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Poetry From The Heart


Hi, I'm Estella.. Thank you for stopping in to read my poetry.
My poetry expresses feelings and emotions that are not
easily, verbally spoken. They are written and inspired
by individuals who have crossed my path at one
time or another throughout my life.

To the many friends I have come to know,
"Thank You"
for bringing a special meaning to my life.

I love writing poetry and playing the piano because it allows me
                     to search deep within myself and express my inner feelings.

Age:    60
Favorite song:     "Somewhere Over The Rainbow"
Favorite color:     " Purple "
Favorite flower:     a "Red Rose"
Favorite things to collect:     "Brooches-the older, the better"
Most proud of:     My son, daughter-in-law, and mostly, my beautiful                                          granddaughter and step-granddaughters.
My inspiration:     My brother, Andrés Fernandez
Biggest accomplishment: Receiving my Masters of Social Work Degree
                                              in 1996 from California State University-                                                      Fresno.
Most passionate about:     Writing poetry and playing the piano.
Favorite past-time:     Playing Bingo and getting to know new people.
HOBBIES:   * Sewing: Making Quilts    * Singing Kareoke  
                                              * Creating Websites

** I am currently working on composing & playing my own music to add
to each poetry page. I am hoping to have the music added soon.

Take a few minutes to read my poetry and
enjoy the journey they may take you on.

** Please allow some time for the music to upload on each page.

1. Our Brief Encounter 2. I Promise 3. A Tender Moment
4. A Sparkle 5. Stranger In My Life 6. Longing For Your Touch
7. Special Feelings 8. Image of Your Love 9. Reflecting Memories
10. Secret Pleasures 11. A Listening Heart 12. Making A Difference
13. Our Shared Happiness 14. An Empty Heart 15. My Thoughts of You
16. Denise 17. Tunnel of Sunshine 18. Two Loving Hearts
19. You Make A Difference 20. Frightened Fears 21. Glance From A Distance
22. Treasured Memories 23. Silent Thoughts 24. Etched In Time
25. Believing In Myself 26. My Brother's Love 27. Standing Proud
28. Have You Ever Wondered 29. Don't Be Afraid 30. Infinity
31. Integrity 32. To Be Written

Yo Soy ( I AM )
Written by my brother, Andres Fernanndez


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