Drum Cadences

Here are three of our cadences

What seperates girls who know the dance from girls who ROCK the dance? The three E's - expression, enthusiasm, and energy! When dancing, you have to show that you're having a good time. Otherwise, how can you expect the crowd to get into it with you? This is something that makes coaches select you to be on their squad, and where you end up in the routine's formation. So always be sure to smile and really get into it when you're dancing. At a soft part in the music, don't be afraid to try a spirit yell ("Go Chargers!"). Even if you feel a little silly at first with all of your reactions, don't worry. You're SUPPOSED to look like that. Practice your facials in front of a mirror if you're really self-conscious about it. Enthusiasm is a big part of dancing. Every time you go out there and do your routine - even if you're doing it to no one - just try hard to hit the moves, and to hit them well. Cheerleaders are supposed to be energized! If you really want to be at home vegging in front of Days of Our Lives, it will totally show. So be sure to put all of your enthusiasm into your routine. When you feel like you're going to drop from exhaustion after doing the dance for the ninth time, just take a deep BREATH, drink a sip of water, and get in your place in line. Remember, the harder you practice, the better you'll be come competition time. Dancing is something that's looked at a lot in comp. routines, so be sure to remember that.

At our football games our band's drummers play little rythms. We cheerleaders decided to make little dances to these. I'm going to tell you how to perform each.

Muskogee -

Funk -

    1-knees bent, with right foot, step right, arms in daggers, sort of diagonal towards right shoulder

    2-straighten knees, arms in low touchdown

    3-knees bent, with left foot, cross over right, arms in daggers, sort of diagonal towards left shoulder

    4-straighten knees, low touchdown

    5-knees bent, right foot step right, daggers towards right shoulder

    6-straighten kness, low touchdown

    7-bend knees, daggers towards left

    &-straighten, low touchdown

    8-bend, daggers towards right

    &-straighten, low touchdown

    1-bend, daggers towards left

    2-straighten, low touchdown

    3-bend, daggers right, right foot crosses over left

    4-straighten, low touchdown

    5-bend, daggers left, left leg step left

    6-straighten, low touchdown

    7-bend, daggers right

    &-straighten, low touchdown

    8-bend, daggers left

    1,2,3,4-snap fingers by sides, then move hands towards right three times

    5,6,7,8-snap fingers by sides, then move hands towards left three times

    1,2,3,4-left arm in half T fingers stretched and wiggling, extend arm out and to the side, fingers moving

    5,6,7,8-same with right arm

    1,2-step together, right arm in low V, left arm behind your head, (pump, pump)

    3,4-switch arms

    5,6-right arm in daggers, left arm by side (knock, knock)

    7,8-switch arms

    1-turn towards the right and step to the right with right foot, looking foreward, right hand on pelvis

    2-step together with left foot, keep right hand on pelvis, left hand on pelvis

    3-with right foot, step right, keeping left hand on pelvis, right arm extended foreward

    4-bring left toe to right foot, slap pelvis with left hand, keep right arm extended, look left at crowd

    5-face front, walk foreward with left foot

    6-walkforeward with right foot

    7-bring left foot to right foot, lean to the left side, bend knees and bring arms to a box, with pointer and middle fingers up


    1-turn towards right and hand on knees

    2-stand up, arms crossed on chest, right arm on left shoulder, left arm on right shoulder

    3-put hands on hips, thumbs in front, fingers behind

    4-pick up toe and look left at crowd


Old School -

    1-step foreward with right foot

    2-cross over right foot with left foot

    3-step back with right foot

    4-step back with left foot,feet apart

    5,6-arms in T, SLOW MOTION:bend knees, lean hips right, lean hips center, lean hips left

    7,8-hand on hips SLOW MOTION:bend knees, lean hips right, lean hips center, lean hips left

    1-with left hand stretched, fingers together, forearm at pelvis level, swing up to dagger position

    2-same with right hand (now praying)

    3-turn towards left and swing hands together behind head

    4-bring back to shoulder level, in a foreward clasp

    5,6,7,8-bring clasp behind head and body roll your hands to your sides

    1-face right, feet apart, hands by sides

    2-face left, feet apart, hands by sides

    3-face right, feet apart, hands by sides

    &-push heels out and knees in, and arms in half T, but elbows up

    4-push heels back in and knees back out, arms in half T

    5-lean foreward towards left knee and rumble fists

    6-rumble fists and pick up right toe and tap it next to left foot

    7-lean back and rumble fists backwards stepping back with right foot

    8- rumble fits and pick up left toe and tap it next to righ foot

    1-face foreward, clean

    2-jump feet apart

    3-bend knees and extend right arm out and up towards left shoulder

    4- bend knees, right arm by side, left arm up and out towards right shoulder

    5-legs apart, face foreward, left arm on hip, and right hand on top of left fist

    6-move right hand to right hip

    &-right arm half T

    7-right heel push out, right arm T

    &-right heel in, right arm dagger


    &-step out with right foot, left arm by side, right arm in half T

    1-right arm in high V

    &-right arm in half T

    2-right arm in T, left foot together with right foot

    &-right arm in half T

    3-right arm in high V, step out with left foot


    5-step out with right foot, left hand on hip, right arm about to punch foreward

    6-step together with left foot, punch foreward with right arm

    7-step left foot out, keep left hand on hip, right arm down by side

    8-step together with right foot, left hand behind head

    1-step out with right foot, punch right arm to left side

    &-half T

    2-right arm out in a T

    3-bring left arm next to right arm


    5-swing arms in a circle foreward

    6-hands behind head

    7-hands on knees together

    8-pop out in a high V

    8 - counts -

    Count 1: Feet apart hands by sides

    Count &: Feet together

    Count 2: Feet apart

    Count 3: Hands on hips

    Count 4: Right side of cheerleaders look right, left half of cheerleaders look left

