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Our Mission

To provide our customers with the highest quality, freshest, organic kombucha
products available.  Offering free support to anyone, customer or not, needing
assistance with growing and brewing kombucha cultures.  To provide expedited
shipping and customer service to our customers.

Our Vision

To provide education and support to people  looking to make healthy lifestyle
changes and choices within their life that will nurture the body in a holistic manner.
 Aiding each person towards a life of simple, healthy, disease free living.
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It is thought that the culture originated in Tibet or China, around 221 B.C., maybe
in the Tsin-Dynasty of the Chinese empire.  It was then brought to Japan where
from there it was then introduced to the western world.  It may be known by many
different names in other parts of the world, such as Manchurian Tea, Remedy of
Immortality, elixir of long life, cembuya, Kambotscha, Kouchakinoko, Manchu
Fungus, Mo-Gu, Fungus japonicus, tea fungus, Indo Japanese tea fungus,
Olinka, Tschambucco, Volga spring, Kwassan, Pichia fermentans, Cembuya
orientalis, Combuchu, Champignon de longue vie, Tea Kvass, and Tea Kwass
to name a few.  The history of the original origins of the tea has been somewhat
lost, however, we do know that the tea has been used in the cultures that are
now part of China and Russia for many hundreds of years.  NBC Dateline's
report on Kombucha stated that over 3 million people currently use this
beverage as a health alternative and daily tonic!

The main benefit, from drinking the tea, is helping the body in finding a natural
balance. This is one reason why it is not symptom specific – why it does not
always help a specific immune-related illness, but rather seems to go to a
person’s own weakness or personal imbalance. Such a substance which has
no specific harmful effect is called an adaptogen.  Its adaptogen effect is seen
mostly through its influence on the liver, the blood and the digestive system,
where it normalizes the acidity or pH.  Metabolic balancing and detoxification is
perhaps the most important functions of Kombucha.
Kombucha cultures or SCOBY have been used traditional for hundreds of
years throughout the world as a beneficial health drink and daily tonic.   
Kombucha tea (pronounced kom-boo-sha, Kombu tea in English), also
called a Manchurian mushroom, is a living culture which grows on top of a
mixture of brewed tea and sugar in which the culture has been introduced.  

Although it is called a mushroom, it is not a mushroom at all as it does not
produce spores or "fruit."  The "mushroom" or SCOBY can be describe as a
light brown or creamy white disk that grows on top of the liquid tea/sugar
mixture and will take the form of the container that is in, which is why most
look circular in the pictures you may see.  Again, it is not a mushroom at all,
but really a yeast culture that has a symbiotic relationship with various
bacteria, which duplicates itself during each brewing cycle.  The correct
name for the "mushroom" is a S.C.O.B.Y - a
symbiotic culture of bacteria
and yeast
.  The culture may look fragile, however, it is really thick and
leathery in consistency.  The finished brewed tea should be regarded
principally as a live food unusually rich in nutritive properties. The finished
fermented product taste something like cider with a nice fizz.  As with yogurt
or miso, the bacteria and cultures in the tea are a great source of nutrition,
aiding in metabolic function and balance.

Going back to community, times long ago, becomes time now...
When one's health was need in the hands of machines and knives,
Healing started with friends and brothers,
and sisters,
grandmothers and wise women
knew the spirit of the plant,
and the calling of the elements, the medicine of nature.

Now let us know our food
Know your land
And know your community
Your source for organic kombucha products, starter kits, and mushroom cultures
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