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Officer Articles from the Rimsholt Bolt - 1999
(note: all mundane names/personal address have been removed
or replaced by the generic Bob Robertson)

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January/February 1999

Exchequer: From the Exchequer

Greetings to the canton! Your exchequer wishes to remind you that we still have Border War T-shirts for sale. Don't wait until the event to get your clean shirt for Sunday!

Also, officers will be reimbursed for postage and office supplies required for their office IF they have a receipt. Please see me for details on what's covered.

Finally - Thanks to everyone who has helped update the canton inventory. Several items were found and my Domesday inventory list is well under way. If you have items and have not been able to get me a list, I will need the information by January 15th in order to be on time with my report.

In service,

Chronicler: Holiday Greetings from your Chronicler!

Hopefully you were all good Lords and Ladies and got what you wanted for the holidays.

Well the new year is upon us, mundanely anyway. And it looks like it's going to be a very busy one. We have several big events planned for the area in the first half of the year. Lets all try to help out wherever we can. Remember, Their Majesties have, um... assistants everywhere watching. Who knows what might come of your helping out. Get in touch with the autocrats and offer your assistance. I'm sure they could use it. Even if nothing comes of it for you.

There have been a number of changes in officers recently. Make sure you check out the officer's page and make note of them.

We have a special Who's Who this month. I'm sure you'll all enjoy reading about one of our newest Canton members, Pyros the Dragon.

And as always, if you have anything you would like to contribute to the next issue of The Bolt please feel free to get it to me. I've moved also so be sure to check for my new address. The deadline for the next issue is February 15th. Mark it on your calendar so you don't miss it.

Now on to the Bolt.

Lord Edward of Denby Woods

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March/April 1999

Seneschal: Greetings to the populace of Rimsholt from your new Seneschal.

This is the first of the seneschal columns that I will be writing. I would first like to thank Lady Alaina Blackram for the hard work she did as Seneschal before me. Several other offices have changed hands recently, in addition to Seneschal, Lady Caylis Tiri has taken over as Chatelaine from Baroness Emma. Thanks to Baroness Emma for the job she has done and I hope everyone can help Lady Caylis out when she need people for demos. Also several officers are looking for deputies, if you have thought about holding a Canton office talk to a current officer about becoming their deputy. You would be surprised how much most of them would welcome help. (Editors Note - See officer listing for all officer changes)

Winter Revel was again a smashing success drawing over 200 people along with Royalty. At Winter Revel TRM Dag and Elayna held Royal Court. There were many members of Rimsholt who received awards for service. Among them were:

* Lady Alaina Blackram was made a member of the Order of the Cavandish Knot for her skill and service to Rapier in the Middle Kingdom
* Lord Gilbert d’ Dijon, Lady Simone Marie Genevive Fornneau and Lady Isabella of Leith all received an Award of the Purple Fret for their service.
* Lord Thorfinn Grimkelsson was made a Companion of the Order of the Willow for his Viking costuming and research.
* Lady Kassia Gildea received the Award of the Dragon’s Heart for her service to the Middle Kingdom
* The Canton of Rimsholt (that’s pronounced “Rims - Holt” NOT “Rim - Sholt”) was granted an Augmentation to be added to our Canton arms. I am sure Lord Kahil will have more to say about the Heraldic issues involved with this. The Augmentation of the Canton Arms was granted us by Their Majesties for the long tradition in Rimsholt of having fun events. This is due not only to the current group of people in Rimsholt but also to those who have run events and helped offices in the past. In future columns I plan on giving a sketchy history of Rimsholt from the seneschal files.

At St. Valentine’s Day Feast & Massacre in the Canton of Three Hills the following people also received awards:

* Lady Ashby MacThoirdealbaigh de la Zouch and Lady Letta Rosana received their Award of Arms.

Congratulations to all. If I have missed anyone please forgive me. All the awards were well deserved.

Rimsholt has a couple of major events coming up this spring and summer, I am talking about Spring Crown Tourney and Baronial Border War. Both sets of autocrats are looking for any help you can give, see articles in past and future Bolts for more info.

In Service to the Canton of Rimsholt (that’s “Rims - Holt”)

Benedict of Beverly, Baron of Andelcrag
Seneschal of Rimsholt

Well another Winter Revel has come and gone. This year we had 204 gentles attend generating a net profit for the Canton of $933.02.

