The "Job" of the Believer

by VelvetDreams

Originally posted 11/21/05

In the interest of time & space and in the interest of TRUTH, I want to address one thing only at this time and that is religious expression. One's belief system is an intimately personal thing which is why it is often such a volatile subject. It is contrary to most, if not all major religions to hate or even to become hostile. Yet when our belief system is challenged by another, we automatically jump to the defensive which sometimes includes name-calling or personal judgments, again, something not generally accepted in any religion or moral code.

*NOTE: It is said that a man convinced against his will, is unconvinced still.

Religion is a revelational thing like a relationship. For most of us, it is alive; it moves; it breathes; it changes and evolves as we grow. Seldom will it bow to another's revelation unless suitably lured by love and acceptance.

I grew up in the "Jesus Freak" 70's when we learned how to Bible belt and Jesus jam! But someplace along the road, I read the rest of the Book (in my case, the Bible) and realized that it is the everlasting Love of God that draws us to Him, not the number of verses I can memorize and regurgitate AT another beloved human being. We are His workmanship ... He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith. He is the Shephard and we are the sheep. Do we not think God is big enough to reveal Himself to us individually? Is a sinner not fully aware of his sin? Of course he is, and he doesn't need us pointing our boney fingers in judgment at him. Remember the sappy song ...

    What the world needs now, is love, sweet love,
    It's the only thing, that there's just too little of ..."

I would challenge anyone claiming Christ or Allah or Jehovah or G-d to count the number of times we are told/commanded in the Bible (the Torah, the Qur’an, the teachings of the Sikh Gurus, the shruti and the smriti of Hinduism ... whatever) to Love one another as opposed to the number of times we are asked to judge or correct one another ... and notice the difference and live accordingly. Is it love and acceptance that draws You into relationship with another person or is it judgment? If true believers could get a grasp on this concept, wars in the name of religion would cease and peace would have a chance.

As I see it, my "job" is to be a pipeline for the Love of God to flow through ... to the very best of my ability and let Him do the rest. After all He is God; I’m not! (Whew!)

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