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Canton of Rimsholt History A. S. XXX  (1995)

Seneschal: Alessandra l'Amour Herald: Isabella of Leith
Minister Arts & Sciences: Hana Lore an dem Fen Exchequer: Keziah Gildea
Rapier Marshal: Benedict of Beverly Knights Marshal: Garth of the Crags
Archery Marshal: Gwendolyn Wold Chatelain(e): Siobban O'Riagbain
Chronicler: Rhiannon Duncan Chirurgeon: Iarlaith ni Fiomallain

Events and Activities of Note:

Canton Officer Articles from the Rimsholt Bolt in 1995

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Images from the Past

Cover of September 1995 Rimsholt Bolt Rimsholt Fencers at Border War XII Is Cynfyn really Lancelot??
Group picture from First Knight Demo Field battle at Border War XII Winter Revel - picture from the loft
Fum Camp at Pennsic War XXIV

 Page last updated Tuesday, February 22, 2000