At the February canton meeting, I mentioned that we have A LOT of money and asked the populace to think of suggestions on what we should do about this problem. Lord Gilebert will be pricing trailers to replace the rather decrepit one the Canton now owns. Sgt. Garth suggested a free event in the fall to say thank you to all the people who have helped the Canton raise so much money. We also are considering paying for the Grimms tent rental at the Barony’s Pennsic encampment one more year. Give some thought to what you would like to see done with the money. We'll decide how to spend the money after the final accounting is done for Crown Tourney (just in case).

The canton did authorize a gift of $100 to our friends in Iron Oak to help offset the losses from their last event.

I have now completed my second Domesday report. The Canton’s financial information should appear else where in this copy of the Bolt. Now it is time to start looking for my replacement. If you enjoy balancing your check book and can say “No Receipt, No Check!” and mean it, this could be a good job for you. It’s helpful if you've had a little accounting or bookkeeping but not necessary. Access to Excel and Word is a plus since I have several years of event reports and inventories stored in computer files.

Interested people will have the opportunity to help me complete a quarterly report before committing themselves to the job. Final transition will not take place until next Domesday.

In Service,
Brighid the Ageless

Archery Marshal:
In March we will only have one practice, Friday March 26th, 7 pm at Vic's archery. This is do to Gulf Wars and the Archery College that month. We will have one more Winter Archery Challenge Shoot in April, outdoors at Bartholomew and Juliet’s house, on a Friday night yet to be determined. That will be it until summer practice starts out at Garth and Kassia’s most likely.

In February we shot the Winter Archery Challenge twice. Here are the results:

Bartholomew      80 points
Emma de Winter      79
Garth of the Crags      72
Juliet Penley      67
Jacob Randel      43
Benedict of Beverly      40

Congratulations to all who shot. Our group improved as a whole, 3 of us shot better than last years best scores. Consider shooting with us in April. This is a fun and challenging shoot.

I hope the Pentemere Archer’s College ad is in this issue. Right now, I am planning on attending. I hope to see a few more of us there.

Baroness Emma de Winter
Rimsholt's Group Archery Marshall

Chronicler:  Greetings unto the populace from the Chronicler

There’s quite a bit of info for you this month. We have a letter from our new Seneschal, financial reports from the exchequer, reports from several of the upcoming events and another edition of “Babs the Bard”. Thanks to all of the contributors this month.

I am still looking for original artwork that I can use for covers and internal fillers. If you have artistic talent at any level, consider sketching something out and submitting it.

Now on to the issue.

Edward of Denby Woods

It has come to my attention that the listing of my archery Marshallate position has caused some concern. It was not my intention to imply that I intended to usurp anyone’s position as an appointed officer or that anyone else’s Marshallate position was of any less importance. It was listed only because there are so few archery marshal's in our area as opposed the greater quantities of marshals in other areas of marshal combat.

The listing has been removed from the officers’ page. My apologies for any problems or concerns this has caused.
The Editor

From the Autocrats of Winter Revel:
Greeting to my fellow Canton members from one of the autocrats of Winter Revel XVII.

Thank you to everyone who helped out by no matter what you did. If I forgot to mention you it’s because I’m tired the day after the event.

Thank you to the wood gathering crew, I know how hard you worked, I did it too and without so many of us it would have been harder.

Thanks to Lynn and Owen for letting us put wood in their new trucks.
Thanks to Lord Thorfinn, O.W. for organizing troll so well.
To Lady Brighid for shopping.
To Lady Adalasia for cooking a wonderful feast, under budget!
To Velvet (I forgot your SCA name) for making so many site tokens, and many more at my last minute request.
To Lord Alexander who built a dais and worked out the feast arrangements for the king.
To Lord Kahil and Emilee for tending the fires.
To Agnes Rose and Ivar for running activities at the event.
To Lady Simone for arranging their majesties sleeping area and the feast servers.
And to my co-autocrat Lady Caitlyn who excelled in the things I didn't.