    Count 5: Feet togethjer arms in touchdown

    Count &: Arms in daggers

    Count 6: Knees bent, arms in low touchdown

    Count 7: Feet apart, arms clasped behind head

    Count 8: High V -------------------------------------

    Count 1: Clasp arms above head

    Count 2: Bend elbows so that clasp is behind head

    Count 3: High V

    Count 4: Low V

    Count 5: Wrap your arms around you so that right arm is over chest and left arm behind back and bend your knees and sort of sit to your right

    Count 6: Straighten knees and T

    Count 7: Bend knees and sit to the left with hands on left knee

    Count 8: Straighten knees and do a punch ----------------------------------

    Count 1: Step out to your right, hands in a T

    Count 2: Legs come together on your right, hands go in to a left punch

    Count 3: Step out to your left, hands in a T

    Count 4: Legs come together on your left, hands are in a right punch

    Count 5: Legs pop out, hands in a high V

    Count &: (inbetween 5 and 6) Hip goes a little to the right as you do this, and your arms cross across your chest, hands are in fists

    Count 6: Hip comes back center, and hands are in low V

    Count 7: On toes, feet together, arms in touchdown

    Count 8: Legs bent, arms in low touchdown ---------------------------------------------------

    Count 1: Legs pop out, hands in high V

    Count 2: Hands come down to a low clap, arms are strait

    Count 3: Bring clap up to where your normal clap would be

    Count 4: Hands go into a bow-n-arrow, to your left

    Count 5: Left hand on hip, right hand in high V

    Count 6: Left hand comes up to make a full high V

    Count 7: Clap

    Count 8: Right punch --------------------------------------------------

    Count 1: Left leg forward with knee bent and right leg behind you in a lunge, your arms are in a low V

    Count 2: Left leg comes back to original position while the right leg is up like a liberty (it's more of a 90 degree angle); your arms are in a half T

    Count 3: Right leg moves forward into a lunge and left leg moves behind you, arms are in a high V

    Count 4: Both legs move shoulder length apart and your arms are by your side in a clean

    Count 5: Turn your upper body to the right and bend down slightly. Put your left arm in front of you and snap, while at the same time bringing your right arm behind you and snap (this should all be performed as one motion on the same count)

    Count 6: Straighten your upper body out and bring your arms up into a half-T

    Count 7: Cross your arms in front of you in fists (right over left) while at the same time cross your feet (like a criss cross, just do not cross back over yet (your feet should jump slightly into this position)

    Count & (Between 7 and 8): Bring your feet back to the shoulder width position lift before (there should be a slight jump in this transition once again) and your arms will move directly in front of you but bent at a 90 degree angle with your elbows facing down, your elbows and arms should be shoulder width apart

    Count 8: Clasp your hands together in front of you in a clasp --------------------------------------------------------

    Count 1 and 2: Take your right arm, make a low diagonal, and then break it and bring it up to a half high v

    Count 3 and 4: Take your left arm and do the same thing

    Count 5 and 6: Swing your high v forward, and hit a high v again

    Count 7 and 8: Take your left hand and put it on you hip, then take your right hand, and bring it down, to wear it would hit your right shoulder blade twice, and then hitting the high v again ----------------------------------------------------

    Count 1: Clap

    Count 2: Left hand on hip, right hand in low V

    Count 3: Right hand on hip, left hand in high V

    Count 4: Bring right had up, so you have a full high V

    Count 5: Left arm is bent, on right solder blade in fist, and right arm is strait all the way down on your left hip, fists are closed also.

    Count 6: Left hand on hip, right hand in high V

    Count 7: Left hand comes up, so you have a full high V

    Count 8: Clap, and right leg come up to your knee ------------------------------------------------------

    Count 1: Legs come apart, make a double lunge (squat), left hand on hip, right hand in low V

    Count &: (in between one and two) Stand up, right hand on hip, left hand in low V

    Count 2: Double lunge, left hand on hip, right hand in low V

    Count 3: Feet together, on toes, hands in touch down

    Count 4: Take hands and make a low V, weight back on your heels

    Count 5: Turn your body around, have arms wrapped around you

    Count 6: Turn back towards the audience, hands back in low V

    Count 7: Clap

    Count 8: Clap --------------------------------------------------------

    Count 1: Hands in half T, right leg comes up to liberty

    Count 2: Hands still in position, bring leg behind but not too far

    Count 3: Hands come out to a T motion, leg comes up and kicks

    Count 4: Clean together

    Count 5: Hands in half T, bring left leg up into liberty

    Count 6: Hands still in posistion, leg comes behind to get ready to kick

    Count 7: Hands extend to T, and kick

    Count 8: Clean

    Click here for tumbling!

    Email: pinkpiff@hotmail.com