Unlimited is at 824 Lake Michigan Drive, right next to Parkway Tropics. Unless something changes the practices for January and February will be at 7:00 Fridays. The dates are January 9, January 23, February 6 and February 21. It costs $5.00 to shoot if there is a league going on. It costs $3.00 for 1 hour if there is not a league shooting at the same time. I hope to get an Archery Marshall to visit for one of the February practices so we can shoot in the Winter Archery Competition. I'll keep to people on my Archery Calling List informed about when a marshall can come. If you want to be on my calling list, let me know.

Archery MIT

Marshal of Fence: To the fencers of Rimsholt does Blackram send greetings

I hope that all of you had a joyous holiday season. As most of you know, we are now fencing at Rogers Plaza Mall. We are currently in the basement, but with the end of the holiday season, we will be moving to a storefront. More details in this as they become available. This increased visibility will help us recruit new fencers. As a reminder, new fencers have the priority in using the loaner gear.

As a reminder to all, fencing is no place for anger. Our sport requires, above all, self-control. If you feel yourself becoming angry, stop. You should then talk to your opponent (always a good idea) and/or the Marshall in the list to help resolve the situation. You also may yield the point and leave the list. All disputes are considered resolved when you leave the list.

Congratulations to Anthony Navarre for winning the tournament at Harvest Fest. (Lady Alaina tells me it must be the clothes.)

Yours in Service,

Group Marshall


Greetings Unto the Populace,

I hope you have all recovered from the long holidays once again. The new year is upon us and it's time to set our goals for the year. With this in mind, I have two new assistants to help with doing the Bolt. Lots of new ideas to try. Let us know what you like and dislike so we can try to make it a newsletter everyone enjoys.
The next Bolt deadline is February 8th, 1998. This way it can be put together and gotten out to you by March. Anybody who would like to put an article in or an item of interest, it would be greatly appreciated.
If there are any questions please contact me or my deputies (listed in Officer's page)

Enjoy the new year and make the best of it.

To our creative dream

Unto the Populace of the Canton of Rimsholt, do I, Lord Edward of Denby Woods, send greetings and bid you a joyous New Year!!

Just a quick note to introduce myself to any of you who don’t know who I am. I’m me!! Just kidding. I am one of Lady Rhiannon's new deputies. She has two of us and over the next year you will come to know us better. Her other deputy is Lord Ivar (whose name instills fear in all of us I’m sure). Rhiannon, Ivar and I will be rotating the production of the Bolt to help familiarize Ivar and myself with its workings.

Enough about that, now on to the rest of my intro. I am fairly new to this area having transported from what is now the Kingdom of Ęthelmaerc a year ago. I was a deputy to my Baronial Newsletter there and hope to bring many of my ideas from that to use here. I am a fencer, and have interests in to many other things to list here.

If there are any ideas or changes you would like to see in the Bolt, please feel free to run them by any of us. We are always open to your thoughts.

In Service
Lord Edward of Denby Woods

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March/April 1998


Thank you to all the people who participated in our four daytime demonstrations in February. Both Caledonia and Woodcliff were very impressed with us. I know how hard it is to make the time to go to these so I am very grateful to all of you.

The Rogers Plaza demo was a success. We had a small crowd watching our fighters and fencers, including Judy Larsen, the lady who got us our practice space. She liked the demonstration and would like us to do a longer, what I think of as normal, demonstration SOON. I'll probably have a date by the March meeting.

Dun Traigh has again asked for our help with May Fest. There is no firm date yet, but I will get the information out as soon as I know.

Ask me if you need any information, including printed forms and flyers, for newcomers.

Baroness Emma de Winter
Canton Chatelaine


This year's Winter Revel was the most profitable ever netting $1395.36 for the canton with a final troll count of 270 gentles through the door. I wish to thank those who worked at Troll. Handling that many people at such a small site is very challenging.

If you missed the February meeting, the canton decided to Purchase a 20' x 30' pavilion from Panther Primitives for ~$2500 dollars. This pavilion will be used for large outdoor demos, Border War and of course Pennsic. Several officers are putting together estimates for supplies and reference materials. If you have suggestions for additions to our canton, please feel free to mention them to any officer or myself.

Immediately before the June meeting, there will be a short session on how to work troll at Border War. This is a chance for Lord Gilebert, the troll himself, to show you forms, explain procedures and answer questions. I strongly recommend that you attend or see Lord Gilebert if you would like to help at troll. Border War is a big event and working troll can be nearly as confusing as Pennsic.

In service,

Brighid the Ageless
Canton Exchequer

Marshal of Fence: Unto the fencers of Rimsholt does Blackram send greetings.

We are still practicing on Tuesday nights at Rogers Mall from 7-9pm. Due to insurance concerns, we cannot enter the store or begin practice until 7pm.

Congratulations to Thorfinn for receiving the award of the Cavandish Knot at Val Day. Well deserved.

I would like to call upon all Rimsholt fencing Marshall's to aid in the training of new fencers or helping training fencers in new styles. We have had a number of new fencers lately and Baron Benedict and I could use some help. If you have any questions, see Baron Benedict or myself.

Yours in Service,

Group Marshall of Fence

Minister of A&S:

Greetings unto the talented gentles of Rimsholt from Lady Hana Lore an dem Fenn, your Minister of Arts & Sciences, on this cold March day.