Lady Emma de Winter, Baroness Andelcrag

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May/June 1999

Seneschal: Greetings unto the populace of Rimsholt from your Seneschal,

Well spring is upon us and that means the summer event season is starting once again. It is time to fix that armor, make that lightweight garb, finish/start your next A&S projects, start planning for Pennsic, think once again about whether to get that pavilion or not, change the oil in your car...

I would like to encourage the members of Rimsholt to travel to far off events, meet new people and make new friends. See how other groups in the Society run events. New ideas are not necessarily bad. Stretch yourself, enter an A&S faire at small event. Make it a goal to find and fight 10 different gentles this summer. Offer to serve feast or help clean up at an event where nobody knows your name. There is an event almost every weekend within a three-hour drive. You would be surprised at how fun the smaller events can be. If you can’t find a way to get there yourself, ask around, many members are looking for someone to carpool with to events.

Speaking of “small events”, the time is drawing near for Rimsholt’s next two events, Crown Tourney and Baronial Border War. These events are both large and will require a lot of manpower to run. Information on exciting opportunities for helping out can be had in this and upcoming Bolt’s, or come to populace meeting, or ask one of the autocrat’s, or one of the event staff, or just show up and volunteer. These events will showcase The Canton of Rimsholt to the Known World (or at least a large portion of it). The tired old adage that many hands make light work applies here. If every canton member puts forth a couple of hours time helping at these events it means that everyone has more chance for fun.

Enough of the harping and sermonizing...

I would like everyone to congratulate Rimsholt’s own Juliet Penley who was made Andelcrag’s Baronial Archery Champion at Lightning on the Mountain. Also congratulations to Lady Ariadne and Lady Ashby for autocratting Lightning and managing it without a single dead body and without a loss of money (the Barony thanks you also).

As the summer weather returns fighter practices will start returning to the outdoors. Fencing has already moved to Riverside Park and Heavy weapons (and Archery) will soon return to the house of Lord Garth of the Crags. Contact the Marshals (Lord Thorfinn (heavy), Lord Alexander (light), Baroness Emma (archery)) for times and directions.

In Service to the Canton of Rimsholt
Benedict of Beverly, Baron of Andelcrag

Chirurgeon: Spring greetings to all from your Chirurgeon

As the next Border War approaches I want to remind all to practice safely your skills with bow, blade and rapier to represent well our fair lands and our good Baron Benedict and Baroness Emma. For those new to our lands Border War is one of the largest events in Pentemere and a lot of fun. It needs a little more preparation though than some events.

Here are a few ideas that will make your day more enjoyable. It is primitive camping so think like you would for Pennsic. It is a good trial run for your packing skills. There will be no electricity, flush toilets, or running sinks so plan accordingly. Antibacterial lotion that you just rub on and leave on is a good idea. Especially before eating. Plan on bringing lots of water and/or Gatorade(TM) to stay well hydrated in the hot afternoon sun even if you don’t plan to be on the field and are only cheering them on. For the same reason pack a good sun block and bug spray. Remember to watch the kids you may bring that they eat and drink as well. Hats are a great way to feel cooler without the sun directly on your head. A cool towel around your neck and at your wrists will lower the body temperature a bit too. There will be a Chirurgeon’s point near the heavy weapons field. If you need anything at all please come find us. Looking forward to seeing everyone there...old friends and making new ones.

Until then play safe and be healthy
Alessandra l’ Amour, Chirurgeon

Minister of Dance:

The College of Afon Mawr (Cornerstone University) is proud to announce that they are hosting DANCE PRACTICE that is open to the populace. These practices will be on the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7 - 9 pm IN GARB!!!

Directions to the dance practice location are as follows: Take the East Beltline to Leonard or Leonard to the East Beltline. AT the corner of the two is Cornerstone University. Enter the parking lot off of Leonard (almost, but not quite across from the entrance to Red Hot Inn or the funeral home). Park anywhere you like in the main lot that isn't restricted use. The large building located on the circle is Miller Library. Enter the first set of doors and turn right into the stairwell between the two sets of doors. Room 206 is the first room at the top of the stairs. Contact Lady Anisah for further information at 555-5555.


Crown Tourney and Border War are both approaching fast! Please keep your exchequer busy by PROMPTLY turning in your receipts for reimbursement. I need to close the books on these events within two weeks of the event. Finishing the event report on time makes your exchequer very happy.

