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 ·Welcome to FOX-HOUND, Elite Special Forces Unit. FOX-HOUNDS Webmaster & Staff are dedicated to The Unit, That's why we are here to post daily and weekly updates on MGS RP. Many features and sections of the site are always being improved to please our RP'ers. If you don't like something on this site don't hesitate to tell us what it is. This organization is growing to be one of the most interactive org's(RPG's) on the net today. Enjoy your visit!

All news reported here is strictly for FOX-HOUND unit members only. You may post any news on your site only with a source link back to ours. All news reported here is sourced if obtained elsewhere.

- Ranking System

Enlisted Rankings Within FOX-HOUND
E-1 Private
E-2 Private
E-3 Private 1st Class
E-4 Specialist, Fourth Class
E-4 Command Grade Corporal
E-5 Specialist, Fifth Class
E-5 Command Grade Sergeant
E-6 Specialist, Sixth Class
E-6 Command Grade Staff Sergeant
E-7 Sergeant First Class
E-8 First Sergeant
E-8 Command Grade Master Sergeant
E-9 Sergeant Major
E-9 Command Grade Command Sergeant Major
E-9 Command Sergeant Major of FOX-HOUND

Warrant Officer Rankings Within FOX-HOUND
WO-1 Warrant Officer WO1
WO-2 Chief Warrant Officer (WO2)
WO-3 Chief Warrant Officer (WO3)
WO-4 Chief Warrant Officer (WO4)
WO-5 Chief Warrant Officer (WO5)

Commisioned Officer Rankings Within FOX-HOUND
O-1 Second Lieutenant
O-2 First Lieutenant
O-3 Captain
O-4 Major
O-5 Lieutenant Colonel
O-6 Colonel
O-7 Brigadier General
O-8 Major General
O-9 Lieutenant General
O-10 General

Promotional System For The Enlisted Personnel of FOX-HOUND:
E1 to E2, Receives an automatic promotion after one week of active service.
E2 to E3, Receives an automatic promotion after one more week of active service.
E3 to E4, Receives an automatic promotion after one more week of active service.
E4 to E5, To Receive this promotion he/she must have served one to two more active weeks and undergo Performance Evaluation.
The same rules apply for any Enlisted position from E5 to E9.

The performance evaluation is necessary to determine whether or not you qualify to advance to a higher ranking position. This is held once a week past the minimum stay requirement depending on your rank. i.e. If you've been an E4 for three weeks and get passed over on the decision to promote you to 5, you have another chance at being considered to being promoted to an E5 on a week later's time. There is no in-between appointment between these times.

Promotional System For The Commissioned Officer of FOX-HOUND:
Before any of you ask, in order to reach O1 rank, you must go through the Officer Academy Program. The Officer Academy Program is otherwise known as the Next Generation Special Forces. In order to get into NGSF, you must first be of an E5 rank and excel in your performance above and beyond the call of duty. The purpose behind NGSF is to slowly train and shape Enlisted personnel into Commissioned Officer material. The decision on whether or not you "Graduate" is ultimately decided on the Commanding Officer of the Next Generation Special Forces as well as an Colonel(O6) or above ranking superior for official approval. The minimum requirements on advancing to Commissioned Officer rank are that you must be an Next Generation Special Forces enlistee for at least three weeks. Once those three weeks are over, you may be deemed worthy of advancing at anytime (i.e. There are no evaluation periods.)

O1 to O2, To receive this promotion he/she must serve on to two more active weeks upon advancement to a Commissioned Officer status and undergo Performance Evaluation.
The same rules apply for any Commissioned Officer position from O2 to O6.

Here at FOX-HOUND ESFU, we do not treat our Soldiers unkindly or unfairly. All soldiers are treated alike in the manner of official ranking procedures. There will be no short cuts in the long bumpy road of FOX-HOUND. Only by a strong will to learn and Roleplay, perserverance, and dedication to the unit, will one suceed within this Organization.

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