The winds have been strong, the snows have been deep, and the ice has been treacherous at times. In spite of Old Man Winter's attempts to discourage you from treading outside your home, I hope you were able to attend our annual Winter Revel, at which Lady Saint Brighid the Ageless received the Award of the Dragon's Heart for her countless hours of service to the Glorious Middle Kingdom. We all appreciate her ubiquitous presence at meetings, practices and demos. The Dragon's Heart proves that she works just as hard behind the scenes, where we may not appreciate her as much. Hoobah, Brighid.

I hope you were also able to attend the 25th St. Valentine's Day event in Three Hills in February and, even more importantly, were able to take in the Athenaeum's shows and classes. The Athenaeum is a household devoted to the Arts and Sciences. (Most households, like Ironwolf and Dark Yard, are mainly devoted to martial activities like fighting and fencing.) The Athenaeum is at almost every event I attend in Pentemere. They were at Northwoods' Kingdom 12th Night, displaying the arts and crafts people brought to them for that day, as well as those on permanent exhibition in the Athenaeum. If you wish to display any of your work, simply bring it to an event at which they'll be in attendance (they should be at Lightning on the Mountain and Border War) and ask them to display it along with their other works. They offer a rare opportunity for gentles to display their talents and skills outside of a competition.

Speaking of Lightning on the Mountain, this event will be hosting Pentemere's Regional Arts & Sciences Faire. If you wish to enter the competition, please make sure to peruse the criteria for your category. The library has a copy of the 1998 Criteria, as do my deputy, M'lady Genevieve Rose D'Glendalough and I. If you wish to attain your own copy, ask me and I will be happy to make a copy for you.

You will also need to get your documentation in order before the Regional A&S Faire. Documentation is only one-sixth of the entire work you enter, but is usually the most difficult part of the competition preparation, aside from the creation of the work you enter, that is. Please let Genevieve or I know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you need any assistance with researching your work in order to document it well. We're happy to help, but you need to come to us. We're still getting that mind-reading thing down!

Stay warm. Stay happy. Keep at your arts and sciences projects. I'll be there to help you, any time.

Yours in service to the Dream
And the Arts & Sciences,
Which are Its Foundation,

Hana Lore

Archery Marshal:

First, congratulations to all that participated in the Winter Archery Challenge and thank you to Lord Grey, who come all the way from Northwoods to make it possible. As of this writing, the shoot has not happened yet, but I'm sure we all shot well.

Right now, our practices are at Vic's Archery, on Wilson, just north of 56th Street in Grandville. In March and April they will be March 6 and 20, and April 3 and 17. Vic's charges $4 an hour and practice starts at 7 o'clock. We have loaner equipment if you don't have your own.

Baroness Emma de Winter
Canton Archery MIT

Herald: Greetings Gentles of Rimsholt

Just a few lines to let you know what is going on in the world of Heraldry in the Canton. Congratulations should go out to the following Gentles for receiving awards (please forgive me if I leave someone out for I am writing this quickly and forgot my notes at home). Lady Brighid was awarded the Dragon's Heart at Kingdom 12th Night (was presented by Baron Benedict and Baroness Emma at Winter Revel)--following were given out at Val Day Regency Court also by the Baron and Baroness--to Ricky and Katie Geoffrion the Dragon's Treasure, to Thorfinn Grimkelsson the Order of the Cavendish Knot, and to Hana Lore an dem Fenn the Order of the Willow. Again my apologies to those I forgot. I will be getting to the next canton meeting an Order of Precedence listing awards to be updated by all. Then space permitting the list will be published in the Bolt.

Upcoming--Lightning on the Mountain--Consultation table run by Lady Clarissa Wykeham, Fenris Herald--also many opportunities to volunteer for those who would like to lend their time or voices.
Border War--I have been asked to set up a Herald's Point for the event. Anyone who would like to help please let me know.

STONE THE HERALD--a fundraiser is being planned for Border War. You can "stone" such favorites as Johannes von Pels, myself, Marcus Olcan of Midsummer Hill (former Baronial Herald), and Lady Brighid.
Should you have need assistance with Heraldry research or have ideas for types of Heraldry books that the Canton should purchase, please let myself or my Deputy Herald Kahil know.

In Service,

Canton Herald

Gold Key: Greetings to All from Lady Caylis Tiri

My thanks for all the help and support given to me during Winter Revel. (If you didn't see me I was in the kitchen with the soup).

Some of you may have noticed or utilized the loaner garb or feast gear that was available for that purpose. Keeping this garb and gear has been the main part of my 'job' as the Canton Gold Key and I have starting some new check-out sheets to help me keep track of what goes out and to whom. But remember that if you borrow something from the Gold Key Trunk, Please, Please, Please return it as soon as you can! I need your help if we are to have these things for use.

You may notice other changes to the Gold Key Trunk supply in the (hopefully) not too distant future. To this end, I would like to invite all interested tailors/seamstress/sewers to express their interest in regular sewing meetings to me, so that I may arrange a time/place to do this. My thought is to meet about twice a month - once for the purpose of sewing for the Gold Key Trunk/Canton needs and once for the purpose of working on our own garb. I would like this to turn into a regular guild and be available for whatever sewing may be needed by the Canton. But I would also like to have all of our talents available for our own use and education, too. Please let me know if you would be interested in a sewing guild and when would be the best time to meet. Weekends would give us more time than weeknights, but I will wait to hear from you to make any final decisions. Please let me know!