Border War T-shirts - PRICE REDUCED TO $8! - Lady Anisah has agreed to sell these T-shirts at her merchant booth at Border War. Sizes large and extra-large are still available. If you just can’t wait, please give me a call and I'll be happy to sell one to you.

The canton still has money and we’re looking for ways to spend it. Already the canton has agreed to rent the Grimms tent for the baronial encampment at Pennsic this year and Lord Gilebert is looking for an enclosed trailer. Baron Benedict has also suggested a “free” event to use up some of the funds. If you have suggestions on how you would spend the money, PLEASE let either our seneschal or myself know. Better still, bring it up at the canton meeting.

It’s never too early - to write up your bid for the next event. Although January seems like a long time from now, someone will have to run Winter Revel. I have financial records for several years and would be happy to help you write a bid if you’re interested.

My replacement - One brave individual has come forward interested in taking over the position of exchequer. If anyone else is interested in learning the in and outs of keeping the canton books, you still have time to contact me.

In service, Brighid

Minister of A&S: HELP! HELP! HELP!

As you can tell, with the Canton hosting Crown and Border War, your services are quite in demand. I am serving in several ways for both events.

At Crown tourney I will be the children’s activities leader. Here we need volunteers and well as donations of supplies. You may contact either Lady Geniveve or myself to volunteer. The list of supplies needed follows this article.

At Border Wars, I am organizing Arts and Sciences and activities for teenagers. If you are interested in presenting or teaching an art or science please e-mail me or call me at 452-3484. Discussion has been held that we need activities for teens so they can begin to find a place for themselves at events. Since many accompany their families, we were hoping to have a gathering place for them. Brainstorming and development of ideas is being requested from the teens themselves. So pass on the info and have them call me.

In Service to the Canton
Agnes Rose VanKouwenhoven

Children's Guild: Unto the populace, Greetings from Lady Geniveve Rose D’Glendalough

First off I would like to thank Lady Anisah Sahar for her work with the Children’s Guild. I know what a hard job it is and I thank her very much for the job she did. Thank you Lady Anisah. Hoobah!!!

The Children’s Guild of Andelcrag will start up again with it’s first meeting on May 11th in Riverside Park at boat launch #3 across from the Veterans Hospital, where fencing practice is held on Tuesday nights. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. So anyone who is a teacher or a child of the guild, please try to be there. I want to get this guild going strong again. I know it was hard to do this past winter without a place to meet, but now with the warm weather and the long daylight, we can start again.

Anyone interested in starting a local guild is also welcome to come. Please let me know and I will get the information and contacts for you.

I have been in contact with the regional and the Kingdom guild leaders and they are going to let the Children’s actives be associated with the Guild. That way, members can earn their beads and non-members can have fun and if they express an interest, join the guild.

Agnes Rose and myself have also created a website for Children’s Activities. The address is listed below. We hope this will help others get ideas and also give ideas for activities at events. There will be a chat room for Brain storming sessions. There will also be links to other Child related pages in the Kingdom. If anyone has suggestions, comments, etc., for the site, please let me know and I'll get it out on the site.

I also am looking for Children who would like to contribute art, essays, stories, jokes, puzzles or whatever to the Children’s Newsletter. There will be a paper and web pages for the newsletter. I would like to not have it be just a report, but rather something fun for kids by kids. I would like to have the first edition out by Border War.

So that is it for now. Our first meeting will be more of a get to know one another again meeting, so please come and have some fun. Bring a snack to share and something to drink. I want to hear that the kids and teachers want to see happen with the guild.

Also, anyone, who doesn't have his or her member favor yet, please let me know.

See you there!

Lady Geniveve Rose D’Glendalough Andelcrag Children’s Guild Children’s A&S (Activities & Smiles)

Chronicler: Greetings unto the populace from the Chronicler

Spring quickly approaches and we are finally coming out of our winter hibernation. Events are becoming more plentiful and it’s time to get out and work off some of those holiday treats. Most of our activities are once again heading outdoors. But please be sure to check with the marshal in charge to find out exactly where and when. This issue includes a message from our Chirurgeon about activities in the warmer weather. Please be sure to read it. We don’t want to make more work for her.

