It's About Respect

Why do we, as humans, seem so anxious to afix labels to people, beliefs, jobs, ... just about everything. It's like we have to label it so we know how to file things in our minds. Is that the case?

An easy example is religion. With so many active religions being practiced even just within the USA, why does it seem so vital to categorize? Are You Jewish? Muslim? Christian? (and this seperation cracks me up) or Catholic? (As if Catholics are not Christians??? ) Then of course, within the Christian faith, there are a bazillion denominations, none of whom seem able to tolerate each other. hmmmm This, within a faith that was conceived out of the most perfect, selfless act.

When 2 "Christians" meet, the first question out of their mouth is, "Where do you go to church?" And sheesh ... the answer holds an incredible weight. If you answer some mainline denomination (Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, etc) you are "judged" (or labeled) by the known doctrine of that denomination. If you answer some non-denominational or inter-denominational or independent, you are labeled some degree of heretic. And, heaven forbid, you answer that you currently do not attend church any place, well, that is a sure indication that you are backslidden or in error.

The irony here to me is that we, as "Christians" proclaim our faith as being built on a personal relationship with God through Jesus. What does personal mean?

To me, after years (count them, 40+) of study & experience, when I say I have a personal relationship with God, it means that God, in His greatness, bent down to whisper into my ear, touch my heart and life in ways that are relevant to me, personally. And I assume likewise of those who call themselves believers. So why do we insist that others see things exactly as we do ... or they are wrong? Are we that short-sighted, really?

If God is as big as I believe He is ... and that is really, really huge, does He have to do everything the same for you as He does for me?

I'm not talking about doctrinal issues that form the foundation of the faith, but about incidentals, about why we seem unable, or unwilling to walk hand in hand as family with One Father, one Savior, one Lord. We seem so focused on attaching the correct label to one another that we don't even see that we are negating whatever positive influence we might have by our UNloving of each other.

What is the eternal significance of whether I am a liberal or a conservative? a Catholic or a Baptist? AND is that really my business?

Those of you who know me here, who visit my blog with any regularity know that I endeavor to meet every person on equal terms. I am no better than any one, nor am I beneath any one. When Jesus walked this earth, He never repelled people because they worshipped the gods of their culture or their heritage. Instead, He embraced them and showed them Himself. The only examples we have of Jesus scolding anyone was directed toward the religious leaders who put themselves above everyone else. We, as "Christians" need to beware of this as we label those Jesus died for. He was all inclusive in His love and in His sacrifice. Can we say the same? It's about respect ... as one human to another.

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