I close for now, but remain in service to the Canton of Rimsholt:

Caylis Tiri

Children's Guild: Unto the populace does Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough and Lady Anisah Sahar send greetings.

I would like to invite children (ages 5 to 16) and adults to a new guild! The Children's Guild will encourage children to participate more fully in the SCA. The first meeting will be March 3 at Rogers Plaza (where we meet for practices). This will be an informational meeting.

The children will be able to earn awards to put on a badge when they learn something in each of ten different areas. Some of the areas are serving, crafting painting, cooking, and performing. The children will be encouraged to explore many different areas. They will also be able to earn levels in the guild. Everyone will begin as an Apprentice. The next level is Journeyman and the highest level is Page.

The adults will also receive a badge, and be able to earn awards and levels as teachers in the area(s) of their choice. The first level is Beginning Teacher. The second is Teacher and the final is Master Teacher.

The badge for the guild is a baby dragon sitting in an eggshell (pictured below). Please look for these badges at future events. The child wearing it is really interested in the SCA and the adult wearing it is willing to teach.

If you are interested please call, write or e-mail Anisah Sahar or myself.

    Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough             Anisah Sahar
     (address's removed - Benedict)

From the Good Gentles of Three Walls: Greetings unto the populace, we bid thee good day.

By now I am sure that all of you or most of you have heard the rumors that the Ionia group, Three Walls, will be getting back together again. It seems that there is a popular demand for a group to be in this area. It seems that there are a lot of people who are willing to join the SCA but distance is a problem for them.

So, in trying to let others join if our fun it was decided to have the Ionia area begin once again. We hope that we will be able to join in the practices with you for that areas won't be ready yet. We also hope that we may get your support in helping us to get our feet back on the ground.

Please feel free to join us at anytime.

In making all our dreams come true.

The Three Walls group.

Chronicler: Unto the gentles of Rimsholt, does Lord Edward of Denby Woods send greetings.

Ok, so this is only the deputy chronicler.

Another issue out the door. Slowly the kinks are getting worked out of this.

But we need your help. We need articles, artwork and general input for and on the Bolt. We rely on you to tell us what you want to see here. We also rely on you to be here because without your articles, there wouldn’t be a Bolt. And we need things other than the Officers reports too (let’s face it, they can get boring). We need creative and informative topical articles about a craft your working on, a request for an article about something, a question you’d like to have answered by the Officers or populace at large, general announcements about something you’re planning, anything at all (within reason. Let’s not rewrite War and Peace).

So send your articles in to us and try to get them in by the deadline. The next deadline will be April 15th ( a day we all dread). Paper submissions will be accepted up until one week prior to this date. After that, for time sake, I need to have electronic submissions either via email or on disk in plain text format. There will be no exceptions to this. If we don’t get an article we don’t put one in.

In an additional note. The publication of the Bolt is expanding to include the Web. Yup, we’re going electronic too. Lord Ivar and I, with Lady Rhiannon's approval, have split duties. I will be taking over the paper publication portion of the show and he will be handling the electronic portion. We have had web space donated to us and hope to have it up and going by the next issue, but there are still a few details to iron out. We will let you know for sure when we know for sure.

Specials thanks go out in this issue to Lady Margarete of Stirlingshire (mka Mary Anderson) for her wonderful article on favors. Also please note a new column, Ye Olde Want Ads, Where you can place a small ad for an item you wish to sell, a message you wish to impart, etc. Please bear in mind that all submissions are subject to editing for content, so keep it reasonable folks.

Thanks again and keep those articles and artwork coming in.

In Service,
Lord Edward of Denby Woods
Deputy Chronicler

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May/June 1998

Seneschal: Greetings Rimsholt,

I promise that this month's dissertation will be short and sweet.

Border War is coming in June, and so far the only people who are asking for help at this point are Gilbert Dijon for Troll (pick someone to be your partner and sign up) and Kassia Gildea to help serve high feast. Feel free to pitch in and help.

The mall has groups that are paying for practice space this summer. So as of May 11 we will be back at Riverside Park with heavy weapons practice on Thursdays from 7-9pm and fencing on Tuesdays from 7-9pm. The mall has stated that this fall and winter we can be back there. Actually it will be better for those going to Pennsic, not being spoiled by the air conditioning.

All those who received a 1 or 2 at Regional A&S and want to send their items to Kingdom in Minneapolis, please contact Baroness Emma, Lady Kassia, or myself to deliver them for you.

A million thanks to Baron Benedict for volunteering to be Deputy Seneschal of Rimsholt.

I have heard a rumor that the patterns that we have ordered are in and will be available for use as of the May 3 meeting. These WILL NOT leave the library. If you want to copy one for your own use, bring your own plastic or muslin to make a copy. All documentation and pattern instructions can be photocopied for you.

If you want to autocrat Winter Revel, I need a written proposal no later than October 1 of 1998. If you do not know how to write up a proposal, see Lady Brighid or myself.