I have begun exchanging newsletters with other groups in Pentemere. I have several on hand. If anyone is interested in seeing them please contact me and they can be loaned out for short periods, provided they are returned in the same shape. I will try to bring them with me to fencing practice on Tuesdays for anyone to see. And I will bring them to the Canton meetings as well. As a side note to this, remember that other groups are now seeing our newsletter. Lets try to make it a great one and get some good quality articles in it. I’m sure all the other groups don’t want to read our officer reports. So if you have anything you’d like to contribute please send it in to me. Electronic submissions should be in IBM compatible format and plain text is best. If it is hard copy please try to get it to me at least a week before the deadline so I have a chance to retype it. The deadline for issues is the 15th of the month before it is due to come out. My next issue will be for July/August do the deadline will be June 15th. And don’t forget that Pennsic is in August so articles for the September/October should be sent to me before you head for War.

Special congratulations go out to our own Juliet Penley (my apologies if I have the name wrong) for winning the Baronial Archery Championship. Well shot!! HOOBAH!!!

Also please welcome our newest neighbors, the College of Afon Mawr at Cornerstone University. They are just getting going so please give them your support. See the article in this issue about the dance practices they are holding under the direction of Lady Anisah.

Now on the The Bolt!!
Lord Edward of Denby Woods

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July/August 1999

Seneschal: Greetings to the populace of Rimsholt from you Seneschal,

First I want to both congratulate and thank each member of Rimsholt for managing to pull off two really large events back to back. It is few groups that are able to not only pull off such a feat, but do it with overwhelming success. Special thanks go to the autocrats, Lady Brighid the Ageless and Sgt. Garth of the Crags, for Spring Crown and Lady Emmalie the Faire and Lord Gilbert d'Dijon, for Baronial Border War . Thanks go also to all the people who took the time to help out and make these events such fun for everyone. I am sure that the autocrats will have more specific thanks.

Congratulations to those that received awards at the Royal Courts held at Crown Tourney and Border War. I am sure that Lord Kahil will have more to say about the awards.

At the last populace meeting I announced that all the canton officers would be looking for "Drop Dead Deputies" (DDD), if you ever wanted to hold a SCA office, now is the time to find out how the different offices work. It should be noted that unless told otherwise by the specific officer being a DDD does not mean that you are necessarily the successor to that office. What being a DDD means is that if the officer is unable to continue the office (drops dead for instance) you will be the one to carry on.

Pennsic is fast approaching. I hope everyone is well prepared and ready for War. If you are planning on going to War for the first time I would encourage you to talk to some people who have gone to Pennsic before. Pennsic War is like no other event in the Known World. All the people that attended Border War would fit into two blocks on the Serengeti. For the rest of you going to War you know the drill; drink plenty of water, have fun fighting and shopping, bring back stories and drive safe.

As a last item to mention, Lady Ariadne la Noire has volunteered to be the Canton Historian. I will be helping her to gather stories and items of historic interest. If anyone has any old Bolts, especially from the late 1980's and early 1990's, please let me know. I would like to make copies of them if possible. The same goes for any old photos and Rimsholt event flyers.

In Service to the Canton of Rimsholt
Benedict of Beverly, Baron of Andelcrag

Exchequer: From the exchequer

I was expecting to have the report for Crown Tourney for this issue of the Bolt, but the bill for the site it still outstanding so I will have to wait and publish that next time.

The canton has found a way to spend some money! A new enclosed trailer was purchased just before Border War costing $1535. This trailer is not huge but should handily carry the canton's belongings and can be towed by anyone with at least a six-cylinder engine. Also the canton agreed to make marshal's staves for Pennsic. I believe this project will take place in July.

We will be discussing additional ways to spend money at the canton meeting in July. Come with ideas.


Children's Guild: Greetings unto the populace of Rimsholt from Lady Geniveve Rose D'Glendalough (Lady Gen Rose for short)

Children's Activities went very well at Border War this year. We had about thirty children participating in activities and a treasure hunt at Children's Point. The younger children enjoyed activities at Children's Point, making plaster hand prints, dragon snouts and a wild daisy/black-eyed Susan crown for HRM Arabella. They then presented it to HRM and were thrilled when she removed her crown and placed the flower crown upon her head. The children, when asked by HRM how she looked, all gave her a "thumbs up" and applause. HRM wore the garland for the rest of the day along with her crown. The older children participated in a Dragon Hunt. The winners of the Dragon Hunt later shared their prize with all the children of the event and also with the populace at the evening court. Although there were a few problems with the hunt, a good time was had by all. Thank you Aislinn of Black Irish and Lord Gilebert for letting me know about the problems.

