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Look! A dingo!

Harmless enough, you may think, but you'd be wrong...

Look at this "cute" pup.
"Aw, bless," you might say. Well, let's take another, closer look.

Using state of the art Image Manipulation Technology(or IMT) we can show beyond doubt that this pup and all its kind are evil!

Be astounded by the revelation of this animals dark secret. A dingo's heart, as you can see, is as black as night. Look into its empty, evil eyes and be afraid.

And if you're still not convinced let's have a look at the dingo you saw first of all with no suspicion whatsoever...


Just look at these dingoes playing, drenched in their own evil! Every Christian guy I know has reliably informed me that doing anything fun (e.g. sex, drugs, devil worshipping,) is evil so witnessing these beasts "having fun" is a clear indication of their truly evil, puss-filled hearts.

(All evil people have puss-filled hearts. It's true. I've checked.)

Because dingoes are notorious for eating babies I have decided to strike back. I have started a fight for human babies everywhere; yes, to protect our babies I have began to eat dingo babies. It started with the pup pictured above which I was forced to kill in self defense. I had to kill it, you see, it just kept looking at me with those black eyes... black... black like the basement where I was locked away and forced to eat pins! I wouldn't have minded but there were rats and they wanted my pins! So I had to eat them too... the taste remains even now, thirty-six years later, every time I eat chicken. Anyway, after picking the last bits of dingo pup out of my teeth I decided that this would be a great way to prevent more dingo related baby deaths - I would eat the dingo pups for the protection of my country's children!

Lunch Time

The evil of dingoes knows no bounds!
First they'll take our cars, then they'll turn our dependancy upon our own technology against us and take over the world!

Now I have let you make up your mind for yourself that dingoes are obviously evil I think I should point out how the dingo's evil can be used for good. For this I will hand you back to the site's creator to talk about The Destruction of Pop Music!

I have also started a baby self defense training centre to teach babies to protect themselves from these disgusting creatures of evil. Click here to visit the online training page - baby's only - this training must not be abused by an untrained adult.

If you want to find out what other animals I have found to be evil click here for my Evil Animal List.

If you need help destroying evil creatures other than dingoes try here!

Watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been of immense help to me in my fight against the Dingoes. In turn I gave her advise about fighting vampires as you may have witnessed in series 2 and 3. I'm not supposed to write to her anymore though... she says it's because I'm "a crazy, obsessive, delusional mad man" and that I've gotta "stop stalking" her. I know she's just trying to keep me away for my own safety but that's okay, I've killed lots of vampires... they said they weren't vampires but I knew they were... they screamed as I drove a stake through there heart... just like Buffy's driven one through mine...I love you Buffy! That court order doesn't mean a thing, I can come within 5 miles if you want me too!

The site's creator has more stuff to say on Buffy later on. For now, goodbye from me as I go to eat dingo-pups for my country! If only Buffy could see me now. Check out the rest of this site, it's gonna be pretty good apparently.

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Destruction of Pop

Music That Doesn't Suck

Stuff That Doesn't Suck