Well, as promised it is short.

Wishing you well in the service of the dream,

Alaina Blackram CW

Herald: Greetings fellow canton members.

As the weather warms and we do more outside practices and more events. It would be nice to see more colors flying. There is a possibility of a "Great my arms passed now what do I do with them?" class depending on interest. Remember nothing makes an auditorium or event look more special than the heraldic displays. Your personal arms could look so neat as heraldic banners and camp walls and Garb! Many people did incorporate their arms into their clothes. While it can be argued that this is one more thing to pack it still gives the event a real Middle Ages flair!

Also, remember there is still an event contest going for best heraldic display! Winner gets books of interest to heralds for their canton's library. So, hey who can say no to free books!

On other note, if you have passed arms I need a copy of them so that if you receive an award we have them on file for a scroll to be made. This has been requested by Clarissa, the Fenris Herald.

I will still try to make Tuesday fencing practice if you need a heraldic consult. If you do not see me or I miss (I just started a new job), please call me at 555-555-5555 or e-mail me at

In closing, lets give a Hoobah to all of those fine gentles who have received awards since we have spoken last.

In Service,
Kahil MacDowell
Canton Herald

Exchequer: Greetings to all from Lady Brighid the Ageless.

The canton has voted to make several purchases over the last few months. They include:

20' x 30' pavilion from Panther
New speakers for the canton boom box
Material for the construction of loaner garb
Garb patterns for the library
Additions to the loaner armour including rattan for resale.

The canton has spent about $2800 in the first quarter. Oh well - less money for me to keep track of but more inventory.

And speaking of inventory - as exchequer I'm responsible for keeping an inventory of all the stuff owned by the canton and where it is. If you have something in your garage or basement that belongs to Rimsholt, I'd appreciate getting a note from you so I can make sure it's on the list.

In Service,


Minister of A&S:
From your minister of Arts & Sciences come greetings for sunny days, breezy evenings and star-filled night skies.

This will probably be my last letter to you, as I am stepping down from my duties to let a very qualified, dedicated gentle stretch her wings as Rimsholt's MoAS. Most of you have met Geniveve Rose at fencing practices or populace meetings, and you may know that I've been training her since December (?). We have only a few minor areas of training left to cover, and then I'll pass my MoAS medallion on to her. I'll still be around, of course, to help anyone with any A&S questions. She'll be available to help you out, as she learns more about her responsibilities (and privileges, like noticing the vast number of A&S activities you're involved with as she records your work in her reports). Please join me in welcoming Geniveve Rose to the roster of Rimsholt officers soon.

As I've been training Geniveve Rose, and the young woman who took the same position in Three Walls recently, I've been thinking a lot about exactly what an A&S officer does, and is. At each populace meeting, we record your A&S activities. We then compile them in a report that includes the classes, canton events, demos, guilds and special interest groups we're involved in, along with mentioning who we think is worth watching (bet you didn't know that was part of the report, did you?) and our goals for the coming quarter and events we expect to attend. The office, at least to me, is so much more than that. But until now I have always conceived of my responsibilities in a very nebulous, hard-to-classify way.

An A&S officer is the eyes and ears for the King and Queen, reporting on the group's A&S activities so the King and Queen can be aware of what A&S activities go on in all parts of Their kingdom. That's why we do reports. But on a day-to-day basis, an A&S officer is a resource for gentles to use to learn more about an art or science, how to find out more about it and who to talk with about it. An MoAS cheers gentles on as they proudly show off their works in progress, as well as the works that they've completed. The MoAS may know absolutely nothing about how to do a certain type of project... may have never even heard of it before... but endeavors to help the gentle to find out more about it and perhaps even how to do it.

When someone comes to the A&S officer and asks whether "this is period", the A&S officer may have to research that question because he or she isn't a walking encyclopedia. But even if it isn't period (and my favorite example is a tablet-woven mouse pad!) the officer encourages the gentle with praise about what he or she did right in producing that project, then what he or she could do better next time. Encouragement is the key word to describe the function of the Minister of Arts & Sciences.

Geniveve Rose has been helping young women learn to sew garb. She's encouraged people from all over the world, whether they are in the Society or not, to craft something from their own imaginations that reflects their feelings about our recently deceased Prince... and she's collected over 100 quilt squares for that encouragement, some of which she's even made herself. Geniveve Rose is fairly new to the SCA, and may not have met you yet. After she accepts the MoAS medallion, she will continue to learn about how to be a Minister of Arts & Sciences, and how to be a canton officer. But I know she'll encourage you in your craft, and may even ask you to teach her how to do it. I believe she will make an excellent A&S officer to you. I hope you think so too.

In Service to the Society,
Hana Lore
Canton Minister of Arts & Sciences

Knight's Marshal:

Fighting practices are now on Monday night at Rogers Plaza until the end of May. After that time, they are tentatively scheduled to move to Garth and Kassia's house and change to Thursday nights. I'll announce final plans as the date approaches.

Also the canton now has rattan for sale at $3/foot. Call me if you need more information.