My thanks to Muriel of Three Walls, Children's Minister for the Canton of Three Walls, for the wonderful help she gave me with setting up the activities and helping the children. She also provided a cart load of snacks and juice for the children, which they loved, and helped with keeping them well hydrated and happy.

Thank you to everyone else that helped at Children's Point. Also to Lord Gilebert for his patience and help with moving cars around and to Caitlin of Greencastle for her help also. I am hoping next year's Children's Point will be as successful as this years. Yes, I am officially volunteering to do it all again, god's help me.

In Service to the Children on the Realm,

Lady Gen Rose
Children's Minister of Rimsholt
Children's Guild Leader of Andelcrag

Hello once again. It is summer time and war fast approaches. Please everyone be careful and be sure to drink plenty of water and other fluids while on the battlefield. We want to see you all come home again safely. And good luck at Pennsic.

As Baron Benedict states in his message, I am looking for a drop-dead deputy. This does not mean you will have to take over at the end of my term. This is only someone to step in if for some reason if I am unable to finish my term. If you're interested in being my replacement at the end as well, that much the better. Please get in touch with me and I'd be happy to let you know what the job entails.

I am working on reorganizing the layout of The Bolt for the next issue. Hopefully this will allow for a much easier to read format. Hopefully a much easier to lay out format as well. Things are starting to get a little cramped in here. I'd appreciate any feedback that anyone has about this layout or what the next issue looks like. This is your newsletter so lets hear some feedback.

Speaking of this being your newsletter, I'd like to thank those who contributed articles for this issue. Special thanks to Lady Ariadne for Babs and the start of her article on the truth about harems. She will be sending me the rest of it before she leaves us for "sunny" Drachenwald for a semester of school. She has also said that Babs will be sending tales of her travels in Drachenwald. These should be interesting. Let us all wish her well and a safe trip.

Speaking of articles, if there is anyone else who would like to contribute articles, please do so. The deadline for the next issue, August 15th, is during Pennsic. So if you plan to write something, please be sure to get them in before you leave. I will also be looking for Pennsic "No s**t, there I was...." stories for the November/December issue, so when you get back take a moment to write down some of your stories. If you have the ability to get them to me from Pennsic, I will try to get them in the September/October issue.

Well, that's about all. Now on to The Bolt.

Lord Edward of Denby

From the autocrats of Crown Tourney greetings to all!

The event is over and we are breathing a sigh of relief. There is no way we can express our gratitude for the work done by each person who helped, but we will try.

First, thanks to every one who was "staff". You gave your all and organized your areas so well that as autocrats, we had little to worry about.

Next, thanks to every other member of the canton who wasn't "staff". We saw everyone working. Some of you we don't see often, but never the less there you were, pitching in as needed. This is why we knew the canton was ready to take on a kingdom level event. We have a terrific group.

Also thanks to the incipient canton of Dun Traigh for providing the merchant liaison, chirurgeon and head server for the event, as well as providing the lunch tavern for Sunday. We couldn't have done it without you.

And thanks to the new (again) canton of Three Walls for providing a lunch tavern for Saturday. We were very happy that you could be elevated to full status at Crown. Thank you again.

Finally a generic thank you to everyone who supported us as autocrats. This was a big event that took more than a year to plan. Your efforts made it all possible.

In service,

Brighid and Garth

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September/October 1999

Exchequer: From the exchequer -

Greetings to all good gentles of Rimsholt. I finally have the financial information from Spring Crown and Border War!

Spring Crown/Kingdom A&S - 833 people attended this event. After all the bills were paid, we were able to send Kingdom a check for $855.57 representing one-half the net profit.

Border War - 691 people attended. Although the autocrats spent 37% more than last year (that’s about $1800), the canton still netted $4345.36.

With most of major expenditures complete for this year, the canton has a very healthy bank account and is looking for ways to put it to good use.

