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What Ozone Does


What Does Ozone Do?

As an oxidizer, ozone is far more active than comparable treatment agents - chlorine, chlorine dioxide, iodine, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide. Many European countries use ozone as THE disinfectant of choice. Taste and odor problems due to phenols in water supplies are eliminated by ozone treatment. Many water treatment plants use ozone for this purpose.

    Algae Control

        During seasonal periods of climate changes and when the proper nutrients balances are present in water supplies, algae growths are promoted. Ozonation will disrupt the metabolic processes of many types of algae by oxidizing their essential organic components.       

        Taste and Odor Control

        As a general rule, taste and odor-causing compounds are organic in nature, although many inorganic sulfides also are encountered which are highly odorous. Many of these organic compounds which cause unacceptable tastes and odors are formed from the decay of natural vegetation.

         Oxidation of Soluble Iron and Manganese

       Ferrous iron is oxidized rapidly by ozone into ferric ions, which, at neutral PH hydrolyze, coagulate and precipitate as ferric hydroxide. Similarly, manganese ions are oxidized to manganic ions, which then hydrolyze forming the insoluble manganese dioxide. These particles are readily filtered.        

        Suspended Solids Removal (Turbidity)

        Cloudiness caused by suspended solids, which are small, colloidal sized particles having surfaces which are highly charged. The strength of these surface charges, in fact keeps the particles in suspension because of the repulsive forces coupled the the small particle sizes. Such colloidal particles pass through normal filtration media and are not retained.

        The addition of a strong oxidant, such as ozone will change the nature and/or        extent of these surface charges, thus allowing the charged particles to agglomerate and be more readily removed by subsequent filtration. If ferrous ions are present, ozonation will oxidize these to the ferric state, as discussed earlier. As these trivalent ions hydrolyze and agglomerate, they can interact and/or combine with the surfaces of suspended solids, causing them to flocculate.

Contact Information

Feel free to contact the experts at "Ozone Engineering" any time for prices, comments or questions concerning products and services or for any information you may require in general.

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Last modified: 06/05/04