In Service


Archery Marshal: From the Archery MIT, Baroness Emma de Winter

What a great turnout for the Winter Archery Shoot. The results for everyone in the Known World are on the Internet at But here are our results. Thirteen people participated in the shoot, which consisted of 8 rounds of 6 arrows. We shot two rounds each at regular targets, slot targets and a bulls-eye target. We shot two speed rounds at a regular target.

Here are the results in no particular order,

Edward of Denby Woods                65
Kassia Gildea                                  34
Emma de Winter                             70
Garth of the Crags                           66
Ivar Forkbeard                                96
Gilbert de Dijon                               51
Ricki                                               30
Juliet Penley                                    23
Gilbraith                                         57
Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough       33
Letta Roseanne                              15
Jacob Randle                                 49

Our indoor practices ended in April. There are no practices in May. However, if you call Garth and Kassia, before Thursday, they will set up the targets in their back yard for anyone who wants to practice.

As it stands now, practices will start up every Thursday in Garth and Kassia's backyard in June. Practices will continue there all summer. If you don't know where that is, call them or me for directions.

Bartholomew (Ken) has offered to hold a practice at his house in Marne. If this is closer for you, talk to him about arranging a time.


Editor's Note:
Also a reminder that due to the inclement weather at Lightning on the Mountain, the Baronial Champions Tournament for Archery will be held at Border War.

Gold Key: Greetings Again

Wasn't the 1st Annual Lightning on the Mountain a great event? If you weren't there, you missed a truly wonderful day. A special thank-you to Lady Hana Lore and her staff for all their hard work to make this first time event a tremendous success!

After about 6 meetings, The Gold Needles of Rimsholt have made progress in the construction of the purple loaner garb and their own projects. These purple tunics and tabards should be available for loan at Baronial Border War XV on June 20.

We quickly approach Baronial Border War XV, and many volunteers are still needed to make this another outstanding event. If you will be available to assist, in any way, please contact the autocrats, Lord Anthony Navarre or myself, Lady Caylis Tiri.

I'll keep this note short and again ask you to contact me if you need my assistance with borrowing loaner garb, info on the Gold Needles or to volunteer for Border War.

In Service to the Canton of Rimsholt, Barony of Andelcrag, and the Kingdom of the Middle, I remain

Lady Caylis Tiri

Greetings to the populace of Rimsholt from your Chatelaine, Baroness Emma de Winter.

Can you believe not one demo on the Rimsholt calendar for May and June. What a difference from the past few months. Dun Traigh has asked for our assistance with Mayfest. It is held May 16th at Muskegon Community College. I hope Wolfram, the demonstration coordinator, will put information in the Bolt about it. Long ago, this was a Rimsholt demo and we have traditionally helped Dun Traigh with it since they took over. It's a lot of fun. Please help them out.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Rogers Plaza demo. We had a small crowd at first. Every hour it grew until we quit at four o'clock. A highlight for the fighters was when Cormac bent over laughing and got hit in the head. For the dancers it was when the Easter Bunny did the Maltese Bransle with us. I think over thirty-five people participated. Thanks to each and every one of you. Judy Larsen, the lady who is responsible for our being at Rogers Plaza was pleased and I gave out many flyers to interested people. I consider this a success. Hopefully we'll see a few new faces at practices and meetings.

Be sure to ask me if you need any newcomer information. If anyone asks about us doing a demonstration, have him or her call me.

Yours in service,

Chronicler: Hi Folks!!!

It's me again. This time though I'm actually fully insane and fully the chronicler. Have pity on my poor twisted soul.

This is going to be my big "pledge break" type message here. I need your help. Please send your donations to the Rimsholt Bolt. No I don't want money (well I do but that's not for the Bolt), I just want your articles and artwork. And some of your time might work too. I have a fair amount of clip art and some pretty pictures. But most of it is Celtic and, although I love Celtic art as I'm sure you do, I'm starting to get bored with it. So if you have any good Medieval or period art of any region, give it to me.

As to the time donations, I'd like to start having a proof reading meeting just before the printing time of each publication. I can only read and re-read so many times. I'd appreciate some fresh eyes. So if you'd like to help out, let me know and we'll see about having a pot-luck meal or at least snacks as a thank you and I'll even put your name in print in each issue that you help out. You've got to get your five minutes of fame somehow. Why not while helping out with the Bolt?

As a reminder, the deadline for the next issue will be June 17th. If there's interest, the proof reading party will be June 19th, the Friday night of Border War, at Border War. I am planning on being there Friday night so we can hold it there by firelight. (We can all get to see what it was like to work by candlelight like the monks used to.) Now you have yet another reason to make it to Border War.

In Service,

Lord Edward of Denby Woods

Misc. Items:


At Border War there will be a fund-raiser for the regalia fund sponsored by the Pentemere heralds. We will be selling wet sponges and water balloons to pelt your favorite (or least favorite) herald. Already on the list of potential drowning victims are Johannes von Pels, Clarissa - our Fenris herald, the Kingdom Exchequer who will stand in for Dragon, Hanna Lore, Isabelle - our canton herald and me who thought up this idea and may live to regret it.

I will need people to help fill water balloons, lend buckets for sponges, take money and herald the event.

If you have a little free time in the afternoon to help out, I'd appreciate it!