Current approved items include: purchase of loaner bows - approximately $100-150 rental of storage space - $900-1150 (for the year) Updates of the Armorial & Ordinary - ~$40 Marshal Staffs for Pennsic - 25 staffs ~$165 Throwing Knives - $75

Current items under consideration include:
Repair of the fireplaces in Palmer Lodge - We are looking for masons to put in bids to repair the firebrick. Once we have bids and the amount is approved by the populace, we will work with the city of Ionia to complete this work before Winter Revel.

FREE EVENT - The canton is accepting bids from individuals on possible free events the canton could host. If you have an idea but don’t know how to write it up, either the seneschal or I can help. Finding a site and an open weekend on the Midrealm Calendar are the hardest parts.

New Canton Signs - The canton needs new signs that can stand up on their own, are highly visible and durable. Bids are being taken.

Purchase of various items including additional resources for the minister of children and a large cook stove.

Please bring your ideas to the canton meetings.

In service,

Minister of A&S:

Greetings unto the populace of the Canton. As the beautiful season of autumn approaches, the season of creating also approaches. The ravishes of war past, we can turn our hearts elsewhere. Now is an excellent time to begin a project or complete one sitting on the shelf. Ready yourself for participation in one of the A&S Faires. Where to start??? I am reprinting an article from the Kingdom MoA&S, in the September 99 issue of the Pale.

First. Start Early. Most experienced entrants will tell you that if you have an idea for something you’d like to do you should research it first and then start the project. Too many times, entrants make something, decide to enter it in the Faire, and then try to document what they did… not always with greatest success. As documentation plays a large role in this particular Arts and Sciences venue, as much care should be taken in crafting good documentation as you take in doing your project.

Second. Start Early. Whether you an experienced Faire entrant or a novice, you can help yourself considerably by soliciting the help of others. Although we can sometimes be our own worst critics…we can also fall in love with our own work to the extent we lose our ability to see what we have done in an objective light. There is no rule in the that prohibits potential entrants from seeking guidance and input on their projects. When you have your documentation written, ask a couple of friends or others whose opinions you respect to read through it and see if it makes sense. See what questions they have. See what the reactions of others are to your project and think about any “nit-picks they might have(if your friends see something you can pretty much bet the judges will too.) Starting early will give you the luxury if time so you can “tune “ your documentation to get the most from it. Remember, if your project scores well enough to go on to the Kingdom Faire, your documentation will speak for you to the judges. It must say everything that you would want to tell them about your work if you were sitting right there with them. Even the most famous authors have editors and proofreaders.

Third. Start Early. Unless you’re incredibly gifted, you’re A&S Faire project is something you've been doing for years, or you’re just incredibly lucky…it isn't uncommon for your first attempt at a project to turn out to be the proverbial “ash tray” ( or, at least, something less than the masterwork you had in mind when you started.) Like the documentation, give yourself time to make something, learn from it, make a second one and if necessary, a third and a fourth. Work the bugs out of your technique and your project. give yourself the time to finish the work. Again, get second and third opinions.

Fourth. If at all possible…Start early.

Lord Charles Oakley, Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences

I have high hopes of organizing with the other area cantons - a gathering where we share our projects. Receive and give the kind of input Lord Charles suggests. Stay tuned, as folks return from Pennsic, I will be contacting them.

In Your Service, Agnes Rose VanKouwenhoven

Canton Historian: Greetings unto the Canton of Rimsholt!

I’m very excited to be taking the position of Historian in this Canton. Baron Benedict has introduced me to several intregal ancestors of of Rimsholt and I am hoping to preserve some oral history from these gentles. Maybe it will give us an idea about who we really are, or a greater appreciation for what our predecessors have done for us. (You know, we didn’t always have such a good looking bank account!)

If you’ve been in the Canton over 5 years, (the longer the better) I’m hoping that you’ll stop by to give me your memories on what life in Rimsholt was like during the “dark ages”. I would like to tape record stories to hopefully be written down.

I will be at Vikings Come Home in Donnershoffen with my trusty magic recorder, if you feel so inclined. Or perhaps you have a bit of current History you think would be of interest to our future inhabitants. I hope you stop by and remember that History is a founding reason for Our Society.

I am also trying to make a scrap book of pictures of people in the Canton. If you have any pictures you think are worth while, I’d be happy to have a look.

