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Title:        Time II
Date:       1993 
Size:       20 x 40" 
Medium:  Acrylic on board.

Title:       When the going Gets Weird...   
Date:      1992  
Size:      18 x 11"   
Medium: Water color on paper.

Title:       Fuzzy Faces   
Date:      1993 
Size:       20 x 40" 
Medium:  Acrylic on board.

Title:       Sychronicity I   
Date:      1992  
Size:      30 x 18"   
Medium: Enamel and mixed media on 
              acrylic sheet. 


Gallery One Gallery Two Gallery Three Gallery Four Gallery Five Gallery Six Gallery Seven Gallery Eight

Gallery Nine Gallery Ten Gallery Eleven Gallery Twelve Gallery Thirteen Gallery Fourteen Gallery Fifteen Gallery Sixteen

Gallery Seventeen Gallery Eighteen Gallery Nineteen Gallery Twenty Gallery Twenty-one Gallery Twenty-two Gallery Twenty-three

Gallery Twenty-four Gallery Twenty-five Gallery Twenty-six Gallery Twenty-seven Gallery Twenty-eight Gallery Twenty-nine Gallery Thirty

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All Text and Images © Copyright 2000, 2001 Damon Carroll. This Page Last Updated Monday, December 10, 2001.

Please feel free to E-mail comments or questions. This site designed and maintained by DCM.