In Service,

Brighid the Ageless

Border War Troll:
Greetings unto the Canton of Rimsholt

I, Lord Gilebert de Dijon, being (of questionable mind and body) the Troll/Gate/Porter of the upcoming Border War, do ask a boon of the members. I need volunteers for shifts at Gate. Each shift will be of two hours (or can be worked out) in duration.

Each person who performs service at Gate will be asked to put his or her name in a bowl for a prize drawing. It is my hope to have a prize for each and every person who helps. It is my understanding that the gates will be open from approximately noon Friday till about 11pm and then open again at 6am Saturday and close at approximately 5pm. On Friday from about 3pm to 8pm and on Saturday from about 9am to 1pm there will be a need for double teams of Gatekeepers.

Before the June Canton meeting there will be a class on the paperwork required for running Gate: how to fill it out, what to look for, and why it is important to keep good records of how many people come in. Persons attending this class will be asked if they would like to be a Shift Leader. Shift leaders will be eligible for an additional prize in the drawings.

If you have previously worked at Gate/Troll, your input at this class would be appreciated.

At Gate, we will be gathering waivers, distributing tokens, accepting payments and allocating camping tokens.

In Service,

Lord Gilebert de Dijon

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July/August 1998

Knight's Marshal: Greetings all!

Just a reminder that practices are being held at Lord Garth's home on Thursday evenings. Please call if you need directions. Also remember, there will be NO practice on August 6th & 13th because of Pennsic War.

Thorfinn Grimkelsson
Knight Marshall

Herald: Greetings, Good Gentles of Rimsholt

It's War!!!!! Almost Pennsic time and Border War is upon us as I write this on the autoscribe.

From the Heraldic prospective there will be much going on at Border War. At Herald's Point Lady Clarissa Wykeham, Fenris Herald for the Middle Kingdom, will be running a consultation table. This is not for submissions. You must send submissions to the Escutcheon Herald. You can leave messages and/or announcements to be cried by the volunteer voices. If you can volunteer a bit of time and lend your voice, you are more than welcome to do so.


Come and Stone the Heralds -- all in good fun with the funds to proceed the Kingdom Regalia fund. Wet sponges or water balloons will be launched by you at you favorite/least favorite Herald. As in the Middle Ages, the Heralds will not be hurt, soaked maybe, but not hurt. ;o).

Now it is a time of farewell. This will be my last article submitted for the Bolt as your Canton Herald. As of Border War, I will relinquish my office to Lord Kahil, my deputy. I would like to thank all of you Good Gentles, and especially Kahil, for allowing me to hold the position, even though for the past few months I have not been able to attend many meetings etc due to mundane commitments. I say especially Kahil because he has in effect been doing my duties as Canton Herald in my absence. It has been a fast 3 years, almost 4. But I leave not the SCA, simply Rimsholt to join a group closer to my home, the Proto-Incipient Canton of Three Walls. Three Walls was officially recognized by the Middle Kingdom as a forming group and my time has come to leave. I shall be taking up the office of Exchequer for Three Walls once we obtain our Incipient Status and a handle our own funds. Till then I will serve in whatever capacity that is needed to see our new group flourish. Again, I would like to thank you for everything!!!

In Service to Rimsholt, Three Walls, the Middle Kingdom and the Society.

Lady Isabelle of Leith
Rimsholt Herald

Not a great deal to report at this time. The Pentemere Rapier Collegium made $53.11 after expenses. Thanks to every one who helped at this event.

For those gentles interested in putting in bids for any canton event, I have the financial records and will happy to supply copies of previous event reports upon request.

In service,

Canton Exchequer

Minister of A&S: Unto the populace of Rimsholt do I, Lady Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough, send warm summer greetings to one and all.

Speaking of warm summer days and lovely summer nights, I know the last thing on your mind right now is you're A&S project. I know how you feel! Anyone who would like some help with his or her project, please let me know. I'll help where I can and if I can't, I'll find someone who can and we'll learn together.

Thank you, also, to all who brought something to display for House Athenaeum at Border War. It was a great success and so much talent. Very impressive. Again, thank you to all that participated. Hoobah!!!
Now I would like to ask a favor. As you all know, Crown Tourney is being held in October in Three Hills. I would like to have all our talented gentles volunteer some of their time to making favors for this event. We need people who cross-stitch, embroider, paint (we will be using stencils or traced patterns) and someone to possibly make some "one size fits all" metal circlets.
If you'd like any further information on this project, please contact me at the phone number or e-mail address in the officers listing. Lets show the rest of the Kingdom just how much talent Rimsholt has.

In Service,

Lady Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough
Canton MoAS

Minister of Children: Greetings unto the populace of Rimsholt, from Lady Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough, co-leader of the Andelcrag Children's Guild.

Our Children's Guild is going good and strong. We've had a few meetings and the children are learning many things. Some are even teaching each other things.

This past month at Border War, the children were given their badges and awarded beads they have earned. The following is a list of the beads given out at Border War.

Letta Rosanna        -    30 Beads
                                         1 Silver Bead

Riki Ivarson        -    26 Beads
                                      1 Silver Bead

Serena Irene        -        9 Beads

Alexander        -           5 Beads

Juliet Penley        -         2 Beads

Keep up the great work!! HOOBAH!!!!!!

