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This page was last updated 26 January, 2003 

Kenya's west coast - Lake Victoria Safari Village

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This is an invitation to buy your own African hut on the shore of Lake Victoria in south-western Kenya. We prefer to call it the west coast of Kenya, the east coast being the coast along the Indian Ocean.  Your hut will be part of the Lake Victoria Safari Village.

You can read about the existing facilities and view some photographs of Lake Victoria Safari Village on this page. 

On the same page you will also find links to a lot of information about the area and its attractions as well as things to see and do while you are here.

The project was started in August 1998 and the Village consists of the following facilities to day: 

o       2 no. Rest-huts near the beach.

o      2 no. Accommodation huts (diameter 9 m)  containing 2 self-contained guest rooms, both rooms with private veranda

o       Bush restaurant and kitchen.

o       Bar near the beach.

In stage II (from 2002 onwards) the following buildings will be added:

o       Round accommodation huts (diameter 6m) containing one self-contained double room with private veranda overlooking the lake.

There is spacious room for at least 15 huts. Electricity, sewage and water pipes have been laid to the sites of the next 3 huts to be built. (It is proposed that some of these huts are financed by cost-sharing contracts) All huts will be situated within a distance of 60 – 80 m from the beach.

o       Restaurant building near the beach.

o       Reception hut.

o       Gymnasium incl. showers, toilets and sauna  near the beach.

Proposed cost-sharing participation in the project

The investment will be:                                   KES 450.000 (Kenya Shillings)

or                                                                 USD 6.000 (US dollars)

or                                                                 NOK 48.000 (Norwegian kroner) 

or                                                                 EUR 6.000 (Euros)

For this amount you will be the ”owner” of your hut,  which will be made available to you every time you visit the Village.

We can offer you 10% interest on your investment. You can either spend the interest earned by staying with us or ask us to deposit it into your bank account once a year.

If you choose to spend the interest earned staying with us you will receive a discount of 20% on food and 30 % on the normal room rates. . (This means you will get 12.5-12.8% interest on your investment, depending upon the division between food and accommodation consumed, instead of 10%)

After 10 years you can choose to be paid your investment back partly or in full or continue your cost-sharing contract. We are also open to discuss any other proposed arrangements.

We look forward to hear from you at your earliest convenience and we especially want to invite you to visit us so you can see for yourself what we have to offer.









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