Merci Beaucoup
Lady Ariadne la Noire

Chronicler:  Greetings!!

I hope everyone got back from War alright and that you had a great time. I envy you but, maybe next year.

Real short issue this time. Thanks to all who contributed before they went to War or while they were stuck home like me. Remember that the next deadline is October 16th. We’re starting to head into those winter months when there’s not so many events. So everybody should have lots of time to write some articles or do some artwork for us all to read and look at while we’re at home safe and warm.

You’ll notice in the officers listing that I have lost my Deputy, Ivar. He and some others of us have started a group up north. We wish them well. But that leaves me without a deputy. So I’m looking for one, drop dead or otherwise. If your interested in the job and what it entails, let me know and I’ll try to get you in on the next editing session.

I am also in the process of getting The Bolt up on the web. Hopefully I can get this issue up and going, time permitting, within the next week or so. The address will be Look for it by Sept. 10th

That’s about it for this time. So on to The Bolt.

In Service,
Edward of Denby Woods Chronicler

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November/December 1999

Seneschal: Greetings unto the Populace of the Canton of Rimsholt,

Well, the Summer months have gone, Autumn is almost a memory also. With the change in seasons also comes changes in meeting sites.

In case you have not heard the monthly Canton meetings have changed from the 1st Sunday of the month to the third Sunday of the month. The location is the same; Wesley Park United Methodist Church (on the corner of 32nd St. and Michael). The time is the same 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. It is hoped that moving the meeting date will prevent all the scheduling conflicts relating to holidays and first of the month. Of course as I say that there will be a conflict with November 21st (Thanksgiving). I will let everyone know the reschedule date for November.

The end of summer and good weather also means that the fighting practices have moved back inside. I would like to thank Bruno von Pilsen and the good people of the Proto-Incipient College of Afon Mawr for providing Rimsholt a winter practice site. The site is located on
Cornerstone University at the Cornerstone University Student Center.

Directions are:

Take 1-96 to the East Beltline exit, turn North. Just down the East Beltline is Cornerstone University, turn left into Cornerstone and follow the signs for the Gainey Conference Center, turning right at the next stop sign. Park in that lot. The Student Center is not the entrance right by the parking lot, instead go around that building to the other side.

The date/time for practice is 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Thursdays. This will be both Heavy Weapons and Rapier practice. There is plenty of room in the Student Center for working on projects and such. The Student Center has lots of windows and we will be very visible so I would like to suggest attending in garb if possible. We may have to do some table or
chair moving so be prepared.

I would like to thank everyone who came out for the GVSU Demo. The weather was good as was the turnout. I hope everyone had a good time.

The Autocrats for Winter Revel will be Rhys ab Idwal and Bartholomew (with Gilebert d'Dijon as Advisor). Consider volunteering to help if you can. The Autocrats for Border War will be Gilebert d'Dijon and Emmalie the Faire. I am sure they will be asking for help as time goes on.

One last item. At the September meeting I announced that I was looking for a replacement as Seneschal, if you are interested in either of these positions please let me know.

Yours in Service
Baron Benedict of Beverly

Chronicler: Greetings unto the populace of Rimsholt

As you can see, this issue is VERY small. That's because I got one article for this month. The rest of the information in this issue was gleaned from meetings and conversations. Now I don't mind doing this, but it can't provide enough information for a complete issue. To do that I need articles from you. I've heard word of people commenting that they aren't happy with the way The Bolt looks, or that it doesn't have enough interesting things, just reports. Well, I can't print what I don't have.

Send me your recipes, your artwork, your stories.... your poems, reviews, recounting of events. I'll gladly publish everything that is offered within the guidelines of what I can. I have received some wonderful items in the nearly two years I've been doing this, and I thank those that contributed. But they have only been a few and there are many more of us than that. My deadline is always noted on the calendar, and is usually the 15th of the month before the next issue is due.

Speaking of the time I've been doing this, I've been told that I should think about looking for a deputy. I publish in PageMaker at the moment. But don't let that hinder you. There are many other good publishing tools available. You can use what you like. Get in touch with me and I'd be glad to talk with you about what I do.

Now then, let's get on to this issue. I'd like to wish you all a safe and happy holidays. See you again in January.

Edward of Denby Woods

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 Page last updated 02/02/00