This coming fall will be our first publication of the Andelcrag Children's Guild newsletter, done by the children themselves. They will be earning beads for any research, artwork or articles they contribute. So lets get those young minds motivated and publish a great newsletter.

Thank you also to our wonderful teachers (who also earned beads). A special thank you to Agnes Rose, who played a major part in making Children's Point a wonderful success at Border War. She pulled it all together and made it a great event for the kids. A big Hoobah!!! to you Agnes Rose!!!

Have a great summer and see you all at our next guild meeting, first Tuesday in July at Riverside Park. Please contact Lady Anisah Sahar or myself if you are interested in teaching a class at this meeting.

In Service,

Lady Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough
Children's Guild Co-Leader

Chronicler:  Hello again!!

It's July and this is my fourth issue. And I haven't decided to take up any non-period weapons and start making a mess of the place yet.

Speaking of weapons, I hope everyone had a wonderful time at Border War. I know I did. Let's hope you all got in lots of practice for Pennsic. Just remember safety first. We all want to see everyone come back in one piece. Drive carefully, drink wisely and fight well. Victory for the Middle!!!! Hoobah!!!

And now for the business portion of this little chat. As you can see by this issue, we are becoming in desperate need of articles. I'm more than willing to go to other groups and get articles if I need to. But I'd rather see some of our own works here. So, please, write an article for our Bolt. This is your newsletter and its what you make of it. If I get nothing then I will try to make it a little more than nothing. But I know we can do better than that. Brewers, give me some recipes (that you don't have locked away in cold storage. Can't steal all your best recipes can we). Artists, give me some artwork. Lets show off some of our talent in this Canton. Remember that I send copies of this up to the Crown. They just might see something they like and give out some awards.

Well, enough of me. Let's get on to the Bolt!!!!!

Ld. Edward of Denby Woods
Rimsholt Chronicler

Editorial Correction
In the last issue, it was incorrectly stated that Kahil MacDowell was the Canton Herald. This is not the case. Lady Isabelle of Leith is indeed still the Canton Herald for Rimsholt. The Editor wishes to apologize to Lady Isabelle for any slight this may have caused and to any others to whom this error caused offense.

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September/October 1998


Many thanks to all those who helped with Border War especially those people who spent time at Troll. Everyone did a great job. The financials are done and we made a profit of $2893.77 on the event. This amount does not include T-shirt sales.

Border War T-shirts are still on sale for only $12 (sizes L & XL only). Give me a call if you would like one!

It's time to remind everyone about two rules of thumb about purchases.

1. " No Receipt - No Check". This is not a new rule but it's an easy one to forget.

2. Purchases require the approval of THREE OFFICERS, one of whom MUST BE the seneschal or exchequer. In general, it's best to get approval to purchase items at the business meetings were everyone can comment on the purchase. (Maybe someone can get us a better price or knows someone who could donate what you're looking for).

Notes for those interested in putting in bids for events: I have the event reports for several years and am happy to provide copies so you can better write the proposal. Building the budget can be one of the easiest parts if you have the information. Also take advantage of some of the former autocrats and feastocrats if you have questions. The canton has a wealth of information available for the asking.

One final note - I have been remiss and have not published the financials for the last year. To remedy that you will find them printed in this issue of the Bolt. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 555-5555.

In service,
Canton Exchequer

Chronicler: Greetings once again.

I certainly hope everyone had a good time at war. Welcome back. Hopefully you had a safe time. From the stories I've heard thus far it was a fun war.

As with previous issues I'm still looking for articles, artwork, etc. to use in the Bolt. They're starting to come less and less frequently from you all. So lets get on the ball and get something in. The deadline for the next Bolt will be October 15th. Be sure to get your articles to me before then. If you don't have a computer to email them you can always snail mail them to me (just remember that it is SNAIL mail. Mail early enough to get it to me by the deadline). I can also usually be found at fencing practice and at archery practice. Hand write them (legibly please) and hand them to me. Or if worst come to worst, call me and you can tell me your article over the phone. My office hours are on Mondays from 6pm - 8:30pm.

I hearty HOOBAH!!!!! to our new King and Queen, Dag and Elayna!! (I know, a little early. But...) And a fond farewell to our fair Queen Kenna. Long will You and Your King reign in our hearts.

Now lets get on to this months issue.

Lord Edward of Denby
Canton Chronicler

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November/December 1998

Exchequer: From the Exchequer:

The following items have recently been approved for purchase:

Archery Targets, Stands & Loaner Equipment         $200
Materials and Silk Screening for 20 Server Tabards    $140

Other Fees Authorized:

Site Fee for Winter Fighter Site:             $125
(October - May)

All major purchases are discussed at meetings.

COOKING & BREWING RUM - In this issue of the Bolt you will find the financial information on this event held October 10th. I'd like to congratulate the autocrat and head cook for their efforts to control costs. The comparison to budget was impressive.

MISSING ITEMS - The canton cook stove is missing. If you have it at your home please contact me so it can be correctly logged in the inventory. If you have anything in your home that belongs to the canton, I need a list by December 1st for inclusion in the year-end inventory.



Cooking & Brewing Collegium Detail
Site Fee ($5) $275.00 55 attendants
Lunch Tavern $148.32
Total $423.32

Lunch Tavern Food $104.62 Food
Site Rental $350.00

Total $454.62

Net $(31.30)

Note: Income from Lunch Tavern includes coffee donations and bottle

Original Event Budget Proposed anticipated a loss of $210.

