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Kombucha Tea Use and Dosage - Storing bottled Tea and Cultures

It is recommended that one starts by drinking just a small amount of
Kombucha tea per day, one single dose of 150ml (1 wineglass).  Kombucha
tea is a living culture and is a powerful detoxifier.  It is always recommend that
anyone who begins drinking the tea for the first time start with a small amount
to avoid any discomfort from the detoxifying effects and to see how the body
will react to the Kombucha culture.
~ Storing Kombucha Tea ~
~ Bottled Kombucha Tea ~
As with any new substance introduced into the body,  one should start slow and increase the amount taken at a pace that is agreeable
with the body.  A single dose should be followed for the first three or four days, then the amount of tea may be increased to 300ml
(two wine glasses) per day.  After the first week, then the full amount of tea may be taken per day, 450ml or three wine glasses.  
This is only a recommendation for a person in good health!  If you have preexisting medical conditions or are in poor health then
your starting dosage should be much less. It may take you up to a month to have your daily dose at 300ml and up to a year before
your body is ready for the full amount, 450ml per day.  You must listen to your body and knowing your health decide what and how
much of a dose you should start with and in what steps to increase your dosage.  Please consult with your health practitioner if you
are uncertain as to the dosage and amount of tea to take.  
It is recommended that you talk with your health care practitioner before taking kombucha tea.

The tea may be taken any time during the day but works best if it is spread throughout the day.  To aid in weight loss drink the tea
before meals and for weight gain drink after meals.  It is also very important to drink a lot of clean filtered water, no 'city water',
when drinking the Kombucha tea as this helps to flush out the toxins being released from the body.  This will make any detoxifying
easier on you and your body.  It is now recommended that a person drink at least half their body weight in ounces per day.  So if
you weight 150 lbs you should drink at least 75 oz of water per day.   Again it is very important to drink a lot of water as you detox.

Kombucha is very safe to drink when brewed correctly and is used by millions of people around the world.

Nutritional Contents:
Vitamins– including
- B vitamins
(B1, B2, B6 and B12),
- vitamin C,
- amino acids
- enzymes
- Probiotic Organic Acids:
Lactic acid,
Acetic acids

- A wide range of other
organic acids that
provides normal
functioning & support
to the body:
Usnic acid,
Citric acid,
Oxalic acid,
Malic acid,
Gluconic acid,
Butyric acid,
Nucleic acids
However, as with any drug or substance newly introduced into the body caution must always be used.  If there is any
signs or symptoms of an allergic reaction from drinking Kombucha, other than the detoxifying symptoms that may occur,
stop drinking the Kombucha immediately.  If the detoxifying effects are causing to much discomfort simple reduce the
amount of tea taken per day until your correct dosage is found.  Again millions of people drink the brewed tea daily, with
no adverse side effects, to promote good health and enhance the immune system.
  • Drinking Kombucha promotes good health and helps millions of people with its excellent detoxifying and immune-enhancing
    qualities.   Its origins are lost in history, but in the earliest records two thousand years ago it was known as ‘the elixir of long life’.

  • Kombucha is not just a health tonic; it is a complete therapy.

  • Kombucha has proved itself to be a quite remarkable therapeutic drink, made from sweetened tea into which a culture (a symbiosis
    of bacteria and yeasts) is placed.  It can taste similar to apple cider or a refreshing light wine, depending on the fermentation time and
    type of tea used.
Storing Kombucha Tea
For storing bottled kombucha tea, you'll need clean bottles with air tight lids.  The process of bottling your brewed tea is very
simple.  The easiest way is to use standard beer bottles and caps which may be purchased at any wine/beer making supply store
or Internet site. When the tea has finished brewing, normally after  7 to 10 days, you are ready to bottle and store any tea that
may not be used within a few days.  Simply take the finished tea, remove the mother and baby cultures from the tea, and strain
through a cheese cloth into the awaiting bottles. Remember to save 10 % of this brewed tea for your next batch of tea!  Once the
bottles are filled and capped you may store the bottled tea in the refrigerator for up to a month.  Drinking the fresh tea is the best,
however, many people can not brew fresh tea every week so bottling is very convenient for some households.  By storing bottled
kombucha tea, it allows you to take a break from the brewing cycle and still allow you to enjoy the benefits of the kombucha.  

To aid in weight loss drink the tea before meals and for weight gain drink after meals.
Many benefits to drinking kombucha tea as a daily health tonic has freshly brewed & bottled organic
kombucha tea and organic starter kits available:
Click here for our complete line of kombucha products
Kombucha Culture Starter Kit, Basic [an error occurred while processing this directive]
$14.99 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Classic Black Bottled Kombucha Tea, 12 oz, organic [an error occurred while processing this directive]
$3.00, 6 for $11.00, 12 for $22.00 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Deluxe Kombucha Mushroom Kit, Organic [an error occurred while processing this directive]
$19.99 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Organic kombucha culture starter
kit.  Great aid as part of your
holistic health practice.  Complete
instructions included.
Or try one of our other 5 flavors
Start brewing your own kombucha tea and daily
health tonic with this deluxe starter kit.  Great aid as
part of your holistic health practice.  Includes fresh
organic kombucha cultures, starter tea, organic green
or black tea, organic cane sugar, & instructions.
Used for detoxifying, immunity building,
and digestive support.  Made with 100%
organic ingredients!  Choose from Green
tea (anti-oxidants), Black tea (strong
hearty brew), or Pu-erh (weight loss).
Drinking kombucha tea is a great way to start changing your daily health by clearing toxins from the body and building your
immunity.  When taken as a daily health tonic, it aids the body immune system and may help your overall health by keeping
disease and disorders at bay.  Thousands of people drink this tea daily around the world and with great results!  
Make kombucha tea part of your daily practice for your health and wellbeing.
See important warnings on brewing kombucha cultures and why to choose a health department licensed facility
to obtain your cultures.  
Click here.
Benefits of Kombucha  : | :  Kombucha Use : | :  Warnings  : | :  Cultures  : | :  Mushrooms  : | :  Bottled Kombucha Tea  : | :  Brewing & Care  : | :  Organic Starter Kits  : | :  Kombucha Extract
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Your source for organic kombucha products, starter kits, and mushroom cultures
Using kombucha cultures can be safe and effective way to aid in one's health and healing by detoxifying the body and providing support the the body's systems when used as a daily health tonic
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