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 ·Welcome to FOX-HOUND, Elite Special Forces Unit. FOX-HOUNDS Webmaster & Staff are dedicated to The Unit, That's why we are here to post daily and weekly updates on MGS RP. Many features and sections of the site are always being improved to please our RP'ers. If you don't like something on this site don't hesitate to tell us what it is. This organization is growing to be one of the most interactive org's(RPG's) on the net today. Enjoy your visit!

All news reported here is strictly for FOX-HOUND unit members only. You may post any news on your site only with a source link back to ours. All news reported here is sourced if obtained elsewhere.

- Unit Training

FOX-HOUND training-

Physical Exam :
Basic physical ability
Short-range run
Uninterrupted 80 push-ups
Uninterrupted 100 sit-ups
50 meters free swimming
Underwater diving ability
Lone wilderness march (carry a backpack of 30kg, and conquer 64 km of length in 15 hours)

Psychological Exam:
Mental recovery, concentration, endurance, self-control, tough inner self which are required to overcome the duties
ESP expectancy score
Marksman ability
Recognizing and making decision on emergency environment

Intelligence Exam:
Non-domestic geology
World situation
Hi-tech technologies
Medical in outdoors
Detonation operation
Concealed communication
Foreign weaponry Training Drills Those who passed the election course are forced to take following professional training courses:
Battlefield survival test (14 weeks)
Shooting practice (very high standard is required; 100% to the target 548 meters away, 95% to the target 914 meters away)
Conquering mountain
Martial arts (fighting)
Border crossing
Guerilla combat
Land navigation
Map reading practice
Avoiding dangers
Field combat medics
Rebelling ranger practice
Nautical control and navigation
Diving, underwater sneaking

Parachute skydiving practice (4 weeks)
Assault paratroopers skydiving practice: H-A-L-O and H-A-H-O
11 normal skydiving, 15 in full gears, 2 in nighttime, 2 mass-tactical strategic diving.
Intelligence operation
Language and customs of destination country (4 weeks)
Sneaking technique
Improved flammable operation
Utilizing hi-tech arms
Communication (16 weeks)
Medical (10 weeks)

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