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Music That Does Not Suck

This page is titled Music That Does Not because it discusses music which doesn't suck among the context of music which certainly does. Even if you don't positively like this music I think you will agree it is better than the realms of pop.

First - something to consider

There is no god...

Something else to consider

  • Soundgarden - Split Up,
  • Oasis - Still Together.
  • Wildhearts - Split Up,
  • Oasis - Still Together.
  • Blind Melon - Split Up (singer dead),
  • Oasis - Still Together(all alive).

All situations believed to be true at time of publication - please inform me (email at bottom of the page)if any member of Oasis (or any artist mentioned above) has died horribly.

The Wildhearts were a great rock band from Newcastle having made the Ep "Don't Be Happy, Just Worry", the albums "Earth Vs. The Wildhearts" and "PHUQ", the collections "Fishing For Luckies" and "Best of the Wildhearts" and the crap last album, "Endless Nameless". Ginger's lyrics were true genius in a common sensical kind of way and thus comes...

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Album Review Time

Yes, here comes the eagerly awaited section where I get to impose my views on all who reads this - Album Review Time. Well actually I've decided against this idea - you wanna know about an album - decide for yourself or let a magasine decide for you. So there. If you are looking for pop reviews than stay tuned to the Destruction of Pop Music page as a review section may appear soon (cue evil laughter...)

Rant of the week

The section where I really do impose my views on you. Rant of the week, as it shall be named increasingly inaccurately, involves me moaning about the latest music related thing that has pissed me off. Believe me, I have quite a back catalogue to put up here... If I start to sound too serious you can always go to another of my many sections or pages and if I piss you off you can always send me hate mail on the address below. So here we go with number 1...

Suck. Slipknot. Put these words in the right order. Yes, despite being a rock/metal fan I still think band of the moment, Slipknot, SUCK!

First off, and most importantly: their music is crap. It's playschool standard. People praise them because "They're really heavy!" Well that's fine - but you still need a tune! Pantera manage to be heavy AND have a tune - check 'em out, slipknot just hide behind distortion so no-one realises they can't play. First they seem to listen to Slayer, then they seem to rip it off, and then try to make it sound worse so no-one will notice. I mean what kind of band needs 9 people to sound that bad?

Second: Their stage show is crap. It consits of them pretending to beat each other up unconvincingly. If I wanted to see that than why not watch some WCW wrestling? If you want a stage show then you should have seen GWAR when you last had the chance.

Third: They are all about the image. Ever since Korn game along there's been a kind of designer image associated with metal. Slipknot have managed to sell themselves on their image which is of Chaos, Masks and Boiler Suits. Not that the image in itself is a bad thing, but the manner in which this is what they're sold on (believe me, it can't be the music,) sucks beyond belief. I mean, for f*cks sake, I even saw an Adidas shin pad on one of them... The great thing about metal used to be that it didn't pander to commerciality and image like pop does but now, it's starting to go the same way... If you're still reading this please get your Pantera albums and find out what metal really should be about!

By the way, they only wear the masks 'cos they're all butt ugly.

Recommended Listening
It's all in the title - straight to the point - some great rock / punk / metal bands I recommend listening to.

Wildhearts: - Excellent rock band who split up a few years ago. Many excellent songs such as TV Tan, Greetings From Shitsville, Just in Lust, Something Weird Going On In My Head, Turning American, Nothing Ever Changes But The Shoes and many more...

Red Hot Chilli Peppers: - You've almost certainly heard of them now with Californication and so on but check out their older (more funky) stuff too - Blood Sugar Sex Magik and Mother's Milk are two of the best.

Pantera: - These guys rule. No image bullshit, just pure unadulterated metal. Heavy as you like but funky too. Check out Vulgar Display of Power - their best album?

Smashing Pumpkins

Pixies: - these guys go back to the late eighties and were amongst the inspirations for Nirvana. Their original style with melodic punk tunes is full of energy and very addictive. Their song Where is My Mind was recently on the movie Fight Club soundtrack.

Stone Temple Pilots

Suicidal Tendancies Fast, skatepunk thrash metal. Check 'em out, from last year's "Freedumb" album to their first self-titled album in 1983 they've never comprimised on their fast and heavy sound. My personal recommendation is 1990's Lights, Camera Revolution album. Go forth and buy - now.

Foo Fighters

Details for each band will follow. All in good time.

Back to Dingoes Ate My Baby

Stuff That Doesn't Suck

Destruction of Pop

More to come soon.

Why not try the following links seeing as this page has let you down...

If you didn't click the other link on the first page why not try this? Buffy the Vampire Slayer rules! It's in the name really - official site of a great band, pretty neat.
Girls? Ugh! The official site of not having a girlfriend.
Tiny Little Dot: Another funky site with words of wisdom.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - they rule!
