Embarrassing Cheer Moments

Welcome to the embarrassing moments page. Please send your mortifying stories to me so I can post them on my page!

  • I was cheering at the junior high football game one evening. We were doing a nifty cheer we learned from camp. I did my toe touch and after we were done with the cheer, my coach called me over and told me that she thought I had my period. As if that wasn't bad enough, our brief's WERE white!
  • One time after we won a game, we were walking down the field giving the other team high fives, like we do after every game. The football players from the other team kept grabbing at the other cheerleaders and I in the chest. Well, I was getting mad because the whole thing was inappropriate, when someone walked up behind me and grabbed me around the waist, whispering, 'Hey babe,' into my ear. I shoved the guy really hard so he would fall down. Then I jumped on top of him and began punching him and slapping him as hard as I could. Keep in mind, this is in the middle of the football field. I was yelling at him, 'How dare you touch me like that?! I have a boyfriend!' In my fury, I didn't get a good look at who I was beating up. The other cheerleaders ran over and started pulling me off of the guy. Everyone was laughing hysterically, because it turned out the guy who wrapped his arms around me was - my boyfriend!
  • Once they were auctioning off the cheerleaders as Slaves-for-a-Day for a fundraiser. The auction was being held in the courtyard during the lunch period at school. Some of the cheerleaders were throwing up stunts. We were all in full-uniform, but my friend had forgotten her bloomers. Since I had to go to the bathroom really bad, I decided to go inside to hit the bathroom. Therefore, I slipped my bloomers off and gave them to my friend so she could fly in a stunt. When I came back from the bathroom, everyone was laughing hysterically and pointing at me. I was like, 'What's going on?' Just then I realized somehow my skirt had gotten tucked into my underwear. When the wind was blowing as I came out, the skirt flew up, exposing my thong in the back and all of the students and faculty eating lunch and participating in the auction saw! After that, word got around that I had 'mooned everyone in the courtyard,' and my boyfriend came outside all upset. I explained to him about how my skirt had flew up, and all he did was laugh, which made another round of giggles from the crowd. It was mortifying! I'll keep my bloomers on next time, no matter what.
  • I was totally embarrassed the first day of try-outs for basketball this year. I had been a cheerleader for awhile and was pretty confident about making it. I stood in the front row while practicing, with most of the other former cheerleaders from the year before. I decided to show off by doing a high kick. I don't know what happened, but my foot slipped out from under me and I fell flat on my back. Everyone saw, including the cuties who were CHECKING out who the cheerleaders would be this year! I still made the squad, despite my mortifying moment. However, about two months later we were practicing spiriting. I got into my spot, and tried to do another high kick - and landed flat on my back again. I never heard the end of it the whole season! I think I'll just stay away from kicks now on.
  • I was a freshman on Varsity and for our first pep rally the girls and I were doing a deadman's lift. Nobody had ever told me to wear thongs with your bloomers so I was wearing regular white underwear and they lifted me up and spread my legs. Of course my skirt was up and you could see my underwear around my bloomers. Everybody in the school was laughing except my boyfriend who was mortified. As they were all laughing I looked down and saw my skirt was up and I yanked it down and gave them all a dirty look and that just made them laugh harder. To make matters even worse the cheer we were doing to the stunt at the game that night had the words 1-2-3-4 score Gaels, SCORE! and I had to hold up a sign that said SCORE! right as my legs were spread. I told my coach I was never doing that cheer again, I mean it caused me the two most embarresing moments of my life in the same night. She understood completely.
  • Click here for tumbling!

    Email: pinkpiff@hotmail.com