Knight's Marshal: From the Knight's Marshal:


617 Coit NE Grand Rapids

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (We must be out of the school at 8:30)

Downtown - get off I-196 at either Ottawa or College. If you get off
at Ottawa, take an immediate left on to Michigan. Go two blocks.
There will be Spectrum Health (Butterworth ) on the right and Burger
King on the left. This is the light at Coit. Turn left (the only way
you can turn), follow to school. If you get off at College, turn
north and take the first left at Hastings. Follow until you come to
the stop at Coit. Turn right (north) and follow to school.

If you're hopelessly lost call 555-5555.


Minister of A&S (outgoing): Unto the populace of Rimsholt do I, Lady Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough send warm greetings.

It is with a very heavy heart that I must step down from this office. I have enjoyed the office and would like to keep doing the job of MoAS. But my mundane life has recently brought forth challenges that will, at this time, make it impossible, both physically and mentally, to continue to do so. I have discussed the matter with a few gentles that I hold in high respect and have asked their advice and council on this matter. They are in agreement with my decision of stepping down from the office of MoAS for the benefit of my health.

I have already picked and groomed a gentle as my successor. Those same gentles that I sought council with agree that this person would be a good replacement. She is very knowledgeable and has many ideas for the office. The gentle I have picked also has a degree in teaching and is very creative. She is well versed in many arts and will be a great asset to the Office of MoAS. The gentle I speak of is Agnes Rose Van Kouwenhoven, mundanely known as Bob Robertson. Although she has only been with the SCA for about a year, she has already contributed much to the Society and the Canton itself. I feel totally confident in her abilities and know that she will do very well as MoAS. It is my hope and wishes that you also accept her as MoAS and give her the help and support that you have given me during the time I was in office.

Agnes and I have also talked and, although I will be not regarded as a deputy, I will offer her my assistance whenever possible. I am sure she will be taking on others as her deputies when she is ready.

I thank you all for your time, advice and council in this. I thank you also for the chance at being the MoAS of Rimsholt. I have learned a lot while in office and hope to learn more as I continue in the Society. Perhaps in the future, once my mundane life is back in order, I could once again consider holding this office.

In service to the Middle Kingdom, the Canton of Rimsholt and the Arts and Sciences,

I remain,

Lady Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough

Minister of A&S (incoming):
As new Mistress of Arts and Sciences, I thought it would be appropriate to introduce myself. Lady Geniveve asked me to be her successor. I feel quite honored to have been chosen by her and supported by the officers of the Canton.

Just a little about me since many of you do not know me. My SCA name is Agnes Rose VanKouwenhoven. I have been attending events for over a year now. I formerly did buck skinning and primitive camping. I have an education degree and was a Christian Education director/youth director for 15 years.

Since I am relatively new to your group, I would like to thank you for making me feel welcome. I have already met some special people and hope to learn a lot more from all of you. Beware, I will be listening over shoulders so that I can make reports about all the wonderful things you are creating.

In the months ahead, we are hoping to have gathering prior to the populace meeting. These gatherings are to share our Arts and Science projects, learn new skills, or work on Canton projects.

Our Herald, Lord Kahil MacDowell, will be holding a banner making session so that we can have banners prepared for feast hall during Winter Revel or Crown Tourney. Bring Supplies. Supply list available from Lord Kahil.

For December we would like gentles to share period Christmas or seasonal items. Each person who attends should bring a “period” decoration to share with directions on its construction, its time frame and any documentation you have. Lady Caitlin of Greencastle will be coordinating this gathering.

For February, I will share the methods and history of leather carving.

Ideas are surfacing daily for topics to share. With the group of talented individuals we have, we can look forward to having a good time. For those of you who have “heard it all”, please join us because we haven’t and you may be holding the missing piece of info for us.

Thank you,
In your service,
Agnes Rose

Chronicler: Hello again!!

It's another issue of the Bolt in your hands. I'm happy to say that I got a few articles this issue. Let's see if we can get more next month (hopefully from some different people).

This issue we've got another installment of Babs the Bard by our own Ariadne La Noire. And we've got another edition of Who's Who in the Canton. This month's interviewee is Lady Brighid (and Rueben).

I'm still looking for artwork and articles. My supplies of clipart are running low. Any hand drawn copy ready artwork is gratefully welcome. I'll also except any offers of additional clipart in period styles. Let me know if you have something to offer. Who knows, your work could even end up on the cover.

As everyone else seems to be mentioning this I thought I may as well too. If you can think of anyone from our Canton or even our Barony who you feel deserves an award, please right TRMs and let them know. Remember, TRM are going to be here for Winter Revel and next spring we're going to have royalty here when we host Crown Tourney (see the article herein).

One last thing and then on to the Bolt. The deadline for the next issue will be December 15th. Remember that this is really close to the holidays. So allow yourself time to get it done amongst all of your holiday madness. Electronic submissions are always best (plain TXT format is the best), but if you have to give me hard copy please remember that I have to have time to type it in.

Now on to the Bolt!!!!

Lord Edward of Denby Woods

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 Page last updated 01/30/00